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5000T and fire stick with iptv

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    Hi guys hope someone can help, I’ve a iptv on my fire stick and just purchased a 5000T , problem I have is my iptv provider said this box won’t work with it as the reason I bought the box was to record using the epg so is there a work around for this
    Thanks in advance

    | Tue 27 Apr 2021 7:22:42 #1 |
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    As far as I know, the 5000T, in common with most (if not all) PVRs, can only record things from its own tuners, not from any external source (if that is what you hoped to do).

    | Tue 27 Apr 2021 7:49:42 #2 |
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    Thanks for that, tbh the iptv vod and series links I get are spot on and live tv is great quality so I don’t think I’ve made a mistake getting a 5000 as recording terrestrial is a plus and the on demand is good nowadays

    | Tue 27 Apr 2021 7:54:43 #3 |
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    Hi everyone. I am new to this forum, and would seek your advice, please.
    I have a FVP-5000T with a RM-L08 remote, both about 12-18 months old. Two questions:-
    (1) I currently have slow-speed broadband fed to the device by a cable from the house's telephone cabling. In a few days time, I am having a fibre-cable high-speed broadband service installed, newly fibre-cabled to a router in the middle of the house, high up on the ground floor in order to reach all parts of the house via its wi-fi. Can I use a "dongle" or some such similar device plugged into my 5000T to enable it to receive broadband via wi-fi from the newly installed router?

    (2) Can I control the unit remotely using an app on my mobile phone, e.g. set up recordings, NOT from within the vicinity of my house's wi-fi, by instead over long distances across the country using my mobile signal?

    Thanks, Ian.

    | Sun 6 Feb 2022 10:44:12 #4 |
  5. Mars


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    (1) It has WiFi built in!

    | Sun 6 Feb 2022 10:52:34 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    IanDewis - 9 mins ago  » 
    (2) Can I control the unit remotely using an app on my mobile phone, e.g. set up recordings, NOT from within the vicinity of my house's wi-fi, by instead over long distances across the country using my mobile signal?

    Certainly when the boxes were launched that functionality was available. I have seen reports that it is currently a bit flaky but no harm in trying.

    | Sun 6 Feb 2022 10:55:58 #6 |
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    The only app currently available on the PlayStore is the Aura app.
    The app that worked for the 4000t/5000t disappeared a couple of months ago. Humax were made aware but it still hasn't been replaced/updated.

    | Sun 6 Feb 2022 11:09:11 #7 |
  8. brian


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    SSThing - 8 mins ago  » 
    The only app currently available on the PlayStore is the Aura app.
    The app that worked for the 4000t/5000t disappeared a couple of months ago. Humax were made aware but it still hasn't been replaced/updated.

    The full range of Humax apps are still available on the Apple app store, so perhaps an android issue.

    | Sun 6 Feb 2022 11:19:59 #8 |
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    That's why I only said the PlayStore.

    | Sun 6 Feb 2022 11:29:10 #9 |

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