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BBC iPlayer stereo only on UHD

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    A lot of our viewing is done just in stereo, the amp is rarely turned on when using the Humax it is however always used with the AppleTV and Blu-Ray and often with the Firestick.

    Disney, prime, AppleTV and I believe Netflix, as I don’t have it, all do programs in Atmos (7.1.4).

    ITV will never use Dolby as Dolby considers each region to be a separate channel so wants a fee for each one.

    What I do find annoying is having to choose between 4K stereo and HD surround for the same program.

    | Sat 25 Nov 2023 16:45:51 #11 |
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    That Aura sends iPlayer in stereo is the reason I use it for that app, rather than the app on my smart TV... the 'fake' Dolby 5.1 is very quiet and lousy, but my soundbar will take the stereo and do a much better job

    | Wed 29 Nov 2023 15:45:15 #12 |
  3. Rodders53


    Joined: Mar '11
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    Dave480 - 6 days ago  » 
    Probably because
    “Watch all episodes of Doctor Who on iPlayer but by the way its without surround sound that you could have had if you’d watched it live or recorded it”
    Wouldn’t go down to well.
    And the fact that there is surround on live TV makes me doubt the above rumour.

    Dr Who last Saturday was in stereo only on my Foxsat-HDR recording.
    The Boat is in 5.1, though.

    Some of it used to be down to BBC only doing 5.1 mix for overseas sales (BBC Studios formerly Worldwide paying for the additional work / cost for that).

    Strictly is another show that used to be 5.1 (Live not the Results) but is only 2.0 nowadays.

    | Wed 29 Nov 2023 16:14:30 #13 |
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    Dr Who came through in 5.1 on my recording on the Aura.

    | Wed 29 Nov 2023 19:49:04 #14 |

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