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Planned software update for FVP 4000T

(112 posts)
  1. Stephenesque


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    Barry - 20 minutes ago  » 
    I think my contact must be away as I have received no response as yet to my query re when update will be available to all which I submitted as soon as mine updated.
    I'll ask again.

    Thanks, Barry.

    | Sat 24 Feb 2018 14:03:47 #51 |
  2. andyb63uk

    Andy B

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    HoriZon - 5 days ago  » 
    All updated all seems ok.
    Only thing which is an issue is media files it displays them in grid mode now and doesn’t show the full filename can’t we have an option for list view like it was?

    I have this problem as well. On Media/Video/Internal HDD I have a folder called Series/Greys Anatomy and all files are showing as "Greys Anatomy S1..." (it should tell me S14E01 etc) so I now have to start watching each one to know which episode it is as they are not in order.

    This is going to be very annoying as I have several series all with at least 10 episodes to watch.

    So far I think the only way round this is to rename the files to S14E01 omitting the series name.

    Update; MAJOR PROBLEM (as this never happened before). I've just plugged in my external HDD to the USB port to transfer my recording and the 4000 created a very loud buzz on the sound system then crashed and rebooted. Never had that before.

    | Mon 26 Feb 2018 10:36:11 #52 |
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    MIB - 5 days ago  » 
    My update seemed to have occurred sometime yesterday evening as it wasn't like this yesterday morning.
    Aside from the aesthetic changes (having the Freeplay stuff on the main screen is handy) it seems okay, if a little slower than before.
    However I do have one major bugbear which is a downgrade for me, and that is that I watch a lot of stuff via USB and I've just found that the "resume play from where your left it" option is now gone for media files; now if I stop playback, I have to skip through to where I stopped it.
    Why oh why was this wonderful feature removed? It made all the difference from using my Blu-ray player for the same purpose.

    This is a pain and more so now full file names can't be seen. I also would simply click on an icon in the recent files when I was mid way through a file which is now not visible.
    Not impressed, was there a Beta test, I never saw anything pop up?

    | Mon 26 Feb 2018 13:12:49 #53 |
  4. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    Mine has not updated yet - I did a manual search for new software and it just said "New software is not detected"

    | Mon 26 Feb 2018 19:00:15 #54 |
  5. graham uk

    graham uk

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    4000T. Since the new OS install we have had a number of occasions the box has come out of standby and activated it'self (Blue Light).

    Not had this with previous OS ?.

    graham uk

    | Tue 27 Feb 2018 9:51:55 #55 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    graham uk - 3 minutes ago  » 
    4000T. Since the new OS install we have had a number of occasions the box has come out of standby and activated it'self (Blue Light).
    Not had this with previous OS ?.
    graham uk

    My 5000T does that, if you tape over the infra red receiver it never happens so it's responding in some way to other remotes.

    Unfortunately on the occasions I notice it happens turning it off and repeating what I did doesn't boot it. I found it on 5 times yesterday.

    My 5000T is set to mode 2 and the HDR-1000S above it is mode 1. Guessing it sometimes boots from the mode 1 remote or my logitech harmony when set to control the HDR-1000S.

    | Tue 27 Feb 2018 10:00:58 #56 |
  7. Barry


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    Update is now available to all, i.e. no longer phased.

    | Tue 27 Feb 2018 14:15:26 #57 |
  8. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    Mine updated yesterday but now will not connect to the internet via its LAN connection (the link status light on the router does not even light up now). This means I have no On Demand features.
    Is there any way I can go back to the old software to check if it is the update that has caused this?

    | Wed 28 Feb 2018 7:04:47 #58 |
  9. andyb63uk

    Andy B

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    And another thing

    On guide, I highlight the program I want to watch and it now asks me if I want to watch it live, but there's no option to watch it when I'm dead. Of course I want to watch it live, that's why I selected it to watch. Rant over, normal service is resumed.

    I do get the point that I might want to record the whole series without having to search next week for it. I suppose I can live with one extra OK click.

    | Wed 28 Feb 2018 9:31:23 #59 |
  10. athomson


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    Mine updated over night. I only found out when I tried to list recordings and I got the list format. I have not noticed much so far but the menu screen has changed a bit and the settings menu itself has changed a bit. I have yet to see if BBC 1 SD keeps prompting me to view in HD, as this was my main issue.


    | Wed 28 Feb 2018 15:01:54 #60 |

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