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T2000 sudden menu style change.

(114 posts)
  1. Barry


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    I see no let up in the complaints on the YouView Community Forum.

    What did make me chuckle is someone has posted to an old thread that was comparing YV to FreeviewPlay....out of date info now as the FVP has improved since with software updates but one of the comments re the FVP is it is slow....really when YV unit takes over 2 minutes to boot from full standby compared to 17/18 sec for a FVP.

    Also some of the latest comments re FVP are misleading and should be taken with a very large pinch of the proverbial.

    Edit 24/03 - I see some of the stupid/rubbish/nonsense, call it what you will comments have now been removed.

    Will be interesting to read members gomezz and Faust thoughts once they have sighted the new UI.

    | Thu 23 Mar 2017 10:28:20 #31 |
  2. gomezz


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    Boot up time can be improved by not having standby mode set to Eco. My SOP is to turn the box on then go make a cup of coffee or keep an eye on when it is due to make recordings related to when I plan to watch stuff on it and not let it go back into full standby if there is less than an hour to go.

    My prime concern at the moment is that I do not get it dumped on my box in the middle of a MotoGP weekend (30 minutes to go to the new season! ) so I have a day or two at least to get used to it first.

    | Thu 23 Mar 2017 13:28:53 #32 |
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    Barry - 3 hours ago  » 
    I see no let up in the complaints on the YouView Community Forum.
    What did make me chuckle is someone has posted to an old thread that was comparing YV to FreeviewPlay....

    I thought I then saw that a link had been added to this site and you saying to ignore most/all reviews/comments prior to September due to the Humax freeview play improvements that have been rolled out since the reviews/comments were written.

    | Thu 23 Mar 2017 13:58:45 #33 |
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    gomezz - 30 minutes ago  » 
    My prime concern at the moment is that I do not get it dumped on my box in the middle of a MotoGP weekend (30 minutes to go to the new season! ) so I have a day or two at least to get used to it first.

    Despite the bugs, appearance of incompleteness, lesser functionality and odd design I'd be surprised if you personally would need that long providing you kept half an eye on the screen to check what was happening when you pressed the buttons on your remote, (some haven't and have deleted a series instead of an episode in the series).

    | Thu 23 Mar 2017 14:08:52 #34 |
  5. gomezz


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    I appreciate your confidence in me but watching all the MotoGP coverage can be a bit of a test of stamina and I can see myself accidentally doing something silly through sheer fatigue! Though I do have a cast iron rule not to delete any of the numerous recordings until I have watched them all through to the bitter end.

    This weekend the fatigue issue is compounded by having the F1 coverage and an England football match to watch too.

    | Thu 23 Mar 2017 19:36:45 #35 |
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    Barry - 1 day ago
    Will be interesting to read members gomezz and Faust thoughts once they have sighted the new UI.

    I have seen the promos for it Barry and TBH I'm somewhat concerned with the recording display i.e. thumbnails plus deleting and finding what you want to watch, so not looking forward to it. Still we shall see in the fullness of time.

    At the end of the day this box has only cost me £60 including a years subscription so it's hardly a disaster if I don't like it.

    I still have my 1000s plus the 2000T which is currently boxed up again.

    | Fri 24 Mar 2017 16:34:11 #36 |
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    Hello everyone,
    After reading this forum for years its nice to finally talk to you.

    As you can see by my profile my names Visionman (from the YouView Community forum) and to give this topic some balance, I like NextGen. And I'm not the only one.

    Barry administrator>
    "IMHO FreeviewPlay is the better option."

    May I ask why, as you don't state? Thanks.

    | Sat 25 Mar 2017 17:35:45 #37 |
  8. Barry


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    Visionman - 3 hours ago  » 
    Hello everyone,
    After reading this forum for years its nice to finally talk to you.
    As you can see by my profile my names Visionman (from the YouView Community forum) and to give this topic some balance, I like NextGen. And I'm not the only one.

    In a minority, it would appear.

    Barry administrator>
    "IMHO FreeviewPlay is the better option."

    May I ask why, as you don't state? Thanks

    To answer I should have said Humax FreeViewPlay as the Panasonic is almost as dire as YouView, dated UI, awful remote with small buttons and poor layout - yes I do have one, only used as a BluRay player now though, don't use the HDD recorder.

    FAQ salient points in bold. YouView had an ideal opportunity with this update to include at least some of these.


    If you copy/paste content from this Forum to another have the decency to state where you got info from.

    | Sat 25 Mar 2017 21:50:05 #38 |
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    "If you copy/paste content from this Forum to another have the decency to state where you got info from."
    Barry, if I've broken a forum rule, I need to know.

    But thanks for the FAQ.

    | Sat 25 Mar 2017 22:12:02 #39 |
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    "FAQ salient points in bold. YouView had an ideal opportunity with this update to include at least some of these."

    No, unfortunately. May I ask which model of YouView you have?
    I have a BT supplied T2100 and a retail purchased T2000.

    | Sat 25 Mar 2017 22:19:38 #40 |

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