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Failed recordings

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    I have sometimes had the 5000T equivalent of that grey box, but on trying to play the recording it was often fine apart from a slight pixelation at some point.

    Did you try playing the "grey box" recording?

    | Thu 15 Jul 2021 9:28:47 #11 |
  2. Barry


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    Barry - 3 days ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 1 day ago  » 

    ShaunIOW - 1 hour ago  » 
    It's been either JAG or Walker: Texas Rsanger on CBS justice during the night, last night it was walker with JAG recording fine, yesterday it was JAG that failed and Walker was fine. In the past couple of weeks it's been 3 or each that failed but on diffeent days.
    Walker is 02:55-03:50
    JAG is 04:35-05:20

    Thanks. Not channels I record I am afraid; anybody else record these and either having success or failure?

    Set up as tests yesterday will report any failings.

    Not much help but so far so good (timers start date Thurs 15 July)

    More detail - I set timers on Aura, 5000T and 2 x freesat units, to date all have recorded without issue.

    | Sun 18 Jul 2021 8:03:55 #12 |
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    Re-posted below as forgot pic

    | Thu 22 Jul 2021 16:17:01 #13 |
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    I had the first failed recording for a couple of weeks last night, so took a pic of what I get.

    The box is grey although looks blue in the pic, and clicking it does nothing, but it does display a brief mesage saying it failed due to loss of power, but there is no evidence my electric went off.


    1. Failed_Recording.jpg (418.1 KB, 1 downloads) 3 years old
    | Thu 22 Jul 2021 16:20:00 #14 |
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    My guess is that there is something wrong with the broadcaster information because it is odd that the failed recording isn't in the same list as the three successful WTR episodes. Either that or it's a duplicate perhaps?

    | Thu 22 Jul 2021 16:31:39 #15 |
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    SSThing - 22 mins ago  » 
    My guess is that there is something wrong with the broadcaster information because it is odd that the failed recording isn't in the same list as the three successful WTR episodes. Either that or it's a duplicate perhaps?

    It's not a duplicate.

    | Thu 22 Jul 2021 16:54:53 #16 |
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    I've also had failed recordings lately, but think my conflict lays in overlapping frequencies in transmitters.

    Perhaps that's the OP's problem too?

    With the advent of this stint of high pressure, I've noticed the Aura's started picking up transmitters as far away as Yorkshire, possibly Emley Moor.

    It doesn't help matters either when CH55 (COM8) is in use by both Moel-y-Parc and Winter Hill (and Emley Moor?), so for example during viewing a prog on BBC4 HD, it can be alright for the beginning of the prog, then the picture freezes mid-way & the signal quality starts wavering between 100% and 0%.

    Tried retuning when this happens & the Aura tends not to even pick up CH55 afterwards, no matter what "region" on the Aura's freeview tuner is selected.

    Retune the next day, and it miraculously appears!

    I intend to bung an attenuator back in the mix to see if it'll help then get a different aerial (log periodic or small Yagi), but in the meantime going to rely on my Freesat for main viewing/recording for COM8 channels as a workaround.

    | Thu 22 Jul 2021 17:00:13 #17 |
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    Before confusion starts, Ch55 is COM7, not 8. COM8 closed quite a while ago.

    | Thu 22 Jul 2021 21:32:59 #18 |

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