My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Weak Signal

(14 posts)
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    Hello. I'm new to this forum and hope that you will be able to help me.
    I chose this thread because it seems to describe - more or less - my problem.
    I have an HDR1000 connected by splitter to a single LNB outlet. The other end of the splitter connects to my Freesat enabled TV.
    The TV works perfectly well, but the Humax tells me that the signal is too weak.
    When connect the Humax directly, then it works perfectly.
    Is there a solution? I really need both to work since this is my only means of watching one channel whilst recording another.
    Thanks for your attention.

    | Tue 15 Aug 2017 13:59:54 #11 |
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    Ajm600 - 35 minutes ago  » 
    Hello. I'm new to this forum and hope that you will be able to help me.
    I chose this thread because it seems to describe - more or less - my problem.
    I have an HDR1000 connected by splitter to a single LNB outlet. The other end of the splitter connects to my Freesat enabled TV.
    The TV works perfectly well, but the Humax tells me that the signal is too weak.
    When connect the Humax directly, then it works perfectly.
    Is there a solution? I really need both to work since this is my only means of watching one channel whilst recording another.
    Thanks for your attention.

    Hello, and welcome to the forum.
    Since both your TV and the HDR1000 show good signals from your single output LNB when connected individually, that would seem to point towards your "splitter" being the culprit.

    What type of splitter is it? You cannot use a regular UHF splitter on LNB feeds. Only one device can control the LNB ie high band, low band, vertical or horizontal polarisation switching at any given time.

    | Tue 15 Aug 2017 14:47:30 #12 |


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    Is it not possible to change the LNB and run another two cables?
    It is not normally difficult to do yourself, and inexpensive.

    | Tue 15 Aug 2017 15:49:04 #13 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    The HDR1000S is much more capable than the TV as it can use two tuners on a single cable.

    If you can't change the lnb for a quad (4 output) one, best to connect the single cable to the HDR1000S.

    Basically only one output of the splitter allows the satellite tuner to control the lnb, if you switch the splitter outputs to connect the HDR1000S to the one now used by the TV, hopefully it will work in single cable mode. Depending on the channel(s) being used by the HDR1000S the TV Tuner will have about 50% of the channels (see the above link) when it's on or in recording sby.

    More info on how a LNB works is here, this explains why you can't just split a satellite feed as you can with a terrestrial aerial.

    | Tue 15 Aug 2017 16:42:23 #14 |

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