Reffub - 2 hours ago »
Faust - 3 hours ago »
I don't find the icons annoying because I can't really see them.
As you say they made them small and discreet - so discreet many of us can't read them. It is therefore no loss that they have disappeared. Similarly with the scrolling channel indicator. I sit on an angle to the box which either catches the light from the window or the reading lamp, so again I can't really read it from my chair.
Therefore for all intents and purposes it's already blank for me so it wouldn't be missed.Okay my mistake, it's just odd that you feel the need to posts so many times about icons that don't bother or annoy you and you can't really see.
It kind of reminds me of a certain 1000s owning Faust that had a major problem with the existence of HD channels, for some reason he couldn't appreciate them.
But possibly his dislike of HD was just a matter of struggling with change, as you said many people appear to struggle with change.
It's not really a question of 'your mistake' I just think you hadn't really appreciated why they don't matter to me. I for my part couldn't really understand why something as small as these icons matter to people. As I said before it is a 'set and forget' device so a display of any sort isn't really required (or shouldn't be)
Regarding the HD situation - well given I could have been mistaken and that I don't mind change, I went out and bought myself a new larger Full HD TV and now I can see the difference. However, at times the difference can be minimal which I suspect is down to the broadcaster.