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Aura Beta software dated 06.04.21

(48 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    Mars - 2 mins ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 15 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 4 hours ago  » 

    barrados - 12 mins ago  » 
    I've just made a HD recording to do a test for mars, however it would only play a few seconds over DLNA and received via my kodi setup on my android tablet.
    The other thing that I've just noticed is that before the last update I was able to view live TV via DNLA kodi, but now the only channels available now are bbc 1 and 2 HD, ITV HD, ch4 and 5 HD and cbbc HD.

    Thanks! I have no problem watching HD recordings over DLNA on an LG TV, Android tablet and phone (using VLC), Panasonic BluRay player and Freeview recorder, Sony BluRay player, and (sometimes) Samsung TV. All the TV channels seem to be available on my tablet using VLC.

    Hi mars, can I ask how you manage to get 1080 HD recordings over DNLA?
    I've only managed to get SD display of HD library recordings made on the Aura via 'remote libraries' over Windows Media Player.
    I thought the Aura was limited to either 960x540 or 720x576 via transcoding in "Record & Share" (which seems a bit daft for a 4k UHD box)
    It would be fantastic of Humax to add 1920x1080 HD transcoding to the Aura as a user selectable option (nudge nudge )

    You are correct. I was responding to people who were having difficulty with HD recordings over DLNA. To be clear, I did not say they were being displayed in HD. The limitation is a restriction from broadcasters so it is not going to change. Although I can watch HD recordings from my Panasonic FVP recorder in HD if the DLNA client is a Panasonic BluRay player (maybe because both devices support DTCP-IP).

    To be fair even 960 x 540 looks OK on a 16:9 Android tablet.

    960 x 540 can be upscaled to 720p on reasonable laptop without having to resort to AI upscaling. Two HDR-FOX-T2's can also do what Mars says using DTCP-IP.

    Not tried this but have seen reports two FVP-5000T boxes can do same.

    Only way to get Full-HD is distribute the box HDMI out to other displays.

    Basically extended HDMI link using cat 7 cabling and balun pairs, or a digital modulator coax distribution system with suitable digital tuners in or attached to the other TV's.

    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 17:49:19 #21 |
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    Thanks for the replies on the HD recordings.

    I did suspect it was more to do with broadcasters than on the Humax side of thjngs, but don't really understand the thinking behind it in 2021.

    It's not as if HD is new technology now & the limitation seems to be targeting the user who's genuinely invested in the product via an official source rather than for any nefarious reason.

    Just my two penneth & a minor gripe..

    On a more positive note & back on topic, the latest Beta seems to be working well so far (reconnected to LAN)

    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 18:03:07 #22 |
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    Was watching Homes Under The Hammer on Really this morning.

    About 5 mins in hit record.

    Came to watch tonight and did play ok but at start came up with error message recording failed due to power loss.

    Restated and doesn't display message again.



    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 21:20:08 #23 |
  4. Mars


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    The setting for LED brightness only works when the Aura is on and not when it is in standby. If you set the LED brightness to off then the LED is off until you put the Aura in standby when it comes on (at 100%?).
    Also, if you delete a recording from the programme view then the highlighted programme is not the next recording up or down the list but the next recording from the same channel.

    | Wed 7 Apr 2021 21:23:13 #24 |
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    Excuse me if this has already been asked or covered but not really kept up to date with beta test threads. But has the error where you get a black screen and just sound in live tv been fixed. If so when will it be released to public as this happens everyday on my box. Thanks

    | Thu 8 Apr 2021 9:07:15 #25 |
  6. Barry


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    Ant71 - 15 mins ago  » 
    Excuse me if this has already been asked or covered but not really kept up to date with beta test threads. But has the error where you get a black screen and just sound in live tv been fixed. If so when will it be released to public as this happens everyday on my box. Thanks

    There has been a few changes to improve/fix this reported problem.

    Public release is planned for a couple of weeks time.

    If you want to be included in the open testing, send me your unit serial number via Private Message, and I'll request it is added to the open group.

    | Thu 8 Apr 2021 9:26:35 #26 |
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    Ant71 - 3 hours ago  » 
    Excuse me if this has already been asked or covered but not really kept up to date with beta test threads. But has the error where you get a black screen and just sound in live TV been fixed. If so when will it be released to public as this happens everyday on my box. Thanks

    Had that occurring after playing video on VLC and going to LiveTv and rarely on start up. After using Beta not seen since, so would say fixed?
    Only recent problem was, yesterday while watching a recording it dropped out straight to LiveTV a minute in to the recording of a Four in a Bed. Went in to recordings there was the minute recording with failed power, started re-recording. All played OK, have seen many recordings with failed power that playing seamlessly .

    | Thu 8 Apr 2021 12:41:36 #27 |
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    Not sure if this is the time to raise this issue again following the previous correspondence from an earlier Beta update...

    notes from programmer:

    • There could be a pixeling or corrupted recording for a short time in a delayed recording case ( Copying timeshift buffer to a recording ) : User Andyd1302 comment.
    It is a known issue and should be a topic for next software update

    .... just to report I've recently experienced this ^ again on BBC1 HD (News at One) at 29:10 in the Aura timeline in the following video..

    Which was the precise time the recording for "This episode only" was selected on timeshift.

    No pixellation & stutter in live broadcast, only on recording.

    | Thu 8 Apr 2021 13:35:48 #28 |
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    Worth mentioning a small omission regarding resolution selection within the Aura's in-play "Audio & Video" menu.

    If 1080i50Hz is selected as a default within the Freeview settings, and "Audio/Video Options" is selected for the process of manual adjustment within a programme, selections generally appear for either 1080p50Hz (useful when fast-moving sport is broadcast) or 1080p60Hz (for some in-app).

    The options within the menu are usually selected by pressing "2" or "5" respectively within the menu.

    However, if the user wants to toggle back to 1080i50Hz within the same menu, the option to select 1080i50Hz doesn't appear in the in-play A/V Menu & the end user has to go back a couple of menus to get the default 1080i50Hz to kick in.

    It would be handy to have a selection for 1080i50Hz in the in-play A/V menu as well, as within the programmes themselves 1080i50Hz was certainly available (see Photo 1)


    1. Aura_1080p_60Hz.jpg (192.9 KB, 0 downloads) 3 years old
    2. Aura_1080p_50Hz.jpg (224.8 KB, 0 downloads) 3 years old
    3. Aura_1080i_50Hz.jpg (172.8 KB, 4 downloads) 3 years old
    | Thu 8 Apr 2021 14:11:57 #29 |
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    I had a couple of strange experiences with Sky Arts recordings made on on Tuesday.
    Firstly, the Art of Architecture would only run for about 70 seconds before deciding that it had reached the end of the recording, so I watched it in 70s chunks. It was ok, though, after I had rebooted, power disconnected, the Aura.
    Secondly, the recording of The Michelangelo Code failed because of a power failure, the Aura told me, but I didn't have a power cut. Don't know if there was a transmission failure but I thought I'd mention it.

    | Thu 8 Apr 2021 14:12:04 #30 |

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