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Aura Beta software dated 29.03.21 & 30.03.21

(42 posts)
  1. Barry


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    A5ian300zx - 1 day ago  » 
    Hi Barry,
    How do I become a beta tester?
    Apologies if it's not the appropriate section.


    If you or anyone else not part of this group wants to test the latest beta release then PM (private message) the serial number of your unit, which can be found in Settings, Device preferences, About, Status.

    | Wed 31 Mar 2021 7:59:29 #21 |
  2. Mars


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    ceri - 10 hours ago  » 
    Got some bugs crept in on this last release. Watching Amazon Prime and the unit dropped into standby 4 times. Also, as part of my "hey Google, goodnight" script, it uses a cast command to turn off the TV. Tonight it didn't work, even though everything else in the script was executed.

    I watched a film on Amazon Prime last night with no problems (290321 software) and played (no time to watch) a film this morning with no problems as it played to the end (300321 software).
    Set the HDMI resolution to 1080i last night and after deep standby the setting had not changed.

    | Wed 31 Mar 2021 8:16:28 #22 |
  3. davidrew


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    Barry - 15 hours ago  » 
    There will be another update shortly, won't start a new thread.
    Release note: New version has a hot fix for an issue : Changing “HDMI resolution auto” incorrectly

    Tested again with the video resolution set to 4K2K-50Hz, appears to working with no issues.

    | Wed 31 Mar 2021 10:17:47 #23 |
  4. Barry


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    Breaking news.

    Public release of software planned for Week 16 which I think is Week commencing 19 April 2021.

    | Wed 31 Mar 2021 14:31:12 #24 |
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    That's good news.
    Asked support months ago, why your favourites was not the up down selection channel as with previous Humax's, good to see that's sorted.

    | Wed 31 Mar 2021 16:30:02 #25 |
  6. Barry


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    Mars - 2 days ago  » 

    • Improve series recording limit handling - If an episode is already booked by series schedule, Aura will notify to users in detail information and not make a new series schedule. Limit change to 15.

    ITV3 are showing the Carry On films at Easter as a series with more than 15 films (and some repeated). If you press record for a film with no record icon (and not a repeat) then the record icon appears and it is added to the schedule so I have 17 films in the schedule. Information is shown in the detail information, but I still think it would be better to have no limit.

    Limit increased in next beta to 24

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 14:50:19 #26 |
  7. Mars


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    Barry - 1 hour ago  » 

    Mars - 2 days ago  » 

    • Improve series recording limit handling - If an episode is already booked by series schedule, Aura will notify to users in detail information and not make a new series schedule. Limit change to 15.

    ITV3 are showing the Carry On films at Easter as a series with more than 15 films (and some repeated). If you press record for a film with no record icon (and not a repeat) then the record icon appears and it is added to the schedule so I have 17 films in the schedule. Information is shown in the detail information, but I still think it would be better to have no limit.

    Limit increased in next beta to 24

    Great, for all practical purposes, 24 is more or less the same as no limit.

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 16:20:31 #27 |
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    I've still got some voice commands from Google home not working. "Turn off the living room TV" no longer works. It used to before the last firmware update.
    Pause and play voice commands still work.

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 16:23:11 #28 |
  9. Mars


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    Regarding DLNA, I was watching a recording on my phone when it suddenly stopped at 11pm when my Aura is scheduled to go into deep standby. This would not happen if I was watching a recording (or live tv) on the Aura itself as it would wait for me putting it in (normal) standby before going into deep standby. I will try and check this again some time. I do not know if this is the intended behaviour.

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 16:27:02 #29 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    Mars - 40 mins ago  » 
    Regarding DLNA, I was watching a recording on my phone when it suddenly stopped at 11pm when my Aura is scheduled to go into deep standby. This would not happen if I was watching a recording (or live tv) on the Aura itself as it would wait for me putting it in (normal) standby before going into deep standby. I will try and check this again some time. I do not know if this is the intended behaviour.

    Hazarding a guess. I think it's likely to be an oversight in not checking the media server is actively delivering a recording. Mine is forced into full sby at midnight and wakes at 08:00. If I want watch live TV early morning I set a watch reservation on on either ITV-HD or BBC1-HD staring at 06:00 weekdays.

    This makes all the live TV channels available in the Aura app without having to manually boot the box downstairs in the lounge.

    The box has gained so much functionality recently such that there must be a lot more capability to consider.

    Personally I think Humax are doing a stirling job at the moment.

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 17:13:32 #30 |

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