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Aura Beta software dated 29.03.21 & 30.03.21

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    I agree with the comments re Humax. Great customer service. And where would we be without this forum? It’s almost an unrecognisable box features-wise compared to when first launched.

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 19:33:44 #31 |
  2. Barry


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    Mars - 3 hours ago  » 
    Regarding DLNA, I was watching a recording on my phone when it suddenly stopped at 11pm when my Aura is scheduled to go into deep standby. This would not happen if I was watching a recording (or live tv) on the Aura itself as it would wait for me putting it in (normal) standby before going into deep standby. I will try and check this again some time. I do not know if this is the intended behaviour.

    From the programmer:

    At the moment the implementation only checks if there is transcoding on-going before entering deep standby.

    They will check and see if changes can be made.

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 20:10:10 #32 |
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    Just thought it's worth saying a big thanks to Barry & the team at Humax for their continuing efforts in addressing issues discovered with the Aura in these continuing Beta updates & listening to user requests for potential improvements along the way.

    It's much appreciated

    | Fri 2 Apr 2021 10:39:17 #33 |
  4. Mars


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    ceri - 19 hours ago  » 
    I've still got some voice commands from Google home not working. "Turn off the living room TV" no longer works. It used to before the last firmware update.
    Pause and play voice commands still work.

    I use a Harmony remote so have HDMI-CEC switched off, but enabling it then saying 'OK Google, switch off Android TV' switched off my Sony TV. Have you checked the HDMI-CEC setting?

    | Fri 2 Apr 2021 11:37:22 #34 |
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    Mars - 38 mins ago  » 

    ceri - 19 hours ago  » 
    I've still got some voice commands from Google home not working. "Turn off the living room TV" no longer works. It used to before the last firmware update.
    Pause and play voice commands still work.

    I use a Harmony remote so have HDMI-CEC switched off, but enabling it then saying 'OK Google, switch off Android TV' switched off my Sony TV. Have you checked the HDMI-CEC setting?

    Yes checked settings. If I turn the Aura off by either its remote or top button it then turns off the TV as expected. It just does not seem to work with voice commands any more.

    | Fri 2 Apr 2021 12:18:26 #35 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    ceri - 1 min ago  » 

    Mars - 38 mins ago  » 

    ceri - 19 hours ago  » 
    I've still got some voice commands from Google home not working. "Turn off the living room TV" no longer works. It used to before the last firmware update.
    Pause and play voice commands still work.

    I use a Harmony remote so have HDMI-CEC switched off, but enabling it then saying 'OK Google, switch off Android TV' switched off my Sony TV. Have you checked the HDMI-CEC setting?

    Yes checked settings. If I turn the Aura off by either its remote or top button it then turns off the TV as expected. It just does not seem to work with voice commands any more.

    The Aura remote goes back to Infra red mode to preserve the batteries. Try pairing the remote using OK plus i

    Try FVP - settings - Freeview Play Preference

    Under Remote Control What does TV pairing say ?

    | Fri 2 Apr 2021 12:21:33 #36 |
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    Don’t know if this would be classed as a bug. When watching a recording and then pressing stop, the program just watched is not highlighted in red but the number 1 top program in the list is. If you want to continue watching you then than to scroll down and select the program again. In addition if you do stop a program and then decide to delete it you may not notice that the program just watched isn’t highlighted and delete the top program by mistake even though it does pop up to confirm before you delete you might not read it and just assume it’s the same program that you just watched.

    | Fri 2 Apr 2021 14:20:10 #37 |
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    Sorry if this has been covered already but watching ITV3 and keeps black screening every few minutes. Changing channel or power off brings it back but then it black screens again.



    | Fri 2 Apr 2021 19:04:21 #38 |
  9. grahamlthompson


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    SteveNotts - 9 mins ago  » 
    Sorry if this has been covered already but watching ITV3 and keeps black screening every few minutes. Changing channel or power off brings it back but then it black screens again.

    When tuned to ITV3. What does the signal test menu say signal strength and quality is ?

    | Fri 2 Apr 2021 19:15:05 #39 |
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    Hi Graham,

    Strength 93%
    Quality 100%

    Also.doing on BBC4 same strength and quality as ITV3



    Seems to be on several channels -same issue on ITV2

    UPDATE - A hard reset (plug pull) didn't fix but have just used the restart option in the menu and seems ok so far.

    | Fri 2 Apr 2021 19:21:03 #40 |

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