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Aura Beta software dated 02.03.21 & 03.03.21

(98 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    ariharry - 1 hour ago  » 

    Mars - 8 hours ago  » 

    ParksidePeter - 22 mins ago  » 
    Don't know if this a beta issue or not, but my ethernet-connected Aura is shown as not connected and with a different MAC address to that shown on the router. The wifi is turned off so I wonder if it means to say that the wifi is not connected and that it is the wifi MAC address.

    It is not a MAC, but an IPv6 address. A few people have had problems with the Ethernet connection, but WiFi seems to work very well.

    Ethernet connectivity sucks, big time.
    I have it wired and network connectivity doesn’t work at all sometimes requiring a restart.

    Mine works 100% everr time.

    Must be a local Issue.

    Post ISP provider. Router used and network connection diagnostics from the menus.

    | Fri 5 Mar 2021 21:44:27 #51 |
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    grahamlthompson - 21 mins ago  » 

    ariharry - 1 hour ago  » 

    Mars - 8 hours ago  » 

    ParksidePeter - 22 mins ago  » 
    Don't know if this a beta issue or not, but my ethernet-connected Aura is shown as not connected and with a different MAC address to that shown on the router. The wifi is turned off so I wonder if it means to say that the wifi is not connected and that it is the wifi MAC address.

    It is not a MAC, but an IPv6 address. A few people have had problems with the Ethernet connection, but WiFi seems to work very well.

    Ethernet connectivity sucks, big time.
    I have it wired and network connectivity doesn’t work at all sometimes requiring a restart.

    Mine works 100% everr time.
    Must be a local Issue.
    Post ISP provider. Router used and network connection diagnostics from the menus.

    Odd. I have an AppleTV, Xbox Series X and TV connected to the same bridge with no issues.

    I’ll change the cable to rule out physical damage.

    | Fri 5 Mar 2021 22:09:12 #52 |
  3. davidrew


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    Just noticed a bug in the OSD background opacity control option. (Version 03.03.21)

    If the control is set to 100% the setting is ignored in the Recordings Screen when in an episodes series folder. It looks as if it reverts to 90% which is the default.

    | Fri 5 Mar 2021 23:20:25 #53 |
  4. Barry


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    The ethernet not connected message is believed to be a 'bug' in Android 9

    If you leave connections as default, ie Wi-Fi on and always scanning then there should not be a problem, and unit will fall back to using Wi-Fi automatically if there is a problem with users ethernet.

    | Sat 6 Mar 2021 6:06:54 #54 |
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    While watching any recording then press live tv button I get intermittent pixellation only cure is soft off then on then ok.

    | Sat 6 Mar 2021 8:29:13 #55 |
  6. davidrew


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    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 
    The ethernet not connected message is believed to be a 'bug' in Android 9
    If you leave connections as default, ie Wi-Fi on and always scanning then there should not be a problem, and unit will fall back to using Wi-Fi automatically if there is a problem with users ethernet.

    Now I might be adding 2+2 and getting 5 but wondering if the LAN bug is related to the momentary pixilation/sound issues. This post, although an external problem in the end, also piqued my interest as it has the same picture/sound symptoms. Sound & Vision Dropping

    I have had two momentary pixilation/sound pause events on two consecutive recordings of The Chase both almost at exactly the same time in the programme.

    I have my Aura Wi-Fi switched off (apart from location services) as I use a LAN cable. I will turn the Wi-Fi back on, connect it (which I never have before) and continue to monitor.

    | Sat 6 Mar 2021 10:26:47 #56 |
  7. davidrew


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    davidrew - 1 min ago  » 

    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 
    The ethernet not connected message is believed to be a 'bug' in Android 9
    If you leave connections as default, ie Wi-Fi on and always scanning then there should not be a problem, and unit will fall back to using Wi-Fi automatically if there is a problem with users ethernet.

    Now I might be adding 2+2 and getting 5 but wondering if the LAN bug is related to the momentary pixilation/sound issues. This post, although an external problem in the end, also piqued my interest as it has the same picture/sound symptoms. Sound & Vision Dropping

    I have had two momentary pixilation/sound pause events on two consecutive recordings of The Chase both almost at exactly the same time in the programme which seems too coincidental to be a signal issue.

    I have my Aura Wi-Fi switched off (apart from location services) as I use a LAN cable. I will turn the Wi-Fi back on, connect it (which I never have before) and continue to monitor.

    | Sat 6 Mar 2021 10:29:23 #57 |
  8. Mars


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    Again, I have record icons missing from scheduled recordings today:
    Night at the Museum, Film4
    Man in Room 301, BBC4 HD (both episodes)
    Die Another Day, ITV Wales HD
    Margin Call, BBC1 Wales HD
    All are in the Schedule and the App (the numbers are the same in the Guide and the Schedule and all are 'marked 1'). Next week's episodes of Man in Room 301 have record icons.

    | Sat 6 Mar 2021 13:34:32 #58 |
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    Barry - 8 hours ago  » 
    The ethernet not connected message is believed to be a 'bug' in Android 9
    If you leave connections as default, ie Wi-Fi on and always scanning then there should not be a problem, and unit will fall back to using Wi-Fi automatically if there is a problem with users ethernet.

    I don't think there's a problem with the ethernet, that's what it used to update the firmware the other day and I can connect to it using in a browser, it's just that the Aura is reporting that it's not connected.

    | Sat 6 Mar 2021 14:43:42 #59 |
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    For those using Ethernet - why? Required throughput for the Aura is pretty low to stream internally or stream online services, so Wifi speeds ought to be more than enough, even if there is lots of other wifi traffic in the house.

    When Wifi was limited to 10Mbps or so it made sense to rely on 100Mbps ethernet (or Gigabit), but current wifi standards are more than capable of sustain 100Mbps; home limitations are normally the WAN speed rather than the wireless LAN speed. Just curious, as those persisting with issues due to ethernet could probably solve them by switching to wireless if that's available to them.

    (Maybe security is the concern, in which case all I know is that I am happy with the level of security on my network).

    | Sat 6 Mar 2021 15:18:07 #60 |

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