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Planned software update for FVP 4000T

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    Ours updated itself sometime between yesterday evening and lunchtime today. No notification when we woke it up, so we were a bit surprised to find the new layout for the recording schedule and recording library screens. However, our initial reaction was positive. It's great to have the space-saving list format for recordings, and even the grid version with tiles has been improved to fit 16 on screen at once. I'm sure we'll notice more changes as we use it.

    | Wed 28 Feb 2018 15:14:04 #61 |
  2. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    mrbutt89 - 47 minutes ago  » 
    Ours updated itself sometime between yesterday evening and lunchtime today. No notification when we woke it up, so we were a bit surprised to find the new layout for the recording schedule and recording library screens. However, our initial reaction was positive. It's great to have the space-saving list format for recordings, and even the grid version with tiles has been improved to fit 16 on screen at once. I'm sure we'll notice more changes as we use it.

    Do you use it connected via wired ethernet port or wireless?

    | Wed 28 Feb 2018 16:01:33 #62 |
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    We're wireless.

    | Wed 28 Feb 2018 16:05:25 #63 |
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    Bit of a surprise a couple of days ago to find a completely different 'Recordings' screen - seems to have updated itself into the FVP5000 firmware, and not, this time, deleted all the programmes set to record. That's an improvement!

    The 'recent' option seems to have vanished, which is a backward step, along with the images of the programmes recorded. Apart from that it looks functional.

    | Thu 1 Mar 2018 12:26:51 #64 |
  5. Stephenesque


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    doca - 1 hour ago  » 
    Bit of a surprise a couple of days ago to find a completely different 'Recordings' screen - seems to have updated itself into the FVP5000 firmware, and not, this time, deleted all the programmes set to record. That's an improvement!

    I can't recall mine ever losing the recording schedule when the software has updated; I don't think it should. It does lose the schedule if I retune the box to get new channels.

    The 'recent' option seems to have vanished, which is a backward step, along with the images of the programmes recorded. Apart from that it looks functional.

    I thought the same about the 'Recent' option, but it is still there, however it is more difficult to access.

    On Demand > left to Recordings > down to 'Recently Added or Continue Watching.

    For what they're worth, I recently had about half a dozen thumbnails of a fish fillet for 6 different 5USA programmes the programme images are still there too, on the 'Grid' view of the 'Recordings' page, and there are now more of them with 16 compared to 12 in the 'List' view.

    | Thu 1 Mar 2018 13:42:19 #65 |
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    Not particularly keen on the fact that each time you switch the Humax back on, 'list' is the default setting for the recordings and you have to select the 'grid' option if that's how you want to see them. Ideally it's something you would set in preferences.

    Not a fan of that 'Top Picks' nonsense either but I just won't use it!

    | Fri 2 Mar 2018 17:17:31 #66 |
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    Timdersticks - 46 minutes ago  » 
    Not particularly keen on the fact that each time you switch the Humax back on, 'list' is the default setting for the recordings and you have to select the 'grid' option if that's how you want to see them. Ideally it's something you would set in preferences.
    Not a fan of that 'Top Picks' nonsense either but I just won't use it!

    I have just cycled my unit on/off a number of times and whichever I choose, either grid or list, it always retains the option I had chosen prior to turning off.

    | Fri 2 Mar 2018 18:09:22 #67 |
  8. Stephenesque


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    SSThing - 23 minutes ago  » 

    Timdersticks - 46 minutes ago  » 
    Not particularly keen on the fact that each time you switch the Humax back on, 'list' is the default setting for the recordings and you have to select the 'grid' option if that's how you want to see them. Ideally it's something you would set in preferences.
    Not a fan of that 'Top Picks' nonsense either but I just won't use it!

    I have just cycled my unit on/off a number of times and whichever I choose, either grid or list, it always retains the option I had chosen prior to turning off.

    Mine is the same as Tindersticks; each day when I switch it on it has defaulted to 'List' and I change it to 'Grid'.

    Maybe it retains the settings for a certain length of time before it defaults.

    | Fri 2 Mar 2018 18:36:27 #68 |
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    Timdersticks - 1 hour ago  » 
    Not particularly keen on the fact that each time you switch the Humax back on, 'list' is the default setting for the recordings

    SSThing - 26 minutes ago  » I have just cycled my unit on/off a number of times and whichever I choose, either grid or list, it always retains the option I had chosen prior to turning off.

    Could the difference be due to the power saving settings?

    Timderstick, do you have Power Saving Mode set to 'On'?
    SSThing, do you have Power Saving Mode set to 'Off'?

    | Fri 2 Mar 2018 18:38:54 #69 |
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    I have just tried for five minutes off and it still works, I guess I will have to wait til tomorrow to find out lol
    I have no power saving options selected, nor do I put my unit into standby as a rule.

    | Fri 2 Mar 2018 18:41:46 #70 |

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