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Aura Beta software dated 02.03.21 & 03.03.21

(98 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    larkim - 53 mins ago  » 
    For those using Ethernet - why? Required throughput for the Aura is pretty low to stream internally or stream online services, so Wifi speeds ought to be more than enough, even if there is lots of other wifi traffic in the house.
    When Wifi was limited to 10Mbps or so it made sense to rely on 100Mbps ethernet (or Gigabit), but current wifi standards are more than capable of sustain 100Mbps; home limitations are normally the WAN speed rather than the wireless LAN speed. Just curious, as those persisting with issues due to ethernet could probably solve them by switching to wireless if that's available to them.
    (Maybe security is the concern, in which case all I know is that I am happy with the level of security on my network).

    Most streaming sites use adaptive bit rates. They reduce the quality to give you a stable picture. So if WiFi is slower than your ISP download speed you get lower quality pictures. Also if streaming from say a network server to plex on the Aura the faster the connection the better.

    My ISP download speed is 100Mbps. The home plug link from aura and my other kit runs at 300mbps. So more than capable of using the full speed available.

    | Sat 6 Mar 2021 16:17:09 #61 |
  2. GordyBoy


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    Didn't realise a second update had happened on 3rd. March. Only came to light when there were massive pixellations last night (5th. March) and I did a crude cold reset by pulling the plug out of the back. I think this must have installed the second update as all is rock steady today and no pixellations at all. The second update did mess up my remote though and I had to re-connect it via Bluetooth and also reset the box control code. Strange but no problem as all is working very well now. It seems to me that the Aura appreciates a cold reboot now and again especially after a software update.

    | Sat 6 Mar 2021 19:56:12 #62 |
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    larkim - 4 hours ago  » 
    For those using Ethernet - why? Required throughput for the Aura is pretty low to stream internally or stream online services, so Wifi speeds ought to be more than enough, even if there is lots of other wifi traffic in the house.
    When Wifi was limited to 10Mbps or so it made sense to rely on 100Mbps ethernet (or Gigabit), but current wifi standards are more than capable of sustain 100Mbps; home limitations are normally the WAN speed rather than the wireless LAN speed. Just curious, as those persisting with issues due to ethernet could probably solve them by switching to wireless if that's available to them.
    (Maybe security is the concern, in which case all I know is that I am happy with the level of security on my network).

    WiFi signal where my TV is located is poor so I use wired.

    When I renovated my home I embedded cat 6 cables in several rooms and the TV AV area is wired. Great for downloading massive updates for the Xbox (I have Virgin 350 MBits, and usually max out the connection), with no fear of dropouts.

    My Sony ZD9 also has Android 9 and I have no issues.

    Aura is the only device that appears to have an unstable connection when I come out of standby (it shows as connected with an assigned IP address but it takes forever for the Android kernel to recognise the connection).

    | Sat 6 Mar 2021 20:14:07 #63 |
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    grahamlthompson - 5 hours ago  » 

    larkim - 53 mins ago  » 
    For those using Ethernet - why? Required throughput for the Aura is pretty low to stream internally or stream online services, so Wifi speeds ought to be more than enough, even if there is lots of other wifi traffic in the house.
    When Wifi was limited to 10Mbps or so it made sense to rely on 100Mbps ethernet (or Gigabit), but current wifi standards are more than capable of sustain 100Mbps; home limitations are normally the WAN speed rather than the wireless LAN speed. Just curious, as those persisting with issues due to ethernet could probably solve them by switching to wireless if that's available to them.
    (Maybe security is the concern, in which case all I know is that I am happy with the level of security on my network).

    Most streaming sites use adaptive bit rates. They reduce the quality to give you a stable picture. So if WiFi is slower than your ISP download speed you get lower quality pictures. Also if streaming from say a network server to plex on the Aura the faster the connection the better.
    My ISP download speed is 100Mbps. The home plug link from aura and my other kit runs at 300mbps. So more than capable of using the full speed available.

    But your wifi will be capable of more than 100Mbps anyway? Limiting factor is normally the WAN side, not the LAN side, whether wired or wireless.

    | Sat 6 Mar 2021 21:43:47 #64 |
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    Regardless of wifi speeds, Ethernet has the advantage of PlugnPlay. Generally No passwords, no setting up security, it just works. All my fixed equipment apart from IOT types uses ethernet, anything IOT, portable or mobile uses WiFi. I'm now using DECO M5 Mesh, rock solid wifi.

    | Sat 6 Mar 2021 22:39:59 #65 |
  6. Mars


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    Since the test match finished early, there was no cricket on Ch4 HD so the Aura recorded Cheers instead and the folder with the cricket recordings was labelled Cheers! This is not how I would expect a PVR to respond to the cancellation of a program. Deleting the two episodes of Cheers changed the folder title back to cricket.

    | Sun 7 Mar 2021 9:11:50 #66 |
  7. Barry


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    Mars - 47 mins ago  » 
    Since the test match finished early, there was no cricket on Ch4 HD so the Aura recorded Cheers instead and the folder with the cricket recordings was labelled Cheers! This is not how I would expect a PVR to respond to the cancellation of a program. Deleting the two episodes of Cheers changed the folder title back to cricket.

    Broadcaster error, they did not change the Crid details which is why they were recorded, folder changing name not so sure who is to blame.

    | Sun 7 Mar 2021 10:00:52 #67 |
  8. Barry


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    Mars - 22 hours ago  » 
    Again, I have record icons missing from scheduled recordings today:
    Night at the Museum, Film4
    Man in Room 301, BBC4 HD (both episodes)
    Die Another Day, ITV Wales HD
    Margin Call, BBC1 Wales HD
    All are in the Schedule and the App (the numbers are the same in the Guide and the Schedule and all are 'marked 1'). Next week's episodes of Man in Room 301 have record icons.

    All my timers are updating as expected. Timed it today, and next Sundays weekly timers had record icon in guide after unit had been on for 9 minutes.

    | Sun 7 Mar 2021 11:46:42 #68 |
  9. davidrew


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    I had an interesting one this morning. Noticed somthing was recording from the status light and could not think of anything scheduled. When I checked Casualty was still recording from Sat night.

    The recordings screen showed it with the red record icon still on with 41 mins length but viewing the recording the progress bar was showing 12 hours plus. Quickly flicked through but the recording only appears to 41 mins long and remaining disk space looks about right.

    Tried to stop the recording with the stop button but didn't do anything, programme information screen gave no option to stop either. In the end I had to do a force stop of the Live TV application from the Apps menu.

    | Sun 7 Mar 2021 14:05:20 #69 |
  10. Mars


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    Barry - 2 hours ago  » 

    Mars - 22 hours ago  » 
    Again, I have record icons missing from scheduled recordings today:
    Night at the Museum, Film4
    Man in Room 301, BBC4 HD (both episodes)
    Die Another Day, ITV Wales HD
    Margin Call, BBC1 Wales HD
    All are in the Schedule and the App (the numbers are the same in the Guide and the Schedule and all are 'marked 1'). Next week's episodes of Man in Room 301 have record icons.

    All my timers are updating as expected. Timed it today, and next Sundays weekly timers had record icon in guide after unit had been on for 9 minutes.

    Record icons were missing for Bloodlands, McDonald & Dodds, and The Great this evening (I am sure that they were there yesterday), I restarted the box and left it on for an hour and they were still missing. I have just done an automatic channel search and after that the record icons were visible. I will have to see if this is a permanent solution.

    | Sun 7 Mar 2021 14:48:01 #70 |

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