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Aura app installed from Goole Play store

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    larkim - 13 hours ago  » 
    Just trying it from work over 4G (work wifi isn't worth trying due to firewalls etc).
    Doesn't seem to want to connect to the box for viewing, telling me "turn on wifi on your mobile, make sure your mobile and Humax box are connected to the same network". I suppose not entirely surprising that it doesn't want me to stream remotely, but as I can achieve that via the webapp it's a little sad that I can't do it on the app too.
    "Schedule" works, but "On Now" and "Recordings" are greyed out. Downloads is available of course.
    Just set a few things to record, will see later if that's worked OK.
    My only real use-case is to set recordings remotely, either within my home or outside of it, so so long as that bit works I'm happy enough.

    I assume that is all by design.

    When at home on same network as Aura, you can do the following:

    On Now
    TV Guide

    When you are away from home, then you have access to the following:

    TV Guide

    | Wed 20 Jan 2021 22:30:33 #31 |
  2. GordyBoy


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    I have an Aura FVP-4KGT and an FVP 4000t. The app recognises both but will only let me register one or the other which is a pain in the bum.

    Is there a work around for this or do I need two Android devices?

    | Wed 20 Jan 2021 23:09:47 #32 |
  3. woodbar


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    The Moog - 3 hours ago  » 
    Two immediate 'nice to haves' from the app, it would be nice if when selecting an SD programme to record from the schedule, you were offered the HD version of it is available. Also noticed when testing it out and selecting a load of random things to record, that you can't cancel a recording from the app once it is set.

    Absolutely - the usual "half a job" from Humax I am afraid.

    If you schedule the SD version by mistake from the app (because it does not tell you there is an HD alternative AND you forgot to scroll all the way down the guide) then you cannot delete it and choose the right one.

    You could always schedule the HD one as well but that takes 2 of your simultaneous recording slots.

    On my old Xtend combi PVR, and all such enigma 2 devices, there is an option to swap channels if HD is available - so 101 becomes 1, 102 becomes 2 ..... etc. and vice versa - simples! That way your main HD programs are at the top of the listing.

    My other pet hate - WHY do I have to press the info button to get either the full title or the program or information for whatever is highlighted in the guide? There is oodles of real estate at the top left of the screen - why not put it there? Crazy!

    | Wed 20 Jan 2021 23:28:57 #33 |
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    This looks like a rehash of the existing Live app and seems that many of the issues with that app have been ported over to the Aura branded version. It still has a problem distinguishing between ethernet and WiFi connections as it sees this as different networks, unless that is just me. However the basic function of scheduling recording seems to work...

    | Thu 21 Jan 2021 7:44:24 #34 |
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    It still has a problem distinguishing between ethernet and WiFi connections as it sees this as different networks, unless that is just me.

    I know nothing about networks, but that's interesting - if you're on a 192.168.1.x network on your mobile with SSID "MatesWifi", and the Aura is on a 192.168.1.x network wirelessly with SSID "HomeWifi", and you're both connecting to the Humax servers to handshake etc, it would be simple to know that they are the different networks, but if the Aura is wired, how does it "know" what network it is on?

    I presume all connections start by going through the Humax servers first of all (hence the need to log in), but presumably after that the two devices talk directly?

    | Thu 21 Jan 2021 8:12:51 #35 |
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    All seems to work except Downloads. Is anything else required apart from tapping the Download button?

    | Fri 22 Jan 2021 11:53:53 #36 |
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    You need to convert a programme before downloading don't you? I downloaded one last night as a test and it all worked fine (all operating on my home wifi).

    | Fri 22 Jan 2021 12:48:55 #37 |
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    Thanks. It was my fault - I wasn't on the same WiFi network. Which is interesting as everything except Downloads worked.
    Have yet to try it away from home.

    | Fri 22 Jan 2021 14:13:41 #38 |
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    Everything works with the App. I can convert the recording for download to mobile, but it asks for a 3 digit code so I can download. Where do I find the 3 digit code?

    | Fri 29 Jan 2021 12:05:11 #39 |
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    GordyBoy - 1 week ago  » 
    I have an Aura FVP-4KGT and an FVP 4000t. The app recognises both but will only let me register one or the other which is a pain in the bum.
    Is there a work around for this or do I need two Android devices?

    Did you manage to get this working with your 4000t?
    I have registered mine, the TV guide loads, the schedule loads correctly, recordings can be set, registration code accepted and account all set up...
    In the app it also says "FVP-4000T disconnected" and refreshing it shows "FVP-4KGTR is connecting" but then reverts to the previous message.
    I have deleted/re-added several times in both the app and online.

    Any suggestions?

    | Fri 29 Jan 2021 12:06:19 #40 |

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