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5 USA recordings start late and finish early

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    Yes - me too. It got terrible just before Xmas when I seemed to be deleting C5 and 5 USA "unwanted repeats of the identical episode" every week.

    My brewery analogy still seems appropriate.

    | Tue 12 Jan 2016 16:13:38 #21 |
  2. Stephenesque


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    JohnH77 - 4 hours ago  » 

    I have set the 5 USA recordings, the programme I found on Thursday is scheduled at 23:00 (presumably it's the one you are having issues with)

    Yes it is. I don't see how ******* ****** 5 USA could organise a proverbial p*ss up in a brewery, let alone get timing or other EPG stuff correct! (I don't know why, but I removed the asterisked adjectives which I had used to describe 5 USA.)
    The series was called New: Law and Order, and the series recording ended with last week's episode on Thur 7 January.
    The episode on Thur 14 January appears to be the next in the series, but ******* ****** 5 USA has set it up as a completely different programme, now called Law and Order, and with a new series link!!!
    I thought the series had ended with the Thur 7 Jan episode because there were no more series linked programmes. But no, it continues ...
    I can only think it must be total and complete incompetence by 5 USA.
    [Moderator - please sanitise if required]

    I know what you mean; the C5 channels can be so frustrating.

    Tonight's 9pm episode of Law & Order SVU says that it is S14Ep13 on the 4000T's EPG, but doesn't say that it's 'New'. Checking to see if this was in fact a new episode I went to the C5 website where it says that it is episode 11, even though episode 12 was broadcast last week.

    The website also says that tonight's episode was previously broadcast on the 22nd of December!

    In this instance the EPG is correct according to IMDB, it is episode 13 and is new, and hopefully my 'weekly repeat' schedule will record all of it

    | Tue 12 Jan 2016 19:46:05 #22 |
  3. Barry


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    Last nights test of 'Law and Order Special Victims Unit'

    On all units starts at end credits for previous programme, about 2 mins 30 secs before actual programme starts. Complete programme recorded with approx. 2 minutes extra.

    Total programme length 62 minutes.

    Will continue with the tests.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 9:17:01 #23 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Same outcome HDR FOX T2.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 10:02:48 #24 |
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    Same outcome for my (original poster) FVP-4000T.

    While I would like to think that my complaints have already bourne fruit I wonder if 5 USA is still mucking it up? SVU contains the credits for the previous programme - I wonder if that means that, had I recorded it, I would have lost them?

    How difficult can it be to understand that you need to set the START timing mark when the programme starts; and you set the END timing mark when the program ends. Surely even a three year old can grasp the idea?

    Why can't 5 USA get its head round this simple concept!

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 11:52:13 #25 |
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    Since the results were consistent across three users and a remarkable number of units, it seems likely that the couple of minutes before and after is standard padding and the programme played within its scheduled EPG time and AR adjustments were not needed.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 12:16:22 #26 |
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    JohnH77 - 30 minutes ago  » 
    How difficult can it be to understand that you need to set the START timing mark when the programme starts; and you set the END timing mark when the program ends. Surely even a three year old can grasp the idea?
    Why can't 5 USA get its head round this simple concept!

    Surely the program starts when the previous one finishes, and, ipso facto, ends when the next one starts.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 12:25:15 #27 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    BB - 7 minutes ago  » 

    JohnH77 - 30 minutes ago  » 
    How difficult can it be to understand that you need to set the START timing mark when the programme starts; and you set the END timing mark when the program ends. Surely even a three year old can grasp the idea?
    Why can't 5 USA get its head round this simple concept!

    Surely the program starts when the previous one finishes, and, ipso facto, ends when the next one starts.

    It's the no mans land between, on commercial channels the ads and on BBC the trailers etc for future programmes, that produce variations. ITV generally switch about halfway through the ads - approx 2 minutes) On a satellite box you can watch the now/next epg. Recordings normally start when the broadcaster changes the status (when what is next becomes now) and ends when now changes to what was next.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 12:39:17 #28 |
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    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 
    Last nights test of 'Law and Order Special Victims Unit'
    On all units starts at end credits for previous programme, about 2 mins 30 secs before actual programme starts. Complete programme recorded with approx. 2 minutes extra.
    Total programme length 62 minutes.
    Will continue with the tests.

    I set both the Humax 2000T and our Panasonic PVR simply to test the outcome using two different makes of PVR - my results concur with Barry's.

    If this issue is not a clash of overlapping regions then the FVP4000T really has some serious issues to overcome.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 13:55:07 #29 |
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    But the FVP4000T also recorded correctly in this instance. Probably because actual runtimes matched EPG info and AR adjustments did not come into play.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 14:07:51 #30 |

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