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Unable to record, lost recordings and no on demand

(32 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    martip - 1 hour ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 22 hours ago
    The major problem is when the disk itself is not recognised as being present.

    Graham, Do we think that this issue is un-recoverable. Our 1000S has been reporting no HDD for some time now. Full power cycles have no effect.

    All I can say as posted by Barry, that all units that Humax have looked at with the issue had recovered when examined. As a result it's proving to be a very difficult problem to diagnose.

    No idea how long the period was, surmising that the units were returned to one of the main Humax sites, possibly S Korea so could have been quite a long time.

    | Thu 9 Jun 2016 10:56:39 #21 |
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    The box is certainly very sensitive to some actions on the part of the user. Yesterday my HB1000S when switched on from s/by produced no picture on the TV. Since I had been moving the TV I immediately suspected, correctly, the HDMI connection. It was not fully home at the TV. Pushed it home and the picture appeared. On selecting the full guide the programme info was not populated and when I exited the guide the TV picture remained as the little box in the top right corner. Pressed the guide again and it appeared but the box froze to all R/C actions. Pulled the power and restored and all was well after a reboot. This fits with other problems which have occurred when pressing the R/C before the mini-guide is fully populated.
    It seems to be the case that if the boot sequence does not find everything to be 100% then it just defaults to fail.

    | Thu 9 Jun 2016 12:06:39 #22 |
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    martip - 2 hours ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 22 hours ago
    The major problem is when the disk itself is not recognised as being present.

    Graham, Do we think that this issue is un-recoverable. Our 1000S has been reporting no HDD for some time now. Full power cycles have no effect.

    Full power cycles doesn't resolve the problem for me either.

    I can confirm (as Humax directed when I spoke to them) the list of recordings can be seen via the phone app. Therefore I presume the data in still on the disk and the situation should therefore be recoverable.

    Is it possible to downgrade to the previous firmware version?

    | Thu 9 Jun 2016 12:07:44 #23 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    cohech - 30 minutes ago  » 

    martip - 2 hours ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 22 hours ago
    The major problem is when the disk itself is not recognised as being present.

    Graham, Do we think that this issue is un-recoverable. Our 1000S has been reporting no HDD for some time now. Full power cycles have no effect.

    Full power cycles doesn't resolve the problem for me either.
    I can confirm (as Humax directed when I spoke to them) the list of recordings can be seen via the phone app. Therefore I presume the data in still on the disk and the situation should therefore be recoverable.
    Is it possible to downgrade to the previous firmware version?

    Downgrading has been tried apparently without success.

    | Thu 9 Jun 2016 12:39:43 #24 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    grahamlthompson - 3 hours ago  » 
    All I can say as posted by Barry, that all units that Humax have looked at with the issue had recovered when examined.

    I am sure that this "recovery after a long period without power" behaviour is giving a very strong clue as to the problem. Unfortunately I don't have enough background in this sort of electronics to work out what is going on. I remain sceptical that it can be corrected by a software change which to me sounds more like Humax playing for time.

    | Thu 9 Jun 2016 14:56:57 #25 |
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    cohech - 3 hours ago  » ...I can confirm (as Humax directed when I spoke to them) the list of recordings can be seen via the phone app. Therefore I presume the data in still on the disk and the situation should therefore be recoverable...

    Is what you are seeing via the app the actual recordings on the disk? Or a copy that has been uploaded to the Freesat servers? I suspect maybe the latter since the former would suggest that the disk is accessible via the net but not locally, unlikely I would think.
    I agree with Martin Liddle (post #25), some heat or electric potential is likely dissipating and so allowing access to the disk. Software does not change in this way. I would guess at a h/w problem induced by the app repeatedly booting the disk. I imagine discussion to be ongoing Humax/Freesat as to who is to blame.

    | Thu 9 Jun 2016 15:18:21 #26 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Pollensa1946 - 46 minutes ago  » 

    cohech - 3 hours ago  » ...I can confirm (as Humax directed when I spoke to them) the list of recordings can be seen via the phone app. Therefore I presume the data in still on the disk and the situation should therefore be recoverable...

    Is what you are seeing via the app the actual recordings on the disk? Or a copy that has been uploaded to the Freesat servers? I suspect maybe the latter since the former would suggest that the disk is accessible via the net but not locally, unlikely I would think.
    I agree with Martin Liddle (post #25), some heat or electric potential is likely dissipating and so allowing access to the disk. Software does not change in this way. I would guess at a h/w problem induced by the app repeatedly booting the disk. I imagine discussion to be ongoing Humax/Freesat as to who is to blame.

    There are reports of the issue from users who have never paired the app, though it does seem to exacerbate the issue.

    | Thu 9 Jun 2016 16:05:57 #27 |


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    As Graham says non app users have reported also.
    Regarding installing older software - no pre HB-1000S versions have yet been tried and are not ASIK publically available.

    I guess that Humax test returned units in "perfect" conditions which may the problem as few of us have the same.
    I know how frustrating not being able to locate the problem would to them. Lets hope they have cracked it.

    | Thu 9 Jun 2016 16:38:21 #28 |
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    grahamlthompson - 2 hours ago  » ...There are reports of the issue from users who have never paired the app...

    I would expect that to be the case and they could be attributed to normal h/w failures within the expected quality statistics. They could simply serve to confuse the issue. An analysis of app-yes, vs app-no would soon reveal any relationship to the failure rate. I assume Humax have done that and can confidently state their finding, or can they?

    | Thu 9 Jun 2016 18:59:54 #29 |
  10. martip


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    I have tried everything I have read here, including extended power cycles, factory defaulting, un-pairing the device (btw it still spins up the HDD regularly!)even a HDD re format, when the box could "see" the HDD. All to no avail - I am getting real grief from my wife who likes to record various cooking / sewing series
    C'mon Freesat / Humax get a grip, we all paid good money for a product we cannot use!

    | Fri 10 Jun 2016 13:12:01 #30 |

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