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Anyone completely happy with their Aura?

(29 posts)
  1. Geoff_W


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    I replaced a failing Foxsat HDR with the Aura. As other posters have said, there are a few niggles but no showstoppers. I like the slick operation and the number of simultaneous programmes it can record. Niggles (as per @davidrew) and also after pausing playback it often jumps back several minutes or even goes back to the beginning. Apart from those issues I'm reasonably happy with it.

    | Thu 1 Sep 2022 17:45:19 #11 |
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    It’s the worst STB I have ever owned . Reboots every morning when I switch it on and have a juddering picture on both YouTube and BBC IPlayer. It’s been like this since the last firmware update more than 12 months ago with no sign of anything being fixed. Wish I hadn’t bothered.

    | Thu 1 Sep 2022 18:51:29 #12 |
  3. brian


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    I don't have any of the issues mentioned above, and quite like my aura's.

    I only use mine as PVR's, and to access the various catch-up apps, and other players.

    Perhaps those having issues should perform a factory reset, and see if this helps to resolve them.

    | Thu 1 Sep 2022 18:57:17 #13 |
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    Have performed two factory resets but still have the reboot problem especially while watching a catch-up app.

    | Thu 1 Sep 2022 19:01:55 #14 |
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    We're happy with ours. It records, catch-up does it's thing. We use the Aura as a PVR, used as that its ok.
    Now that the app works again it does what we need.
    We dont use prime, netflix etc - they simply cost too much.

    | Thu 1 Sep 2022 19:29:57 #15 |
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    I'm happy with my aura. The only issue I see occasionally is the skip forward jumping back to start, which I can live with.

    | Thu 1 Sep 2022 20:14:03 #16 |
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    Since mine was replaced with the improved tuners its been good ,and easy to use.
    Small annoyances are the brief drop out for a brief second when you switch on , usually when there is an important news announcement and you miss the gist of it.
    The guide seems sometimes to get confused as to what time of the day it is but I'm wise to it now. If it went I would miss it as the three tuners make all the difference. Also the advert jumper is the best of any Humax to date.

    | Fri 2 Sep 2022 6:24:04 #17 |
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    One glitch I forgot is in regard to 5.1 sound . Disney and terrestrial TV is fine it is there no trouble. But prime video sometimes it there sometimes not and then I revert back to my Firestick which works fine. What prompted me was I just thought Id take a look at the new Lord of the Rings serial to see how bad it was and my amplifier fired up into Dolby Atmos to my great surprise. Sure enough switch off wait a few minutes and nothing but stereo!

    | Fri 2 Sep 2022 12:09:42 #18 |
  9. Geoff_W


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    Geoff_W - 20 hours ago  » 
    I replaced a failing Foxsat HDR with the Aura. As other posters have said, there are a few niggles but no showstoppers. I like the slick operation and the number of simultaneous programmes it can record. Niggles (as per @davidrew) and also after pausing playback it often jumps back several minutes or even goes back to the beginning. Apart from those issues I'm reasonably happy with it.

    Typical Sod's Law. My Aura failed to come out of deep standby this morning. Only when I switched it on at 8am did it start to record the two programmes scheduled at 6am. Looks like I may have to use the nuclear option and do a full factory reset - seems to cure most issues for a while.

    | Fri 2 Sep 2022 14:27:08 #19 |
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    I am pretty happy with mine to be honest. I originally had to get it replaced because I had the tuner issue where channels were breaking up. The new one has been fine. As an all round solution I think it is pretty good. I can watch my recordings on other TVs and even playstations in the house and all the apps seem to work pretty well. It would be a shame if updates to it have stopped though.

    | Fri 2 Sep 2022 15:58:08 #20 |

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