Oy You - 1 day ago »
Thats what I’m talking about. Its an automated system that inly tells you if a particular transmitter is transmitting or not. I already know whether it is transmitting or not because my tellly is working! There is nowhere to describe that the EPG is useless
Do you mean this part of the BBC website?
I followed the trail pretending I hide the same issue as you. There were about 8 pages in the trail with the last ones having a "No, I need more help" button. After the last of those pages there was a selection screen to help categorise the issue being reported. The closes was that it was a channel reception issue. It then gives you the first text box where you can enter up to 200 characters to state which service E.g. EPG the issue is with. The next page has a text box for up to 1000 characters to supply further detail.
I used a browser with an add blocker and various other blocking options but the website appeared to be working fine for me even with those.
You could try a different browser.