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latest error, fast play

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    fast play now won't work properly on some channels, most notably so far is itv3. anyone found anything to solve this?

    | Sun 11 Feb 2024 16:05:41 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    bellla2 - 1 hour ago  » 
    fast play now won't work properly on some channels, most notably so far is itv3.

    Please can you describe exactly what you are seeing when you attempt "fast play" on ITV3?

    | Sun 11 Feb 2024 17:27:35 #2 |
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    since 6.2,24, on itv3 you start playing a recording on fastplay at speed 1.5 or 2.0, but it only works for up to 1m50, then returns to normal speed. this issue never happened before 6.2.24. just another fault to add to the huge amount of faults auras have. hoping this at least will be solvable, unlike almost all of the others.
    thanks in advance!

    | Sun 11 Feb 2024 17:36:02 #3 |
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    should say it's blinking as well

    | Mon 12 Feb 2024 6:19:43 #4 |
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    bellla2 - 11 hours ago  » 
    should say it's blinking as well

    It’s linked to this -

    | Mon 12 Feb 2024 17:42:39 #5 |
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    Hello - I'm struggling to use this forum effectively so I don't know how to start a thread to ask a basic question about the playback of recordings at faster speeds such as x1.5 so that will enable watching an hour programme in 40 minutes.

    Can anyone assist with how to find details of such a feature as when I've asked previously to sellers on Ebay, they are all getting confused with fast forward. I want to know which models will play with the same features on Youtube which enable a faster play back.

    Thanks for you help,

    | Wed 3 Jul 2024 15:57:02 #6 |
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    Mr.Mickey - 8 mins ago  » 
    Hello - I'm struggling to use this forum effectively so I don't know how to start a thread to ask a basic question about the playback of recordings at faster speeds such as x1.5 so that will enable watching an hour programme in 40 minutes.
    Can anyone assist with how to find details of such a feature as when I've asked previously to sellers on Ebay, they are all getting confused with fast forward. I want to know which models will play with the same features on Youtube which enable a faster play back.

    Firstly why on earth would you want to do that? secondly all you have to do is press the >> fast forward key when playing a recording, the more often you press the faster it goes. 1 press gives x1.5 with sound. It seems that you should have found that out for yourself. I am referring to the Aura as that is the section you have posted in.

    | Wed 3 Jul 2024 16:09:47 #7 |
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    Hi Mr Mickey,

    Welcome to the forum. You are quite right, I'm certainly not going to say "why would you want to do that etc(!)". I use an older Panasonic pvr that allows you to play a program at a very slow speed, slightly faster than normal, so I assume it is 1.5X. Most current pvrs don't do this anymore.

    I can only guess that the Panasonic current models all do the same thing. Might be worth reading online instructions to get more detail. Here is a link : I own an older model, but the most recent one was the DMR-HWT150 or the DMR-HWT130 models to download & read.

    The older Humax 9200/9300 I seem to remember they also allowed you slow playback & also slow motion. Hope this helps. John L

    | Wed 3 Jul 2024 17:27:11 #8 |
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    If I remember correctly the speed options of the 9200/9300 did not have sound. The Aura plays at X1.5 with X1.5 sound so is perfect for his needs as he wants to watch the whole show not just advance it. Does the Panasonic have sound or just speed control?

    By the way this bit was my reply to him................

    "Firstly why on earth would you want to do that? secondly all you have to do is press the >> fast forward key when playing a recording, the more often you press the faster it goes. 1 press gives x1.5 with sound. It seems that you should have found that out for yourself. I am referring to the Aura as that is the section you have posted in."

    | Wed 3 Jul 2024 17:40:13 #9 |
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    His reference to eBay would suggest he doesn’t own an Aura yet so would not be able to find out for himself and is asking before purchase.

    Personally I have never used it but my wife uses it sometimes with her soaps. I believe you also get sound on the second press (x2?) but is hard to follow.

    | Thu 4 Jul 2024 7:22:01 #10 |

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