My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Failure to turn on when timer recording

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    Just to add my 10 pennoth, I used to have a Humax, think it was the 9200.My friend has recently bought this product, the FVP 4000t, and it seems they are having this same "Wake Up" problem. I will see if the couple of possible get 'rounds work for them! Does this box still or will get OTA software downloads? They dont have internet.Also a downloadable manual?? Thanks.

    | Mon 30 Nov 2015 21:48:23 #51 |
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    I emailed Humax Support 2 weeks ago, no reply. So today decided to telephone them regarding this issue. The guy I spoke said there was only me with this issue and that nobody else had been in touch with them. Can everybody with this problem please email them or telephone them on 0344 318 8800
    (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm).

    | Tue 1 Dec 2015 10:24:22 #52 |
  3. Barry


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    doozerjazz - 13 hours ago  » 
    Just to add my 10 pennoth, I used to have a Humax, think it was the 9200.My friend has recently bought this product, the FVP 4000t, and it seems they are having this same "Wake Up" problem. I will see if the couple of possible get 'rounds work for them! Does this box still or will get OTA software downloads? They dont have internet.Also a downloadable manual?? Thanks.

    Welcome to our Forum

    Please ensure your friend is aware that the LED remains red in standby and when recording.

    If you monitor the unit when bringing out of standby, knowing it is recording you should spot the Red LED momentarily goes off then on, or blink may be a better way of describing it.

    | Tue 1 Dec 2015 11:00:20 #53 |
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    pharmacologist 51

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    " I emailed Humax Support 2 weeks ago, no reply. So today decided to telephone them regarding this issue. The guy I spoke said there was only me with this issue and that nobody else had been in touch with them. Can everybody with this problem please email them "


    First "only me" is total rubbish - everybody with the box has problems. we are all having this and many other problems. Many of us have given the box to charity, put it at the back of a cupboard and gone back to one of of older oxes. (I will email HUMAX!(again) on your behalf.
    This box is a dog and should be withdrawn or an upgrade issued very quickly.

    I have had Humax boxes since they first came on the market twenty-odd years ago, but because of their lack of response to all the details here (and other places, try a general Google, not just this forum) I'll never buy another Humax box.

    Cheers.............. J.

    | Tue 1 Dec 2015 12:55:25 #54 |
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    pharmacologist 51

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    It takes 20years to build a good reputation and ten minutes to blow it!

    Do something, fix it, publish an acknowledgment, SAY SORRY, THIS BOX IS RUBBISH!

    " I emailed Humax Support 2 weeks ago, no reply. So today decided to telephone them regarding this issue. The guy I spoke said there was only me with this issue and that nobody else had been in touch with them. Can everybody with this problem please email them "


    First "only me" is total rubbish - everybody with the box has problems. we are all having this and many other problems. Many of us have given the box to charity, put it at the back of a cupboard and gone back to one of older boxes. (I will email HUMAX!(again) on your behalf.
    This box is a dog and should be withdrawn or an upgrade issued very quickly.

    I have had Humax boxes since they first came on the market twenty-odd years ago, but because of their lack of response to all the details here (and other places, try a general Google, not just this forum) I'll never buy another Humax box.

    Cheers.............. J.

    | Tue 1 Dec 2015 13:01:31 #55 |
  6. Barry


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    Sorry you are wrong, not everybody has problems, and I most certainly would not describe the unit as a dog, far from it.

    I now have 2 x FVP 4000T, one connected to a Philips TV and other to a Sony, neither of them has given me grief when booting from standby whilst recording.

    | Tue 1 Dec 2015 13:37:15 #56 |
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    I appreciate your comments and I have no doubt that plenty of owners have no problems but that's little consolation to those of us who are experiencing a similar problem and there is obviously some sort of inherent fault ,albeit somewhat random -(not all those Vauxhall cars caught fire ! ).
    The point is that it would seem Humax has not responded very well.When I telephoned their support line and said that I was having trouble with a 4000T the lady I was speaking to asked me if the problem was " that it was not coming out of standby " before I described my problem so they are cbviuosly aware of it and ,indeed, were ready with a suggested solution ,which did not work. All I want to know is Humax able to rectify this problem or not.It would be helpful to know what is being done about it.

    | Tue 1 Dec 2015 16:29:50 #57 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    Perhaps a list of TV's (make and model) that do and do not have issues might be a more productive approach. It's pretty clear the issue is failure to complete HDCP handshake with specific TV's. Strangely it seems that some TV's from the same makers work OK and others do not. If anyone uses the box via a AV receiver and has or has not issues posting details of amp and TV could be useful.

    On a minor point (but similar), I recently changed my AV receiver from a Sony to a Yamaha Aventage. Both my HDR FOX T2's and a HDR1000S now produce a short black screen just after replay of a programme finishes as the video switches to the recorded programme list.

    | Tue 1 Dec 2015 16:37:37 #58 |
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    grahamlthompson - 1 day ago  » 
    Perhaps a list of TV's (make and model) that do and do not have issues might be a more productive approach. It's pretty clear the issue is failure to complete HDCP handshake with specific TV's. Strangely it seems that some TV's from the same makers work OK and others do not. If anyone uses the box via a AV receiver and has or has not issues posting details of amp and TV could be useful.
    On a minor point (but similar), I recently changed my AV receiver from a Sony to a Yamaha Aventage. Both my HDR FOX T2's and a HDR1000S now produce a short black screen just after replay of a programme finishes as the video switches to the recorded programme list.

    If it is this HDCP handshake, then why does it behave the same when connecting to the SCART input of the TV?

    | Wed 2 Dec 2015 18:44:39 #59 |
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    protos55 - 1 hour ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 1 day ago  » 
    Perhaps a list of TV's (make and model) that do and do not have issues might be a more productive approach. It's pretty clear the issue is failure to complete HDCP handshake with specific TV's. Strangely it seems that some TV's from the same makers work OK and others do not. If anyone uses the box via a AV receiver and has or has not issues posting details of amp and TV could be useful.
    On a minor point (but similar), I recently changed my AV receiver from a Sony to a Yamaha Aventage. Both my HDR FOX T2's and a HDR1000S now produce a short black screen just after replay of a programme finishes as the video switches to the recorded programme list.

    If it is this HDCP handshake, then why does it behave the same when connecting to the SCART input of the TV?

    To those having this problem, has anyone tried the 4000T with only a composite/Scart connection (ie. with no HDMI cable connected between box and TV) - does the problem still exist then? If there is "no turn on when recording problem" when there is no HDMI cable connection, this would point to it being a handshake issue. (Away from home at present, so can't try myself - thanks protos55 for triggering this train of thought).

    | Wed 2 Dec 2015 20:33:32 #60 |

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