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latest error, fast play

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    Mr.Mickey - 16 hours ago  » 
    Hello - I'm struggling to use this forum effectively so I don't know how to start a thread to ask a basic question about the playback of recordings at faster speeds such as x1.5 so that will enable watching an hour programme in 40 minutes.
    Can anyone assist with how to find details of such a feature as when I've asked previously to sellers on Ebay, they are all getting confused with fast forward. I want to know which models will play with the same features on Youtube which enable a faster play back.
    Thanks for you help,

    Hi Mr Mickey

    | Thu 4 Jul 2024 9:16:23 #11 |
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    Hi Mr Mickey.
    Firstly, you have nothing to apologise for. This forum is for people to be helped, all people. You are very welcome here.
    Before i try to help, i should say it's worth just checking you have a humax aura and not an older humax or other type as
    instructions would be different.

    So you asked how to fast play. I watch on both 1.5 and 2.0 myself, so it's a perfectly valid question. If you press play on a recording by using the sideways triangle button, then on your remote press the fast forward button which is the two triangles that point right. if you press that once it will play at 1.5 (so you can watch 1h in 40m), if you press it twice it will play at 2.0 (so you can watch 1h in 30m). both of those speeds have sound. if you press it more times it will fast forward without sound.

    You also asked how to fast play on YouTube on the aura. Unfortunately you can't fo this on the aura, but can on other devices such as your mobile phone.

    If there's anything else at all you could use help with please don't hesitate to ask. It's a pleasure.

    | Thu 4 Jul 2024 9:21:02 #12 |
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    @bella2 (Or is it bella7 now? )

    If he ever bothers to come back to this thread I am sure he will be very impressed by your efforts.

    | Thu 4 Jul 2024 10:40:47 #13 |
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    hi trog.
    sorry i don't know what you're referring to about my name, but it's very appreciated you taking the time to be kind. God bless.

    | Thu 4 Jul 2024 17:20:12 #14 |
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    bellla2 - 1 hour ago  » 
    hi trog.
    sorry i don't know what you're referring to about my name, but it's very appreciated you taking the time to be kind. God bless.

    It was a reference to the 7 posts you made to confirm what I had already told him. To be honest I do not think he will read them as he was showing as online for several hours after I made my initial post so most likely read it. I have the feeling he is one of those mannerless *******'s who get an answer to their question and cannot be bothered to acknowledge a persons help let alone say thank you. He had already refused to believe the correct answer given to him by others on Ebay so maybe has done the same here, there is no helping some people.

    | Thu 4 Jul 2024 18:37:03 #15 |
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    bellla2 - 1 hour ago  » 
    hi trog.
    sorry i don't know what you're referring to about my name, but it's very appreciated you taking the time to be kind. God bless.

    Think he's referring to the number of posts or attempts to post your reply.

    | Thu 4 Jul 2024 18:38:58 #16 |
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    Thanks for your help so far - as stated...x2 speed is far too much to tolerate but 1.5x speed is great. Especially when watching a basic TV show or following a podcast where the interviewee talks slowly - believe is beneficial - just have a try and you will not go back to normal speed.
    I can't believe it's so difficult to find a feature that's readily available on a site like Youtube.
    There's an obvious niche in the market for a product that as I see absolutely vital.
    Thanks again.

    | Fri 5 Jul 2024 0:17:58 #17 |
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    Hi Mickey
    Thanks for your message and reply. You are so very welcome. Everyone is entitled to help.
    I only ever use 2.0 or 1.5 when watching recordings on the aura. It's understandable why you are looking for this feature. I am sorry the aura does not allow fastplay on YouTube, which seems to be what you are looking for. Thankfully other devices do, such as mobile phones etc.
    May i also add, someone said my reply posted 7 times. I assure you i only posted it once, and it's only showing once my end. If they're correct and it's showing 7 times for you or others, I sincerely apologise. Unfortunately there's nothing i can do because as said it's only showing once my end.
    Also, please rest assured this forum is usually full of people who are willing to try to help and who are kind when doing so. In all my years here anyone breaking the forum rules by being inpolite or swearing have been removed by the moderators, but I've only ever seen that necessary twice. Everyone else has been reasonable or even lovely.
    I must get back to sorting food and supplies for the poor here in the UK, and sorting legal evacuations and food and supplies for refugees in Gaza, then i have a lengthy medical treatment, but will check my emails when i can, so please don't hesitate to ask if there's anything else you may need. It's what this forum is for. It's what people should be for.
    God Bless.

    | Fri 5 Jul 2024 7:51:11 #18 |
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    Looks like the moderators have stepped in and removed the multiple/ attempted posts
    that were there yesterday.

    Admin Edit: Yep some cleaning up done.

    | Fri 5 Jul 2024 9:17:58 #19 |
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    Mr.Mickey - 12 hours ago  » 
    Thanks for your help so far - as stated...x2 speed is far too much to tolerate but 1.5x speed is great. Especially when watching a basic TV show or following a podcast where the interviewee talks slowly - believe is beneficial - just have a try and you will not go back to normal speed.
    I can't believe it's so difficult to find a feature that's readily available on a site like Youtube.
    There's an obvious niche in the market for a product that as I see
    absolutely vital.
    Thanks again.

    Thank you for your belated reply, I hope you now know that the Aura will give you exactly what you were looking for which is playback at X1.5 with X1.5 audio. Now I must get back to setting alight parcels of dog poo on the doorsteps of snowflakes and arranging my bowel evacuation then I have a lengthy beauty treatment.

    | Fri 5 Jul 2024 12:43:58 #20 |

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