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T2000 sudden menu style change.

(114 posts)
  1. Barry


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    Visionman - 17 minutes ago  » 
    "FAQ salient points in bold. YouView had an ideal opportunity with this update to include at least some of these."

    No, unfortunately. May I ask which model of YouView you have?
    I have a BT supplied T2100 and a retail purchased T2000.

    All models that were/are sold retail, but only have a DTR T2000 connected as of now.

    | Sat 25 Mar 2017 22:37:33 #41 |
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    And my quote?

    | Sat 25 Mar 2017 22:42:14 #42 |
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    Barry, you haven't actually stated why Freeview Play is superior to YouView 2.0, which is commonly called NextGen. So would you care to say why?

    | Sat 25 Mar 2017 23:43:35 #43 |
  4. FenderBender


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    Visionman - 9 hours ago  » 
    Barry, you haven't actually stated why Freeview Play is superior to YouView 2.0, which is commonly called NextGen. So would you care to say why?

    Barry already has in post #38.

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 9:01:36 #44 |
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    This has to be the oddest rollout I have experienced. Lots of people with the BT models now have it whilst others don't. I don't know if it's a postcode rollout or alphabetical as there appears to be no logic as to whose got it and who hasn't.

    Mind you, given the adverse publicity I'm not busting a gut to find out. Things seem to have gone very quiet on the BT Youview take over talks too. Whilst all the other partners want to sell their share of the business to BT the BBC has been holding out and allegedly asking too much for their share of the business.

    This could well backfire on the BBC as BT now have another platform following their takeover of EE (Netgem PVX) so who knows which way they will eventually jump.

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 10:04:41 #45 |
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    Hi Faust. May I ask where that 'takeover' talk came from?

    In regard to your other queries, the roll out should be completed by June(ish) and EEs TV user base will be coming over to YouView. Though BT haven't as yet stated a date when this will happen.

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 12:33:29 #46 |
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    Ok. An update from me. Two things you can do to make your box a little better. Still a bad downgrde but 'liveable'.

    * Change accessibility setings.
    * Unplug connection to broadband.

    Change accessibility setings.
    Settings -> Accessibility & Language -> Appearance. Select "high contrast colours", "on"; "Transparent Backgrounds", "off".

    Unplug broadand connection
    After a couple of days the pictures behind the recorded programmes disappear making the recorded programmes section easier to use. Still worse than the list feature but better than writing over a background with no consideration as to the colour or shade of the background.

    Granted "unplugging the boradband connection" stops you accessing YouView but it was always a "nice" feature for me rather than a key one. At least I now have a useable PVR, which for a while I didn't have.

    I /think/ disconnecting will also prevent further downgrades to the box as I /belive/ the downgrade was over the internet rather than OTA. Can anyone confirm that?

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 13:11:26 #47 |
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    ... and a follow up. Does anyone know what will happen if I unplug the broadband then Factory Reset the box? Will that get me back to the old default interface? I know I'll have to leave it unplugged but no intention of using YouView anyway.

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 13:24:15 #48 |
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    evanmjones - 2 minutes ago  » 
    ... and a follow up. Does anyone know what will happen if I unplug the broadband then Factory Reset the box? Will that get me back to the old default interface? I know I'll have to leave it unplugged but no intention of using YouView anyway.

    If you have no intention of using Youview (and why would you not use it?) then why are you bothered about going back to the old UI?

    My understanding is this is a one way update i.e. no way to go back. I also believe that if you don't reconnect to the Internet the functionality of the box will become increasingly impaired over time.

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 13:28:10 #49 |
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    Visionman - 1 hour ago  » 
    Hi Faust. May I ask where that 'takeover' talk came from?
    In regard to your other queries, the roll out should be completed by June(ish) and EEs TV user base will be coming over to YouView. Though BT haven't as yet stated a date when this will happen.

    Lots more links of a similar kind out there. These are just two.

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 14:10:20 #50 |

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