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Fvp5000t instant record failing

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    I may have misunderstood your request, but I set up instant record on BBC1, BBC2, ITV, and Ch4, and watching Ch 5, all SD.

    Behaved OK, recorded for a good length of time.

    | Fri 6 Aug 2021 15:11:13 #31 |
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    I only ever record HD.
    I will try the same test using SD and report back.

    Ps, thanks for trying.

    | Fri 6 Aug 2021 15:21:09 #32 |
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    Repeated the same test as this morning (which resulted in 4 recordings 4 minutes long) and everything worked as it should. Tried with SD and this also worked OK.
    It's very frustrating not being able to reliably replicate the problem because I know that if I just carry on as normal I will get frequent, if random, fails.

    | Fri 6 Aug 2021 17:06:51 #33 |
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    Here is an example from earlier.

    Timebar says 4 hours 26 minutes, actual recording is 1 hour 22 minutes and nothing after.

    | Sat 7 Aug 2021 10:06:57 #34 |
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    Couple of recent failures.
    Flog it! (11th Aug) resulted in a recording of only 14 minutes.
    Today I had BBC2 HD on while reading (Reel History was being broadcast). I heard the start of Viva Las Vegas so decided to press instant record and received the correct pop-up onscreen.
    I have just checked and its very odd (and I hope I can explain).
    The recording has stopped already.
    It has produced a recording apparently 1hr 17 minutes long.

    If I check the recordings list it says Viva Las Vegas, selecting it also says VLV. Checking the EPG it shows VLV as recorded.

    But when I play, it has recorded Reel History in full and then stops (even though it suggests that at least part of VLV should be there).

    | Sat 14 Aug 2021 12:59:50 #35 |
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    Another strange one today.
    BBC2 HD, Le Mans had just started so I pressed instant record and got the correct pop-up.
    Was just in the EPG and noticed that the Formula E was being broadcast, so I pressed OK expecting to go to the info page with the option to watch live

    but instead I get the option to play the recording of Le Mans

    If I scroll back the EPG there is no indication that Le Mans has recorded but it does say that Formula E has

    If I check the recordings list it shows Le Mans has recorded and I have just checked and it plays and finishes at the correct point.

    I made about 6 scheduled recordings last night that are perfect.

    | Sun 15 Aug 2021 13:42:02 #36 |
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    This is still happening.
    I had wondered whether I was causing the problem by pressing instant record and then changing channel to watch something else but I have, earlier, recorded a programme on BBC1 HD and didn't change anything because I was going out. Just tried to play it and the recording says it is 5:08 (5hrs 8 minutes) long (already a problem) but when I watch it has recorded the programme before (from the the buffer, from exactly the beginning) but only the first couple of minutes of the programme I actually wanted to record and then cuts off/closes. The time bar still shows 5:08.
    The information page shows the title of the previous (actual recorded) programme but the description of the episode I wanted to record.

    | Thu 30 Sep 2021 10:59:45 #37 |

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