The FVP-4000t is sitting there in standby, with its red LED on. It isn't even recording - it is just sitting quietly there minding its own business.
I click the red button on the remote control expecting - ever the optimist! - that it will spring into life so that I can watch something. I must have offended deeply in the short time we have known each other because it obviously sees me coming and steadfastly refuses to activate and the TV screen remains black all over. It stares at me balefully with its evil red eye and I am sure it is saying Gotcha! Pressing channel buttons or channel up/down or home has no effect - it ignores all of them. Multiple presses of the red button are similarly ignored. I say "please, please, pretty please, come ON" but it ignores all my entreaties.
BUT, when I press the remote control's volume up/down button, or the volume + / - button on the box itself, the Humax volume bar displays on screen, and it goes up and down as expected. Note this is the Humax volume bar, not the TV's volume bar.
So, if the Humax is "on" enough for the Humax volume bar to be displayed on the screen, why isn't it "on" enough to show me a programme or for the Home or other buttons to work? It is not a case of "it's recording multiple channels and there are no tuners left" or "you are on a BBC Red Button screen which is black" - it's as dead as John Cleese's parrot and has clearly shuffled off this mortal coil.
If anyone knows what I am doing wrong please share your pearls of wisdom with me. The only cure I have discovered so far is powering it OFF and ON, when I get the Humax splash screen and it reboots and works as normal.