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New software version 1.03.12 ~ OTA date

(115 posts)
  1. af123


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    Barry - 13 minutes ago  » 
    Whilst I can understand some of the comments re the EPG it is not something that bothers me personally as I prefer to use the skip and page keys for quick scrolling.

    Scrolling seems to be around four times slower in 1.03.xx than it was in 1.02.xx. Hopefully they can work out what they changed to cause that and revert it.

    | Mon 3 Mar 2014 21:32:31 #61 |
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    I can't get used to the extremely sloooow epg scrolling. Somebody timed it a while ago and it was 6 times slower, which was my experience. Having nothing in the schedule and doing a factory reset made absolutely no difference. I'm amazed that some people haven't noticed the problem or aren't bothered by it.

    Deleting all but 7 channels, and less I guess, speeds it up almost back to normal, move forward a week where the epg is empty right of the timeline and it zooms through. It's as if it's having to re-render the whole epg every time a button is pressed rather than the 7 channels to be displayed.

    The good news is bbc3HD now records instead of failing everytime, although the both first programmes of a double series-linked, Dr.Who and Salamander failed for me, the second played fine and I've not been able to replicate it since a factory reset.

    My thanks to Humax for sorting the bbcHD recording problems and I'm sure Humax know what was changed to slow the epg down so please revert that bit.

    | Tue 4 Mar 2014 1:52:36 #62 |
  3. brian


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    damian - 4 hours ago  » 
    Deleting all but 7 channels, and less I guess, speeds it up almost back to normal, move forward a week where the epg is empty right of the timeline and it zooms through. It's as if it's having to re-render the whole epg every time a button is pressed rather than the 7 channels to be displayed.

    My boxes only have 7 channels tuned in, and I can confirm that the EPG is still very slow, even on boxes with no scheduled recordings.

    | Tue 4 Mar 2014 6:16:23 #63 |
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    af123 - 11 hours ago  » 
    <blockquoteScrolling seems to be around four times slower in 1.03.xx than it was in 1.02.xx. Hopefully they can work out what they changed to cause that and revert it.

    It depends on which nevigation button and how many entries you have in your schedule. The left and right are the worst with a minimum of twice as long if you have no schedule and 6 times a slong with 50 entries in the schedule.
    If I had to guess the typical slow down I'd go for a factor of 4 for those buttons.

    | Tue 4 Mar 2014 9:12:09 #64 |
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    damian - 7 hours ago  » 
    I can't get used to the extremely sloooow epg scrolling. Somebody timed it a while ago and it was 6 times slower, which was my experience. Having nothing in the schedule and doing a factory reset made absolutely no difference. I'm amazed that some people haven't noticed the problem or aren't bothered by it.

    That is a user interface issue that different people interact with the box differently. I didn't know what people were going on about with 1.03.06 and 11 till af123 posted up the test, then it was clear that some people must scroll all 24 hours programme by programme. I either know the time and day from other source or do a search, rather than bash through the grid.

    That's not saying that there isn't an issue but why some people don't find it an issue is that they use the EPG differently.

    | Tue 4 Mar 2014 9:41:12 #65 |
  6. MontysEvilTwin


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    For me the other features of 1.03.12 outweigh the EPG problems, but I understand why a significant minority of people revert to a 1.02.xx version. This was brought home to me the other day when using my HD-Fox (1.02.29): I was taken aback by how speedy the EPG is. If the HD-Fox is a Ferrari, the HDR-Fox is an electric milk float. Come on Humax, the EPG worked fine before: you can fix it!

    | Tue 4 Mar 2014 9:45:56 #66 |
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    Barry - 14 hours ago  » 
    Dear oh dear, there is some codswallop being posted elsewhere re the reason for this update being suspended (thanks to the person who pointed it out to me)
    1. There is nothing untoward wrong with the software.
    2. Your boxes have not been bricked.
    3. There is no legal problem.
    4. Add any other conspiracy theory, nonsense.
    I was made aware as to why it was suspended, and HDR T2 owners with the update have nothing to worry about. It is only of concern to those parties involved.
    Edit: even more rubbish now, I knew it would not be long before someone trotted out the oft misused 'fit for purpose' tagline.

    It couldn't have been fit for purpose else it wouldn't have been pulled, that stands to reason. The best course would have been to let the upgrade run knowing that an audience would question why it was suspended then run the next release. They generated a PR issue with their actions so you can't run a campaign on their customers if doubt is sown in the product which comes down to Humax's poor handling of events.

    | Tue 4 Mar 2014 9:51:49 #67 |
  8. af123


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    Tell - 15 minutes ago  » 
    It couldn't have been fit for purpose else it wouldn't have been pulled, that stands to reason.

    You don't know that. There are all sorts of reasons it could have been pulled. Off the top of my head, the BBC could have asked them to halt the rollout because of an issue with iPlayer at their end which was being triggered by the new software, or the DTG engineering channel bandwidth could have been temporarily needed elsewhere (I think it's unlikely at this time but bandwidth is regularly borrowed by dropping audio bitrates, suspending data streams etc. when there's a particular need).

    I'm sure that if there was a significant technical issue with the OTA then Humax would allow Barry to tell us!

    | Tue 4 Mar 2014 10:12:32 #68 |
  9. chrisdaniels


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    Agreed, or it could simply be that JVC who already had those slots booked, said "hey, we paid for that slot. You can have your turn in a few weeks.."

    Its possible that the DTG double booked in error..

    | Tue 4 Mar 2014 10:35:18 #69 |
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    Either way I object to this board and the other one using it as a weapon to hunt down people who don't tow the Humax party line. The customer is always right is a good motto to follow. Just saying nothing when the update was pulled would have been far better. So a PR issue by not being open as to what is going on. As a Humax customer we have a right to know I would say when they change the way the product works over the air unless we enjoy being spoon fed.

    I did wonder myself whether there could be an iPlayer issue but then again poor planning not to have picked this up. It still wouldn't have been fit for purpose under that one.

    | Tue 4 Mar 2014 10:37:51 #70 |

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