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  1. grahamlthompson


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    A1944 - 16 mins ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 50 mins ago  » 

    Jim104 - 51 mins ago  » 
    Hi Brian and Graham thank you for update and info,
    Item 1 I can now discount as now explained (and does not cause an issue to me)
    Item 2 The three channels that were recorded when it happened last were
    Sony Movies
    Sony Action
    Channel 4
    As I said I am not technical am just a normal user of the box.
    How do I know what 'mux' the programme is that I want to record i ??
    How do I know which programme to put down for record so that this problem does not occur ?
    The publicity surrounding the sale of this box says record three channels watch another. This looks to me not to be the case. Oh dear.
    Thanks to you both for your input.

    It actually says record up to 4 subject to Mux. Which is correct.
    However the box should tell you when you make the last impossible recording combination you cannot make this one. Did you not get this ?
    If so you may well have a tuning issue.
    Do you have channel numbers over 800 in your epg and do the same channdel names appear at the low channel numbers.

    It sounds as if James did not try to make a fourth recording, but noticed the restriction when trying to watch a fourth (without actively recording) so that could explain the lack of a warning.

    Good point, But cycling through the available options using the up/down channel options would have revealed what channels were viewable during the recording were viewable.

    The point is three recordings are always possible. When recording three watching another is always limited. Least so if recordings are made from the PSB3-HD mux.

    If so you can record 4 of them and even the 5th by a workaround.

    | Tue 22 Dec 2020 20:39:02 #11 |
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    Thanks all, I am now multiplexed!! And totally confused, dont stand a chance of trying to explain this to her in look at the links you have shown here, give me a few days to digest this and get my head around the
    I am sure there will be more questions,
    Merry Christmas all......

    | Tue 22 Dec 2020 21:35:26 #12 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Jim104 - 13 mins ago  » 
    You are likely to miss lots of the best quality content and the highest quality content available over the xmas period.

    | Tue 22 Dec 2020 21:52:54 #13 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Jim104 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Thanks all, I am now multiplexed!! And totally confused, dont stand a chance of trying to explain this to her in look at the links you have shown here, give me a few days to digest this and get my head around the
    I am sure there will be more questions,
    Merry Christmas all......

    You are likely to miss lots of content over the Xmas period.

    What times are you available on Wednesday to set some simple example recordings ?

    | Tue 22 Dec 2020 23:02:48 #14 |
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    I can probably do Wednesday afternoon Graham. I have pm you.

    | Wed 23 Dec 2020 7:21:49 #15 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    I have set all these for this afternoon and evening

    Press guide and and then red Select HD TV and OK

    Close the guide and open again you should only see the HD channels with BBC1 - HD at the top.

    With BBC one selected - red on current programme

    press the right skip button 3 down from power till you see 13:45 until you see

    Never Ending Story - Highlight it in Red and press OK, Then press OK on Record

    press the return key to go back to the epg. Bottom left of the centre block of keys around OK

    Press Down to BBC2-HD Casablanca - Repeat above to set a recording on this. escape to the epg as above

    Go down to CH4-HD Set a recording on a Place In the Sun - You can choose record this episode. As an example choose Record whole series as before return to the epg . I won't repeat this bit again

    Go down to 5 HD and right to All Creatures Great and Small - Look carefully at this there are two entries in the epg with a small 5 between them. This is known as a split event with the news in between.

    Set a recording from the first entry in the usual way.

    Notice the series recording we set on A Place In the Sun has one in 5 hrs and 3 others. These are the other episodes that the series recording has found in the 7 day epg that will get recorded later.

    Look carefully at the second part it should also have a R recording flag on it.

    Go up to BBC 2 -HD and set A very Country Christmas

    Go up and set Finding Dory on BBC1 -HD

    Repeat until you have set all these

    BBC2-HD Motherland Christmas special at 21:00

    BBC2 - HD Phantom Thread at 22:00

    ITV-HD Knocked up at 22:45

    Channel 4 - HD Daddys Home 2 at 22:00

    Feel free to add any others you fancy. Bear in mind you will get a different result in the next step

    Exit from the epg using the return arrow

    Press the schedule button under the coloured dots Voice assist key. Move down to schedule and press OK.

    You should see all your recordings listed and how long before they happen.

    Mine has a couple before yours.


    1. GLT-Schedule.jpg (137.5 KB, 8 downloads) 4 years old
    | Wed 23 Dec 2020 9:47:50 #16 |
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    Thanks, have set these up, will let you know.

    | Wed 23 Dec 2020 11:08:17 #17 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    First recording Never Ending Story did not record. BBC pulled the programme to make space for a special report later today.

    | Wed 23 Dec 2020 14:07:41 #18 |
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    Hi Graham
    Here we are at 1832 hrs
    Everything has recorded so far but
    A place in the sun and Casablanca
    Have recorded but have a camera icon with a cross in it displayed on both entries in the recordings page.
    I tried to watch another channel when all three were being recorded and had no problems. No restrictions in channels available this time. Is this because all these programmes are from different or the same mux?

    | Wed 23 Dec 2020 18:38:16 #19 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    Jim104 - 1 min ago  » 
    Hi Graham
    Here we are at 1832 hrs
    Everything has recorded so far but
    A place in the sun and Casablanca
    Have recorded but have a camera icon with a cross in it displayed on both entries in the recordings page.
    I tried to watch another channel when all three were being recorded and had no problems. No restrictions in channels available this time. Is this because all these programmes are from different or the same mux?

    Because all the recordings were made from the same Mux. I can't check at the moment because better half is watching part 2 of All Creatures Great and Small on the Kitchen TV while she cooks my dinner

    | Wed 23 Dec 2020 18:42:49 #20 |

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