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Current BBC Recording Debacle

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    Don't know if this is relevant but I always load/refresh my epg from BBC1 HD?

    | Fri 22 Mar 2019 8:48:17 #51 |
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    I can now confirm that the episode overran by 5 minutes also.

    | Fri 22 Mar 2019 10:47:50 #52 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Just checked on my 5000T. My recording did indeed start at 17:05 but it didn't overun, It stopped at 18:00.

    | Fri 22 Mar 2019 11:08:51 #53 |
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    Unfortunately I have deleted but mine also said that the recording ended at 18:00. I have just watched another recording and now know that there is always at least 5 minutes of guff after the show ends, so it didn't overrun after all.

    | Fri 22 Mar 2019 11:32:58 #54 |
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    Anyone had any more problems lately? I'm pretty sure Fleabag (BBC1 HD) has recorded this weeks incorrectly as the beginning is the local news (well the red screen for when local news is on but not shown on BBC1 HD) and the ending looks like it's at the start of the programme I recorded straight after it.

    | Thu 4 Apr 2019 9:05:58 #55 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Interesting BBC cockup last night when a recording labelled as Match of the Day was made (BBC1 HD) but started part way through the 10pm News (funnily enough during a segment of the news on last nights football) and lasted for seventy minutes (22:29 to 23:40). So this included the end of the main news, the time where local news is shown on SD, a weather forecast and the programme Glow up. Quite what went wrong I have no idea.

    | Thu 4 Apr 2019 10:19:03 #56 |
  7. gomezz


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    That appears to have been a consequence of the BBC thinking they had the rights to show a midweek MOTD when apparently they did not so had to pull it in a bit of a panic cocking up the EPG info in the process.

    | Thu 4 Apr 2019 11:19:48 #57 |
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    Complain to the BBC.

    I complained about "The Papers" on News24 being incorrectly coded and they fixed it within a few days.

    Complain at

    Keep the complaint short, factual and non-emotional (don't use adjectives) and give dated examples.

    Suggest the solution you consider sensible.

    Don't complain about two things in one complaint - create a separate complaint for each.

    I included "I am using a Humax FVP-4000T set top box which meets the Freeview+ specification. Both ACCURATE RECORDING and SERIES RECORDING work on all other channels. I have invested in a Freeview+ box so that I can use these features but the BBC is not transmitting the correct signal to allow me to do so."

    | Mon 29 Apr 2019 13:27:52 #58 |

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