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Dropouts in sound and video on live or recorded TV

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    Update on my issues
    I waited for HUmax to organise the exchange, given a date.
    Waited all day for the courier (DPD) to arrvive, they didn't show.

    Spoke to Humax who gave me a new date last week and this time DPD turned up and we exchanged boxes.
    Thanks to the weather this weekend I was able to test it out and so far can report no issues, all the pixelation and breakups have gone.
    Tried to repeat the steps Havenview suggested and I now get no issues at all.

    I haven't done any recordings yet but I can't foresee any problems. So swaping defective units is the way to go.

    | Mon 23 Aug 2021 12:03:17 #41 |
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    Sparky Baz

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    My F V P 5000T box (Purchased 4-4-2020) has developed an issue, while watching a recording! I loose the sound & vision, it just blacks out for a micro seconds and then comes back on, this happens about 4 times a night I have a Panasonic TV 5 years old and up to now no problems, none of the cables have been touched.

    Now this is on both live and recordings, and seem to be getting more and more often, this has only just started this week, do I have to send it back to Humax! Under warranty

     I record everything we watch so we can skip through adverts and boring items on the news, half hour news programme invariably takes 15 minutes to watch, so do I have to put up with this glitch or return the box.

    | Sun 29 Aug 2021 11:40:54 #42 |
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    Before sending it back I suggest you might look into the cabling, which has not been touched. If possible it might be worth moving the TV end of the HDMI cable into an unused HDMI socket if there's one available. Cleaning up both ends of the cable, and its sockets with a soft brush may help. You've got an intermittent fault, I can't imagine anyone at Humax coupling it up to one of their TVs and watching to see if any thing happens. Bear in mind also that your input co-ax from the aerial or the connection at the aerial might be dodgy. You could check this by watching something just on the TV, i.e leave the Humax switched off. You might also ask neighbours if they experience black outs.

    | Sun 29 Aug 2021 16:52:23 #43 |
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    Sparky Baz

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    Many thanks for the info I will do as you say, and try it for a week.
    Once again many thanks.

    | Wed 1 Sep 2021 13:41:48 #44 |
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    Sparky Baz

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    As suggested moved all cables, double checked all connections, and the picture & sound are still dropping out for a split second on recorded & normal TV, what do I do next, the unit is only 17 month old, any suggestions gratefully received.

    | Sat 11 Sep 2021 11:30:27 #45 |
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    @Sparky Baz, due the recordings loose sound/picture at the same point on subsequent re watch ?
    Is the dropout random or is there a pattern, certain time interval between.
    Do you have a different TV to test it on, just to rule out that ?

    I’d certainly make contact with support, to get their advice.

    | Sat 11 Sep 2021 12:49:38 #46 |
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    havenview - 1 mnth ago  » 
    There are numerous posts on several forums with regard to some poeple having issues with signal levels for the Humax Aura
    There seems a strong voice from some that this is an HDMI issue but HDMI faults manifest very different traits than signal issues and I believe now I have found proof that these issues are FIRMWARE related and I would like to invite members to try out some tests to add weight to my findings
    My signal issues manifest themselves only on certain muxes and they are "reliably faulty" in that I can tune to a channel and within a few minutes be guaranteed of viewing picture block freezes, audio pops and several seconds of I/B/P frame blocking.
    My antenna system is good and I have checked using 2 aerials and confirmed good signal AND acceptable levels to muliple other boxes so I was sure this was NOT a signal related issue. I experience good level and quality readings from the built in signal testfor some muxes but on the faulty ones the quality jumps from 100% down to as low as 40% in an erratic manner
    I also noted that there seemed to be an improvement when the box was restarted but only for a limited period - indeed other users have also posted on this too
    Then it finally clicked - the issue happens as a consequence of CHANGING channel - the testing procedure is this
    1. Tune to a faulty channel and observe the picture/sound break up
    2. Issue a reboot - I use the freeview button and cursor all the way over to the right to the power icon and choose restart
    3. Wait for the box to restart - the previous faulty channel should be the default tuned channel - DO NOT CHANGE CHANNEL
    4. Observe if there is any break up - in my case at this point the picture and sound stability has always been A1
    5. Now change channel to a different mux (an easy bet would be to go between an SD and an HD channel) and then return to the original suspect channel
    6. For me the break up and distortion starts happening almost immediately
    7. Reboot and all comes good
    In my system the worst channels always seem to be on COM5 (Winter Hill) so I've been checking using Sky Arts on channel 11. I tuned and rebooted to that Yesterday morning and left it alone and not changed channel. It has been rock solid every time I have checked - even with other channels recording. I have just changed channels now and straight away I get the picture and sound break up return
    I would be interested if other users who have experienced this issue could also try this as a means of wider testing

    Thank you so much for discovering this, my box exhibits the exact same behaviour. Clearly there is a real problem with some boxes, I've hardly used it because of it. I'm writing my email to Humax support now to get it replaced.

    | Mon 13 Sep 2021 22:06:48 #47 |
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    RGMax - 13 hours ago  » 

    havenview - 1 mnth ago  » 
    There are numerous posts on several forums with regard to some poeple having issues with signal levels for the Humax Aura
    There seems a strong voice from some that this is an HDMI issue but HDMI faults manifest very different traits than signal issues and I believe now I have found proof that these issues are FIRMWARE related and I would like to invite members to try out some tests to add weight to my findings
    My signal issues manifest themselves only on certain muxes and they are "reliably faulty" in that I can tune to a channel and within a few minutes be guaranteed of viewing picture block freezes, audio pops and several seconds of I/B/P frame blocking.
    My antenna system is good and I have checked using 2 aerials and confirmed good signal AND acceptable levels to muliple other boxes so I was sure this was NOT a signal related issue. I experience good level and quality readings from the built in signal testfor some muxes but on the faulty ones the quality jumps from 100% down to as low as 40% in an erratic manner
    I also noted that there seemed to be an improvement when the box was restarted but only for a limited period - indeed other users have also posted on this too
    Then it finally clicked - the issue happens as a consequence of CHANGING channel - the testing procedure is this
    1. Tune to a faulty channel and observe the picture/sound break up
    2. Issue a reboot - I use the freeview button and cursor all the way over to the right to the power icon and choose restart
    3. Wait for the box to restart - the previous faulty channel should be the default tuned channel - DO NOT CHANGE CHANNEL
    4. Observe if there is any break up - in my case at this point the picture and sound stability has always been A1
    5. Now change channel to a different mux (an easy bet would be to go between an SD and an HD channel) and then return to the original suspect channel
    6. For me the break up and distortion starts happening almost immediately
    7. Reboot and all comes good
    In my system the worst channels always seem to be on COM5 (Winter Hill) so I've been checking using Sky Arts on channel 11. I tuned and rebooted to that Yesterday morning and left it alone and not changed channel. It has been rock solid every time I have checked - even with other channels recording. I have just changed channels now and straight away I get the picture and sound break up return
    I would be interested if other users who have experienced this issue could also try this as a means of wider testing

    Thank you so much for discovering this, my box exhibits the exact same behaviour. Clearly there is a real problem with some boxes, I've hardly used it because of it. I'm writing my email to Humax support now to get it replaced.

    My box had the exact same issue. Managed to get it replaced and new box does not have the issue.

    | Tue 14 Sep 2021 11:42:00 #48 |
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    RGMax - 14 hours ago  » 
    Thank you so much for discovering this, my box exhibits the exact same behaviour. Clearly there is a real problem with some boxes, I've hardly used it because of it. I'm writing my email to Humax support now to get it replaced.

    You may have seen you are not the first person, glad it helped

    I have instigated my return and, as I expected, it wasn't pleasant. Humax support were not interested in what I found, they wanted their own criteria followed including the "high signal level / insert attenuator" line. I commented that it could not be a level issue as the box is fine after a restart until you change channel so the tuner system is capable of handling the signal levels present and that I had already tried doing the level adjustment along with a second antenna feed and 3 different downlink leads. The reply was bolshy and arrogant and rude and provoking. Fortunately I had pre-empted and kept the attenuator on hand and went through the "naughty school boy do as you are told" requests. They eventually relented and have arranged for swapout tomorrow.

    I believe they know about this more than they are admitting to. I think that these issues I have had exist as less obvious versions in other users and they are attempting to solve that by reducing the signal strength.

    It would be interesting to see if there is anyone out there that believes they have "solved" the issue with an attenuator and who can reproduce the original fault by removing it. With the "high signal strength" issue recreated, then try the procedure I listed - I have a gut feeling after a restart it will be fine until the channel is changed.

    | Tue 14 Sep 2021 12:37:21 #49 |
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    Sparky Baz

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    jacklx - 2 weeks ago  » 
    Before sending it back I suggest you might look into the cabling, which has not been touched. If possible it might be worth moving the TV end of the HDMI cable into an unused HDMI socket if there's one available. Cleaning up both ends of the cable, and its sockets with a soft brush may help. You've got an intermittent fault, I can't imagine anyone at Humax coupling it up to one of their TVs and watching to see if any thing happens. Bear in mind also that your input co-ax from the aerial or the connection at the aerial might be dodgy. You could check this by watching something just on the TV, i.e leave the Humax switched off. You might also ask neighbours if they experience black outs.

    Done what you said still drop outs 5 last night, been in touch with Humax who advised to swap lead/ swop HDMI socket, still not right, will get back to them to see what they say.

    | Wed 15 Sep 2021 11:09:08 #50 |

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