My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » Aura UHD

Occasional 2 second black screen on some channels

(143 posts)
  1. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

    special member
    Joined: Oct '15
    Posts: 175


    I still have the issue. Who do I need to contact?

    | Thu 9 May 2024 5:46:49 #141 |
  2. Fixdit


    special member
    Joined: Aug '16
    Posts: 109


    Hi Mark

    Have you given Humax your Aura serial number?

    If not contact Humax support with the details, explain that you were a Beta Tester.

    I think that those that had contacted them were Updated automatically last week.

    | Thu 9 May 2024 14:18:35 #142 |
  3. Mars


    special member
    Joined: Jan '16
    Posts: 372


    I was a beta tester, but I never contacted them and my Aura was updated last week. Have you checked the Freeview app version?

    | Thu 9 May 2024 15:07:58 #143 |

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