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Viewing a series recording in correct order

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    pgh1949 - 18 hours ago  » 
    When viewing a group of recordings (for example a series of TV programmes), when you cursor into the programme the cursor highlights the most recent recording by default. However I want to watch the oldest one first, as I'm sure most people do!
    Is there any way of achieving this apart from going into the list and moving the cursor up to the top manually? I find it extremely cumbersome and irritating to carry out such a basic function every time I watch a series.

    Try Left button (to get to episode date list) followed the CH UP [ie. CH^]. This takes me to the earliest of the episodes (although I suppose if you have more than one page of back episodes you might need another CH UP). Still 2 button presses I know but avoids having to do UP, UP, UP,......

    | Wed 24 Feb 2016 12:44:31 #11 |
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    I'm afraid I must be old school in that although I have unlimited broadband I still prefer to record my programmes rather than use catch up. In fact the only time I tend to use catch up is when or if I realise I have missed something I wanted to 'record'.

    A simple time and date stamp on my recordings would be the preferred option - I may be wrong on this but I'm sure our old Sky+ box used to date stamp the recordings. I like to record all episodes of Gardeners World. Last year there were 26 episodes. In the end I deleted them as the Freesat ordering of them just left me totally bewildered. Although they were numbered the numbers failed to follow any chronological order.

    | Wed 24 Feb 2016 13:24:03 #12 |
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    pgh1949 - 20 hours ago  » 
    When viewing a group of recordings (for example a series of TV programmes), when you cursor into the programme the cursor highlights the most recent recording by default. However I want to watch the oldest one first, as I'm sure most people do!
    Is there any way of achieving this apart from going into the list and moving the cursor up to the top manually? I find it extremely cumbersome and irritating to carry out such a basic function every time I watch a series.

    Even more annoying is that once you've watched an episode and deleted it the box drops you back to the list with the last recording highlighted again. My thumb is getting a LOT of exercise.
    I would hope this sort of thing would get ironed out but I have no previous experience of Humax so who knows.

    | Wed 24 Feb 2016 14:28:15 #13 |
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    I also find the "newest recording of a series is the one highlighted" so ludicrous it makes me wonder if the person who designed this "feature" has ever actually owned a television!

    However, compared to all the other joke "features" of the FVP 4000T, I have simply got used to the unnecessary button clicking.

    A sad reflection on the whole 4000T fiasco really.


    | Thu 10 Mar 2016 11:37:33 #14 |
  5. Stephenesque


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    gorses - 2 weeks ago  » 

    pgh1949 - 20 hours ago  » 
    When viewing a group of recordings (for example a series of TV programmes), when you cursor into the programme the cursor highlights the most recent recording by default. However I want to watch the oldest one first, as I'm sure most people do!
    Is there any way of achieving this apart from going into the list and moving the cursor up to the top manually? I find it extremely cumbersome and irritating to carry out such a basic function every time I watch a series.

    Even more annoying is that once you've watched an episode and deleted it the box drops you back to the list with the last recording highlighted again. My thumb is getting a LOT of exercise.
    I would hope this sort of thing would get ironed out but I have no previous experience of Humax so who knows.

    I discovered by accident that if I let the recording run right to the end, it stops and the next episode starts to play automatically.

    Alex4000's tip about using the CH UP to go directly to the oldest recording is very useful.

    | Thu 10 Mar 2016 13:46:17 #15 |
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    Strange Trout

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    This is the same question that I am asking three years later because the answer that came back doesn't work. I have tried everything and I can only watch the episode that the bloody machine decides I should watch. This question only applies to multiple episodes which are recorded on the same day.

    I rather think that these tech blokes haven't a clue about actual users and they certainly don't bother with product testing. It's a sad state of affairs that I have had this box (my fourth in eight years) three days and already I have to come here and Humax is considered the best of its kind - ha! Help please, turning grey trying to figure this out.

    | Sun 23 Jun 2019 16:41:26 #16 |
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    Strange Trout

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    It's a FVP-5000T.

    | Sun 23 Jun 2019 16:42:25 #17 |
  8. Stephenesque


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    Strange Trout - 1 day ago  » 
    This is the same question that I am asking three years later because the answer that came back doesn't work. I have tried everything and I can only watch the episode that the bloody machine decides I should watch. This question only applies to multiple episodes which are recorded on the same day.
    I rather think that these tech blokes haven't a clue about actual users and they certainly don't bother with product testing. It's a sad state of affairs that I have had this box (my fourth in eight years) three days and already I have to come here and Humax is considered the best of its kind - ha! Help please, turning grey trying to figure this out.

    I'm not sure what the problem is as the answer on how to watch a series in order is in the thread.
    You select the programme, press left < to the episode list then use the CH rocker switch to scroll to the top of the list (or up on the wheel to the episode you want) then OK to select, right > out of the list and OK to play recording. If you are watching in one sitting the series will then play one after the other in the order they were broadcast if you either wait until the end of each episode, or FF/Skip to the end on the commercial channels to skip the ads.

    Alternatively you can use the search function to find the programme you want and see the episodes recorded listed in chronological order under the Recording Tab. You need to type in the programme's name or key words only once, it will then remain in your search list to scroll to the next time you press the search key.

    | Tue 25 Jun 2019 10:43:02 #18 |
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    Strange Trout

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    Hi Stephenesque and thanks for your answer. I have noticed something that I didn't before so I'm going to have a play. You were very helpful, thanks.

    I miss You View!!

    | Wed 26 Jun 2019 15:53:46 #19 |
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    I quite agree that this is a ludicrous "feature". I almost never want to watch things in anything other than the order they were broadcast.

    I know you can scroll to the top to view the earliest episode, but for heavens sake why should that be necessary? It should default to highlighting the oldest episode, not the newest.

    | Wed 26 Jun 2019 17:53:38 #20 |

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