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Aura Beta software dated 06.04.21

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    Mars - 31 mins ago  » 

    phlppip - 7 mins ago  » 
    I tried to watch a programme on my 4000T box upstairs from the Aura downstairs both connected to the same network, it let me watch SD programmes no problem however it would not let me watch HD content it gave a message saying file type was not supported.

    I get that message with a Samsung TV when using DLNA, but then when I try again it sometimes works. Does your TV upstairs support DLNA? If so then you could try that.

    I'll give it a try, I have been watching the recordings via the 4000T box as opposed to the TV and as I said SD recordings are fine HD just won't play even after trying again. 400T connected to network via wifi and the Aura is wired via Ethernet.

    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 8:51:51 #11 |
  2. Mars


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    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 
    Steve & Mars please check PM's for message from programmer.


    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 11:52:32 #12 |
  3. barrados


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    phlppip - 3 hours ago  » 

    Mars - 31 mins ago  » 

    phlppip - 7 mins ago  » 
    I tried to watch a programme on my 4000T box upstairs from the Aura downstairs both connected to the same network, it let me watch SD programmes no problem however it would not let me watch HD content it gave a message saying file type was not supported.

    I get that message with a Samsung TV when using DLNA, but then when I try again it sometimes works. Does your TV upstairs support DLNA? If so then you could try that.

    I'll give it a try, I have been watching the recordings via the 4000T box as opposed to the TV and as I said SD recordings are fine HD just won't play even after trying again. 400T connected to network via wifi and the Aura is wired via Ethernet.

    Its possible that its down to the HD content been encrypted, maybe..

    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 11:54:22 #13 |
  4. barrados


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    I've just made a HD recording to do a test for mars, however it would only play a few seconds over DLNA and received via my kodi setup on my android tablet.
    The other thing that I've just noticed is that before the last update I was able to view live TV via DNLA kodi, but now the only channels available now are bbc 1 and 2 HD, ITV HD, ch4 and 5 HD and cbbc HD.

    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 12:24:44 #14 |
  5. Mars


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    barrados - 12 mins ago  » 
    I've just made a HD recording to do a test for mars, however it would only play a few seconds over DLNA and received via my kodi setup on my android tablet.
    The other thing that I've just noticed is that before the last update I was able to view live TV via DNLA kodi, but now the only channels available now are bbc 1 and 2 HD, ITV HD, ch4 and 5 HD and cbbc HD.

    Thanks! I have no problem watching HD recordings over DLNA on an LG TV, Android tablet and phone (using VLC), Panasonic BluRay player and Freeview recorder, Sony BluRay player, and (sometimes) Samsung TV. All the TV channels seem to be available on my tablet using VLC.

    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 12:45:31 #15 |
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    Barry - 5 hours ago  » 
    Steve & Mars please check PM's for message from programmer.

    Thanks Barry, replied.

    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 12:49:47 #16 |
  7. davidrew


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    Thanks to Humax for the latest Beta fixes and enhancements.

    • Dynamic switching notification option is fixed - Thanks

    Thank you for the option changing the recordings sort order in the folder it's very useful, I do prefer oldest first. I've tested all three options and they work as described. Just some points around this.

    • When Smart is selected be careful deleting if you finish watching a recording >90% as it drops to the bottom of the list but leaves the next top episode selected.

    • When Smart is selected if you start watching a >90% watched recording again from the beginning it still stays at the bottom of the list if you stop at <90%. I suspect there must be a permanent flag/value set against the file for max % watched.

    • In all settings if a programme is watched to the very, very end the progress bar under the channel logo resets to as if it has not been watched at all. This can happen if the padding is a bit tight and, for example, the programme finishes just as the titles come on. It will start from the beginning if watched again. When Smart is selected the episode remains at the bottom of the list as it must still be flagged as 100% watched (but looks unwatched). The progress bar should not disappear when 100% watched even if selecting the programme again starts from the beginning again. The position in the Smart list should reflect the watched up to % not the max watched %. In all circumstances the watch progress bar should always reflect the last stop position in the programme.

    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 13:39:24 #17 |
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    Has anyone thought of producing testing scripts for each update?

    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 14:08:49 #18 |
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    Mars - 4 hours ago  » 

    barrados - 12 mins ago  » 
    I've just made a HD recording to do a test for mars, however it would only play a few seconds over DLNA and received via my kodi setup on my android tablet.
    The other thing that I've just noticed is that before the last update I was able to view live TV via DNLA kodi, but now the only channels available now are bbc 1 and 2 HD, ITV HD, ch4 and 5 HD and cbbc HD.

    Thanks! I have no problem watching HD recordings over DLNA on an LG TV, Android tablet and phone (using VLC), Panasonic BluRay player and Freeview recorder, Sony BluRay player, and (sometimes) Samsung TV. All the TV channels seem to be available on my tablet using VLC.

    Hi mars, can I ask how you manage to get 1080 HD recordings over DNLA?

    I've only managed to get SD display of HD library recordings made on the Aura via 'remote libraries' over Windows Media Player.

    I thought the Aura was limited to either 960x540 or 720x576 via transcoding in "Record & Share" (which seems a bit daft for a 4k UHD box)

    It would be fantastic of Humax to add 1920x1080 HD transcoding to the Aura as a user selectable option (nudge nudge )

    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 17:05:26 #19 |
  10. Mars


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    andyd1302 - 15 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 4 hours ago  » 

    barrados - 12 mins ago  » 
    I've just made a HD recording to do a test for mars, however it would only play a few seconds over DLNA and received via my kodi setup on my android tablet.
    The other thing that I've just noticed is that before the last update I was able to view live TV via DNLA kodi, but now the only channels available now are bbc 1 and 2 HD, ITV HD, ch4 and 5 HD and cbbc HD.

    Thanks! I have no problem watching HD recordings over DLNA on an LG TV, Android tablet and phone (using VLC), Panasonic BluRay player and Freeview recorder, Sony BluRay player, and (sometimes) Samsung TV. All the TV channels seem to be available on my tablet using VLC.

    Hi mars, can I ask how you manage to get 1080 HD recordings over DNLA?
    I've only managed to get SD display of HD library recordings made on the Aura via 'remote libraries' over Windows Media Player.
    I thought the Aura was limited to either 960x540 or 720x576 via transcoding in "Record & Share" (which seems a bit daft for a 4k UHD box)
    It would be fantastic of Humax to add 1920x1080 HD transcoding to the Aura as a user selectable option (nudge nudge )

    You are correct. I was responding to people who were having difficulty with HD recordings over DLNA. To be clear, I did not say they were being displayed in HD. The limitation is a restriction from broadcasters so it is not going to change. Although I can watch HD recordings from my Panasonic FVP recorder in HD if the DLNA client is a Panasonic BluRay player (maybe because both devices support DTCP-IP).

    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 17:36:24 #20 |

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