The re occurring reboots, from the soft reboot where the Aura goes blank and then we see the white revolving circle as the Humax software restarts itself. Or the full power down where the Aura shuts itself down and goes for a full power cycle with the start up Humax logo, the Android restart and then the Humax operating system startup, this happening in the middle of the box recording is the most annoying.
This is fairly random when it occurs, the Aura can go days without a reboot or a restart other days it can perform these irritations continually through the day.
When that happens I power down the Aura unplug and wait about 10 to 15 minutes before restarting.
Occasionally but more often recently the Aura decides during TV watching or during recording playback to interrupt and show the Home screen, sometimes this can be a one time occurence and others it will continually switch to the Home screen, which necessitates a power recycle.
The skip forward or back operation where it will jump back to the beginning of a recording or the live TV buffer rather than fast forward or rewind to the place you want to be.
This only very occasionally happens on my Aura but a lot of owners over the years have posted about this.
Even though my Auras Freeview system app has been updated to the latest version to address the freezing or blackout on certain TV channels I noticed last night while watching E4 Extra and 47 it froze again after a few minutes. Why is the Aura susceptible to this whereas my Humax 5000T is not affected nor my TV. Humax could do with investigating this further.
Another irritation is that the Aura still suffers from pixellation and drop outs, i.e the signal seems to be less stable in the Aura but pass through to my 5000T and then my TV the signal is stable with no such drop outs.
The Aura is first in line to receive a signal from the aerial but yet often shows less Signal Strength and Quality than the 5000T and the TV. Most muxes are ok and no pixellation occurs but at the moment mux 44 is affected on the Aura with pixellation but the 5000T and the TV are fine. The pixellation is occasional and doesn’t necessarily interfere with enjoying a programme.
Just wondered if a tweak to the tuning software would enhance the performance of the tuners or if this is really a hardware issue with poorer quality tuners in the Aura.
| Fri 13 Dec 2024 4:51:04
#12 |