My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » Aura UHD

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    Joined: Dec '20
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    Just purchased Aura UHD, Model FVP-4KGTR.
    Have some teething problems with it,
    can someone clarify for me the other models listed in Aura forum, ( FVP 4000T - 5000T ) are they the same as my one or different to the Aura UHD ?
    many thanks

    | Mon 21 Dec 2020 20:23:20 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    4000/5000T based on FreeviewPlay

    Aura, based on Android TV plus FreeviewPlay

    You have picked the latest offering from Humax and would be disappointed with the 4000T etc after using the Aura.

    | Mon 21 Dec 2020 22:09:14 #2 |
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    Thank you Barry and for the information.
    We are basically pleased with the Aura except for two nagging issues,
    1. We keep having an 'info' panel flash up on the screen when starting up which only lasts on the screen for less than 2 seconds whic we think says, cannot connect to HDMI as HDMI is not copyright protected, or something like that.
    2. When we have 3 recordings happening at once we have a severely small choice of other programmes to view, all the usual ones are greyed out and unavailable. Once a third recording has completed we can see all the other channels again.
    Sorry but we are not very technical and do not understand what is happening here.
    Any info or help would be gladly welcomed,

    | Tue 22 Dec 2020 15:36:06 #3 |
  4. brian


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    Can you tell us which 3 channels you were recording from when you had a limited choice of channels to view?

    | Tue 22 Dec 2020 15:53:21 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Jim104 - 23 mins ago  » 
    Thank you Barry and for the information.
    We are basically pleased with the Aura except for two nagging issues,
    1. We keep having an 'info' panel flash up on the screen when starting up which only lasts on the screen for less than 2 seconds whic we think says, cannot connect to HDMI as HDMI is not copyright protected, or something like that.
    2. When we have 3 recordings happening at once we have a severely small choice of other programmes to view, all the usual ones are greyed out and unavailable. Once a third recording has completed we can see all the other channels again.
    Sorry but we are not very technical and do not understand what is happening here.
    Any info or help would be gladly welcomed,

    The message you get is the two items talking to each other. The process is known as HDMI handshaking. It's normal it takes about the same time on my setup. The TV tells the box what video and audio it can handle so what the box can send over hdmi,

    Try recording any two of the following from the following

    BBC1-HD, BBC-2 HD, ITV-HD, Channel 4 -HD, and Channel 5-HD. Because all these are on a single (Mux - multiplex). Because one tuner can record two from the same MUX. The third tuner will not be used. So you can use it to view any other channel including the ones you were not recording in the above list.

    If the 3 channels you were recordings were from 3 different Mux, then the viewable channels will be limited. You can cycle through them by using the volume up/down button.

    | Tue 22 Dec 2020 16:10:05 #5 |
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    Posts: 21


    Hi Brian and Graham thank you for update and info,
    Item 1 I can now discount as now explained (and does not cause an issue to me)
    Item 2 The three channels that were recorded when it happened last were
    Sony Movies
    Sony Action
    Channel 4
    As I said I am not technical am just a normal user of the box.
    How do I know what 'mux' the programme is that I want to record i ??
    How do I know which programme to put down for record so that this problem does not occur ?
    The publicity surrounding the sale of this box says record three channels watch another. This looks to me not to be the case. Oh dear.
    Thanks to you both for your input.

    | Tue 22 Dec 2020 18:34:37 #6 |
  7. brian


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    You are recording from 3 separate multiplexes, ARQ B, SDN, and D3 & 4. This means that you can only watch another channel from one of these multiplexes.

    See the following link to see what channels are on each multiplex.

    | Tue 22 Dec 2020 18:45:16 #7 |
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    You can find out which Mux is used for each channel from here:

    Each Mux (multiplex) carries a number of channels as you will see if you filter the list with the selections at the top. There are six Mux in all (apart from local channels).

    If, as you were, you are recording from three of them with the three tuners, you should still be able to watch another as long as it is on one of those Mux.

    The channels you mention are on "D3&4" (or BBC B if on HD), "SDN" and "ARQ-B", so you could have watched another channel on any of those Mux.

    Edit: Much as explained by Brian while I was typing.

    | Tue 22 Dec 2020 18:49:21 #8 |
  9. grahamlthompson


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    Jim104 - 51 mins ago  » 
    Hi Brian and Graham thank you for update and info,
    Item 1 I can now discount as now explained (and does not cause an issue to me)
    Item 2 The three channels that were recorded when it happened last were
    Sony Movies
    Sony Action
    Channel 4
    As I said I am not technical am just a normal user of the box.
    How do I know what 'mux' the programme is that I want to record i ??
    How do I know which programme to put down for record so that this problem does not occur ?
    The publicity surrounding the sale of this box says record three channels watch another. This looks to me not to be the case. Oh dear.
    Thanks to you both for your input.

    It actually says record up to 4 subject to Mux. Which is correct.

    However the box should tell you when you make the last impossible recording combination you cannot make this one. Did you not get this ?

    If so you may well have a tuning issue.

    Do you have channel numbers over 800 in your epg and do the same channdel names appear at the low channel numbers.

    | Tue 22 Dec 2020 19:27:15 #9 |
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    grahamlthompson - 50 mins ago  » 

    Jim104 - 51 mins ago  » 
    Hi Brian and Graham thank you for update and info,
    Item 1 I can now discount as now explained (and does not cause an issue to me)
    Item 2 The three channels that were recorded when it happened last were
    Sony Movies
    Sony Action
    Channel 4
    As I said I am not technical am just a normal user of the box.
    How do I know what 'mux' the programme is that I want to record i ??
    How do I know which programme to put down for record so that this problem does not occur ?
    The publicity surrounding the sale of this box says record three channels watch another. This looks to me not to be the case. Oh dear.
    Thanks to you both for your input.

    It actually says record up to 4 subject to Mux. Which is correct.
    However the box should tell you when you make the last impossible recording combination you cannot make this one. Did you not get this ?
    If so you may well have a tuning issue.
    Do you have channel numbers over 800 in your epg and do the same channdel names appear at the low channel numbers.

    It sounds as if James did not try to make a fourth recording, but noticed the restriction when trying to watch a fourth (without actively recording) so that could explain the lack of a warning.

    | Tue 22 Dec 2020 20:20:19 #10 |

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