Reffub - 24 minutes ago »
grahamlthompson - 2 hours ago »
Reffub - 1 hour ago »
"It seems that on my model, you can pre-set the volume level for each individual tv channel, and this is what the Humax remote does."
Really a new (but slightly useless) feature ! I can see how that would get confusing and cause problems.
The humax remote sets the volume of all SD channels (those that use MP2 audio). In most cases (depending on the capability of whatever is decoding the ac3 audio (the default for HD channels) it has no effect on HD channel audio. If you are using a TV for audio you should turn off surround sound in the box TV setup menu. Turn down your TV volume and now turn up the Humax box volume to near max (this matches the level output by boxes without any way of controlling the audio output level).
Now turn up the TV volume to a reasonable level. Check volume is similar on a HD channel. Lastly select a channel on your TV tuner and compare to the Humax. You can then adjust the box output to be similar.
Thereafter adjust the TV volume only.
This is much easier to handle if you use a remote control like the Harmony ones that allow you to assign the volume to other kit. EG the remote control controls the box for all but the volume functions.
I don't suppose there is any reason why you felt the need to explain what you get up to with your 1000S volume to me ?
(I'm presuming you thought I needed to know as you chose to quote my post).
My post was in reference to the possible new multi channel volume setting feature that the OP mentioned he had found on his 1100s, the "REALLY" and the "!" in my post we're to signify that I was slightly sceptical. The "slightly useless feature" was for the above and not for the basic Humax volume control feature.
Anyway you'll be pleased to know I already have a Hamony remote, a Harmony One in fact, rather old now but still in good working order.
The 1000S, 1010s and 1100S have identical User Interfaces and software.
My post is relevant to any of them. There is no channel specific volume setting on any of them, just a difference in how external kit handles the two possible digital audio output formats.
1 LPCM stereo derived from SD channels broadcast mpeg 1 layer 2 audio. lpcm is universally supported.
2 Dolby Digital (aka AC3) in stereo (2.0) or in 5.1 surround. To properly work with this the kit decoding it needs a proper ac3 decoder. This is the reason that HD channels have a fixed volume in most cases (The volume control works on HD channels using my Yamaha AV reciever).
Changing the digital audio out in Settings - Picture and Sound to Stereo forces the box to recode ac3 to 2.0 lpcm to match SD channel output.
If this is understood it should be clear why we get all the posts about different volume levels.
Seems you aren't interested in how it all works.
| Tue 18 Oct 2016 16:38:05
#17 |