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Unable to pause live broadcast

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    Several times recently I have pressed pause but all I get is an error message. Doesn't matter how long I wait I still get the same error.

    | Fri 26 Jan 2018 10:59:01 #1 |
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    Here's the attachment.


    1. IMG_20180125_205339a.jpg (84.7 KB, 0 downloads) 6 years old
    | Fri 26 Jan 2018 11:02:33 #2 |
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    In 5&1/2 years with the 1000S I've never seen that, nor has it ever been reported here as I recall. I would guess at a hard disk problem. Try as a first step a hard disk cleanup (which will not erase any data). 2nd a factory reset (recording schedule is lost), 3rd a hard disk format (everything is lost). Lastly, looks like a disk replacement.

    | Fri 26 Jan 2018 12:42:50 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Pollensa1946 - 12 minutes ago  » 
    In 5&1/2 years with the 1000S I've never seen that, nor has it ever been reported here as I recall. I would guess at a hard disk problem. Try as a first step a hard disk cleanup (which will not erase any data). 2nd a factory reset (recording schedule is lost), 3rd a hard disk format (everything is lost). Lastly, looks like a disk replacement.

    It was reported a few times when the box was relatively new. It's generally down to file corruption of the time shift buffer file (perhaps as a result of a power cut). The same condition was found on the Foxsat-HDR for which the custom firmware offered a simple fix. Afaik only a disk format will fix a affected G2 box if the file is corrupt.

    As you say try a reset (never found the disk clean up to do anything).

    | Fri 26 Jan 2018 12:58:31 #4 |
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    Thanks both. I'm running a disk clean now, hadn't noticed the option before!

    Has anyone tried removing the disk and mounting it on a PC to fix things?

    [Edit] Disk clean hasn't fixed it. Got too many recordings I want to keep so destructive methods are out of the question. Will have to live without the Pause function!

    | Fri 26 Jan 2018 13:02:19 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    wiggers - 46 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks both. I'm running a disk clean now, hadn't noticed the option before!
    Has anyone tried removing the disk and mounting it on a PC to fix things?
    [Edit] Disk clean hasn't fixed it. Got too many recordings I want to keep so destructive methods are out of the question. Will have to live without the Pause function!

    Other than deleting your recording schedule a factory reset does not affect your existing recordings. Photograph the schedule first using a digital camera.

    The recording partition is apparently encrypted so you can't access it on a PC which itself needs to be booted into Linux.

    | Fri 26 Jan 2018 13:50:19 #6 |
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    Thanks for the tips!

    I recall from replacing the HD in an older model that there were several partitions. I was wondering if the time-shift buffer was in its own partition. Maybe if that could be wiped it would be re-created?

    PS I use DiskInternals Linux Reader to access such disks under Windoze.

    | Fri 26 Jan 2018 14:25:16 #7 |
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    wiggers - 8 minutes ago  » ...if the time-shift buffer was in its own partition. Maybe if that could be wiped it would be re-created?
    PS I use DiskInternals Linux Reader to access such disks under Windoze.

    That reader is, as the name suggests, read-only.

    | Fri 26 Jan 2018 14:35:33 #8 |
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    D'oh! Yes, of course. Ages since I had to do anything like that. I have some Linux VMs lying around, maybe I used one of those.

    | Fri 26 Jan 2018 14:40:06 #9 |
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    Factory Reset hasn't worked either.

    Is there anyone from Humax UK here? I submitted a support request (2017-12-13 15:10:14) but heard nothing back despite their promise to, "respond to you (sic) email inquiry with in 24-48 hours."

    | Fri 26 Jan 2018 15:29:08 #10 |

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