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Youtube Issues

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    I have exactly the same problem as gregb49 and I am able to use BBC I player without a problem. Hope they fix it soon. I have another smart SHARP TV that works OK on YouTube so it must be something to do with the way Humax boxes and YouTube talk to each other.

    | Sun 11 Oct 2020 21:46:42 #51 |
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    Same here....My Humax HDR cannot load YouTube....However my Sony DVD player also connected to the internet has no problem with YouTube.
    Therefore this is down to YouTube because nothing has changed in the Humax side of things.

    | Sun 11 Oct 2020 22:17:37 #52 |
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    Smiley - 42 mins ago  » 
    Same here....My Humax HDR cannot load YouTube....However my Sony DVD player also connected to the internet has no problem with YouTube.
    Therefore this is down to YouTube because nothing has changed in the Humax side of things.

    Not logical that it's YouTube. If it's working fine on everything except Humax, it has something to do with Humax.

    | Sun 11 Oct 2020 23:02:20 #53 |
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    perfectly logical because for the Humax side, nothing software upgrade etc....So what has changed to cause this problem.?
    Humax Boxes...nothing.
    Sony DVD player....nothing.
    YouTube...the source....????
    The only thing that could have changed therefore is YouTube, the source.
    Somebody in You tube must have been "twindling with the knobs"....

    | Mon 12 Oct 2020 7:54:57 #54 |
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    Smiley - 16 mins ago  » 
    perfectly logical because for the Humax side, nothing software upgrade etc....So what has changed to cause this problem.?
    Humax Boxes...nothing.
    Sony DVD player....nothing.
    YouTube...the source....????
    The only thing that could have changed therefore is YouTube, the source.
    Somebody in You tube must have been "twindling with the knobs"....

    You say that, but it is now clearly acknowledged that the problem with iPlayer is/was Humax's issue, not the BBC, and that has also been happening since Humax last updated the boxes.

    | Mon 12 Oct 2020 8:13:42 #56 |
  6. joe pineapples

    joe pineapples

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    I hope Youtube and Humax aren't going to play the blame game, otherwise I can't see it ever being sorted :(.

    | Mon 12 Oct 2020 8:13:49 #57 |
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    Interesting and disturbing to read all the posts on this subject. I have a HB-1100s which has worked really well for around three years, but suddenly stopped using YouTube. I use it daily and am distressed that it is no longer working. I can see it on my phone or laptop top but not the tv. I hope it can be solved - but looking at other posts am doubtful.

    | Mon 12 Oct 2020 8:50:05 #58 |
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    The only problem is with viewing YouTube and nothing else...
    That says a lot.
    No problems whatsoever with the BBC iplayer that has been mentioned.

    | Mon 12 Oct 2020 10:55:35 #59 |
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    Smiley - 3 hours ago  » 
    perfectly logical because for the Humax side, nothing software upgrade etc....So what has changed to cause this problem.?
    Humax Boxes...nothing.
    Sony DVD player....nothing.
    YouTube...the source....????
    The only thing that could have changed therefore is YouTube, the source.
    Somebody in You tube must have been "twindling with the knobs"....

    I disagree. YouTube is working fine on kindles, other television makes, PCs, firesticks, with them there is no problem. As it is only, I stress only, Humax that is failing to work properly with YouTube, it has to be a Humax problem. Not YouTube, otherwise YouTube would not be working at all on anything we used. However, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion, as we all are, as Humax are now investigating this strange happening, all we can hope for is a solution. Which we all want, regardless of who's fault it is. Updating is generally the favourite happening to cause issues of the technological kind.

    | Mon 12 Oct 2020 11:42:35 #60 |
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    My guess is that there is an embedded client certificate in the Humax that has now expired. As YouTube uses HTTPS it’s a possible cause. Just supporting that there are components on the Humax end that even if left untouched can cause problems.

    | Mon 12 Oct 2020 11:51:02 #61 |

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