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Can't get new Smithsonian channel

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    I've done a SMART retune, but can't pick-up the Smithsonian channel (Freeview99?).

    I'm on Crystal Palace transmitter so it should be on COM7 HD, on Channel 55, but I've tried a manual search on Channel 55 and it finds no channels.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    | Sat 27 Apr 2019 17:16:15 #1 |
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    If you already have 99 tuned in (to the old channel whatever it was) try deleting 99 and then do a manual tune on 55.

    | Sat 27 Apr 2019 17:30:35 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    SSThing - 18 minutes ago  » 
    If you already have 99 tuned in (to the old channel whatever it was) try deleting 99 and then do a manual tune on 55.

    Crystal Palace used to be a group A aerial transmitter. The new frequencies for COM 7/8 are out of band for a group A. Group A only goes up to UHF channel 39.

    If Freeview is your only source of TV you may be able to get a wideband aerial fitted for free.

    | Sat 27 Apr 2019 17:52:34 #3 |
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    I have posted this before.I am on Crystal palace transmitter too.
    Smithsonian works on my smart Tv so aerial OK.But not on my 5000 humax box with smart retune.
    I found that a default retune on humax put Smithsonian channel into humax.
    make a note of what you want to record before doing so as all wiped out with default retune.
    it worked for me.Good luck.

    | Sat 27 Apr 2019 21:42:25 #4 |
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    Graham is quite right. In many parts of any transmitter area that was Group A, Ch 55/56 are very likely to be missing as the old aerial cannot manage it. Only if you are in a strong signal area (and most are not) will you be lucky.

    | Sat 27 Apr 2019 21:50:46 #5 |
  6. Trev


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    Of course what we should be asking, instead of hypothesising about aerials etc., is can the OP receive ANY of the programme material on com7 or 8 or is his problem limited to Smithsonian and he can 'get' all the other stuff?

    | Sat 27 Apr 2019 22:09:47 #6 |
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    Trev - 8 hours ago  » 
    Of course what we should be asking, instead of hypothesising about aerials etc., is can the OP receive ANY of the programme material on com7 or 8 or is his problem limited to Smithsonian and he can 'get' all the other stuff?

    The OP says in Post 1
    "I've tried a manual search on Channel 55 and it finds no channels"
    so the answer for Ch55 is "No".

    | Sun 28 Apr 2019 6:47:57 #7 |
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    My point was if you can get Smithsonian on your TV and not on the humax 5000 with a smart humax retune do a default retune on humax and it may work mine did.

    What do the high technical members make of that. comments??? why a default humax retune gives more usable channels than a humax smart retune.
    Their are some good programmes on smithsonian.

    | Sun 28 Apr 2019 7:41:02 #8 |
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    I forget the details but the Humax defaults to DVB-T which searches only for SD channels. Hence, if you do a manual tune, DVB-T will only find SD channels.

    You must set it to DVB-T2 and do a search to find HD channels.

    An automatic tune does two passes, one for SD with DVB-T and a second for HD with DVB-T2, so finds all channels.


    | Sun 28 Apr 2019 14:16:16 #9 |
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    JohnH77 - 2 days ago  » 
    I forget the details but the Humax defaults to DVB-T which searches only for SD channels. Hence, if you do a manual tune, DVB-T will only find SD channels.
    You must set it to DVB-T2 and do a search to find HD channels.
    An automatic tune does two passes, one for SD with DVB-T and a second for HD with DVB-T2, so finds all channels.

    Yay, thanks John - you nailed it! I selected DVB-T2 and Channel 55, and bingo, Smithsonian and some others got found.

    Many thanks.

    | Tue 30 Apr 2019 17:44:42 #10 |

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