My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T


Remote control has stopped working - unit failing to respond.

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    Martin Liddle

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    Abby23 - 7 hours ago  » 

    I've had a Humax PVR 9150T for about 4 years, and I often hear it start up at 4am when I assumed it was doing its usual software updates. However, I've checked my box tonight (accessing the menues using the buttons on the front panel of the unit as my remote doesn't work) and this is the information I discovered:
    Software version: HPTTF 1.00.26
    I'm quite shocked to see an update date of July 2011 and a software version of 1.00.26 because I regularly hear my box turning on for about 15 mins at 4am and now I'm wondering why,

    Version 1.00.26 is the latest version; Humax have not released a software update recently. As you observe the box will wake up to check for an update but if there is none available it will then go back to sleep.

    Plus, the remote control has definitely died. It's not a battery problem - I checked - and I did use the advice about checking with a digital camera (no light showing from my Humax remote).

    OK the remote has died; you could take it apart and clean it or buy a new one of the same type or a cheaper third party replacement.

    I would have liked to have done a manual software update just to be sure there is no hitch with signals between the unit and remote, but, as many others on this thread have pointed out (and practically BEGGED someone to respond to them!) it's not possible to enter the necessary 0000 code to access the installation menu to do a manual update, unless someone can explain if it's possible to bypass the code?

    You can do a manual software update without a remote by downloading the update to a PC and using the process described at Link to Flash9200 software update tool and instructions. Absolutely no need to enter anything with the remote. You will need a remote to do a reset to default settings (unless Barry has a better idea) which should improve the behaviour of your system.

    Is there a definitive way to check that the problem does indeed lie with a faulty remote control, and if so can I be guaranteed that the Humax system will still work without hassles once a new remote control has been purchased and a manual software update has been achieved????

    How can anybody who is unable to examine the hardware give a guarantee? If you want a guarantee then use a commercial repairer not a Forum. For what little it is worth, I think there is a very good chance that with a working remote, a reset to default settings and a format of the disk (after watching any important recordings) the box will be restored to good health; personally on the basis of your description I would not waste time doing a manual software update. At worst it may need a new hard drive.

    | Sat 28 Dec 2013 9:02:28 #361 |
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    Is it passible to dub from the PVR-9300T to a CD disc?

    | Wed 1 Jan 2014 16:47:53 #362 |
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    I have a 3900 unit and recently (tonight) the STB button on the remote is constantly red. This means I cannot use it, the unit itself does work ok. Any help please or ideas on getting a replacement remote? Cheers.

    | Sat 8 Aug 2015 18:17:50 #363 |
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    On my 9200T the "remote control unresponsive" problem is much worse after the broadcaster adds a new channel, or shuffles the existing channels around. Once I have retuned the 9200T, the remote is much more responsive.

    Also there are fewer gaps in the EPG if you reduce the number of multiplexes you are receiving. Do you really want Dave and others on that multiplex? I also delete all the radio stations as well on the ground that their EPGs will need populating. I am not sure whether reducing the number of multiplexes also makes the remote control more responsive but it probably does.

    It has no doubt been said before, but the 9200T repsponsiveness problem is caused by the processor being overloaded when populating the EPG so anything which you can do to get the EPG populated (eg automatically switch on the 9200T 15 mins before you want to use it?) will reduce the times the 9200T is repopulating it, and so will reduce the times during which the remote control is unresponsive.

    | Tue 12 Jan 2016 16:27:18 #364 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    JohnH77 - 1 hour ago  » 
    It has no doubt been said before, but the 9200T repsponsiveness problem is caused by the processor being overloaded when populating the EPG

    Is it the processor or a shortage of RAM?

    | Tue 12 Jan 2016 17:58:11 #365 |
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    I've had all sorts of issues with the remote control. Tried just about every suggestion I could find on the Internet including a new remote. I don't know what possessed me but for some reason I did a factory reset of the TV (LG) and the remote now works better than ever before. I'm sure there's a logical reason for this but I don't know what it is. Might be worth trying before looking for more complicated solutions.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 9:21:16 #366 |
  7. Biggles


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    In the vast majority of cases it is not the remote control at fault. If the machine in question is a 9200 the problem is it's inability to process the remote commands quickly enough with all the other processing the machine has to do. Basically it is an old computer trying to run today's software.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 9:39:27 #367 |
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    Hi , I joined this forum to explain a couple of problems I experienced with the Humax box which I've only had a couple of weeks.First,after turning the sound down to take a phone call it wouldn't turn up again. I rebooted etc and finally moved the sound up manually on the TV before the sound on the handset was then able to kick in again.Second, and this is what drew me to this forum, my TV got stuck on one channel. I don't know how this happened. Anyway I fiddled but got nowhere. Eventually a relative happened to be round;with the TV switched on and with the stuck channel on he pointed the handset at the Humax box. He then pressed the STB button on the handset at the Humax box and control of all functions was retrieved. Really hope this info helps someone out there.

    | Tue 2 May 2017 10:45:09 #368 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    colpren - 3 hours ago  » 
    Hi , I joined this forum to explain a couple of problems I experienced with the Humax box which I've only had a couple of weeks

    Which Humax box do you have? If the remote has an STB button then I think you will have posted in the wrong section of the Forum.

    | Tue 2 May 2017 13:47:45 #369 |
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    I Just bought Humax HB1100s worked on set up then the remote function froze. Took it back to the shop got a replacement which worked until the next day when everything froze again. The problem seems to be the remote rather than software. Looked online and found removing the remote batteries and holding down the on off button for 30 seconds can work. Did the trick for me, I would recommend trying this.

    | Sun 15 Oct 2017 20:13:57 #370 |

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