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Annoying 'WATCH IN HD' message.

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    Later thought: I have not had a chance to try it yet, but I have just wondered if watching a few seconds delayed would act as a workaround to suppress these annoying messages.

    Yes, I tried that possible workaround during the 6pm news and it looks like a promising compromise. But it should not be necessary to muck about like that.

    | Tue 3 Apr 2018 17:37:13 #21 |


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    on freesat they lessened and added a menu option.
    Hope for the same if sufficient of you complain to then (Not Humax)

    | Tue 3 Apr 2018 18:39:44 #22 |


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    REPASSAC - 16 seconds ago  » 
    on freesat they lessened and added a menu option.
    Hope for the same if sufficient of you complain to them - freeview(Not Humax)

    | Tue 3 Apr 2018 18:40:24 #23 |
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    Yes, the workaround I mentioned above does seem to suppress this annoying message for now. You only seem to need to pause the live TV for a few seconds for it to work.

    Barry: Any chance of Humax Towers sorting this out?

    | Thu 5 Apr 2018 12:33:06 #24 |
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    Being sick of this problem, I decided he best thing to do was get rid of BBC One HD from the tuned channels. That seems to have got rid of the messages. Before I deleted the channel, I rescheduled my BBC One recordings to BBC One on LCN 0001.

    I am not too bothered about losing the HD as it doesn't display very differently to SD on my 32" TV. I can detect the difference, but only just.

    So that means I can watch BBC One News straight through into the London news uninterrupted by the messages and without having to pause first.

    | Sun 15 Apr 2018 13:16:13 #25 |
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    Viewing STV SD 103 with it set ON on the 1000S (you can turn it OFF in Settings), it appears once and if ignored does not come back. Never watch BBC in SD so can't confirm if same case there.

    | Sun 15 Apr 2018 14:13:23 #26 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Yes you can delete all the channels you dont want and just leave the HD versions of those channels.

    However that advice sounds fine until I keep losing whole bands. At the moment I cant get BBC news HD as channel 55 Winter hill is missing with zero signal.

    I then have to retune to bring the SD channel back. Its getting beyond a joke.

    | Sun 15 Apr 2018 22:57:47 #27 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    Minstrel SE - 11 hours ago  » 
    Yes you can delete all the channels you dont want and just leave the HD versions of those channels.
    However that advice sounds fine until I keep losing whole bands. At the moment I cant get BBC news HD as channel 55 Winter hill is missing with zero signal.
    I then have to retune to bring the SD channel back. Its getting beyond a joke.

    That may be because you have a group A aerial. Com 7 and 8 have moved to UHF 55 and 56 which is out of band for a group A.

    | Mon 16 Apr 2018 10:25:35 #28 |
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    grahamlthompson - 1 hour ago  » 

    Minstrel SE - 11 hours ago  » 
    Yes you can delete all the channels you dont want and just leave the HD versions of those channels.
    However that advice sounds fine until I keep losing whole bands. At the moment I cant get BBC news HD as channel 55 Winter hill is missing with zero signal.
    I then have to retune to bring the SD channel back. Its getting beyond a joke.

    That may be because you have a group A aerial. Com 7 and 8 have moved to UHF 55 and 56 which is out of band for a group A.

    Seems unlikely for Winter Hill as I don't think it has ever been a Group A transmitter. Presumably the signal check for 55 was done with DVB-T2 selected, not DVB-T.

    | Mon 16 Apr 2018 11:39:15 #29 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    nope for about a week to two weeks after the last major retune I had every channel..... every single channel perfectly....then suddenly channel 55 has zero signal. so I know the aerial was picking up channel 55

    Believe me I now dream about DVB T and T2 in my sleep so Im very familiar with the manual settings.

    Too many variables here to pin it down quickly but it never ceases to be annoying

    | Tue 17 Apr 2018 5:56:08 #30 |

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