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Aura Beta Firmware dated 11.05.21

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    Update came through yesterday. I like the menu colour although I would have preferred a different colour than red (just my opinion). Changing channel and playing back recordings seems to be fixed in terms of starting pixelated doesn’t occur.

    | Sat 15 May 2021 9:02:24 #31 |
  2. brian


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    Bjwgorman - 1 hour ago  » 
    Update came through yesterday. I like the menu colour although I would have preferred a different colour than red (just my opinion). Changing channel and playing back recordings seems to be fixed in terms of starting pixelated doesn’t occur.

    The menu colour is Orange, but unfortunately a different shade to that used elsewhere.

    | Sat 15 May 2021 10:59:43 #32 |
  3. ssenior45


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    barrados - 1 day ago  » 
    Nothing major, but in play next, the text reading, directly add programmes by long pressing centre button on your remote, should read, "directly remove, instead of add" unless I'm missing something.

    I think that is correct, it’s telling you how to manually add items to play next, which you do by long pressing on an item in a channel and you get a pop up with the option to add.

    | Sat 15 May 2021 11:25:21 #33 |
  4. Barry


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    The Moog - 21 hours ago  » 
    Update received fine and installed, the menu changes are nice and appreciated, as is the inclusion of proper audio passthrough for Plex.
    Initial testing of local playback through Plex seems to be variable; some 4k HDR Atmos content plays perfectly, other 4k and 1080P TrueHD content won't play at all and I just get a black screen until I exit back to the menu.

    Can you please check your Private Messages.

    | Sat 15 May 2021 14:13:05 #34 |
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    Although may be not specific to the firmware beta, I have noticed/still notice the following:

    - Mute button response since introduction of apps long press function. The button responds extremely quickly, so when pressed normally will often mute/unmute in quick succession, making it appear like it’s not activated at all or done the complete opposite to what was expected.

    - As has been mentioned previously, when returning to the recordings list from watching a recording, the selected/highlighted recording changes if something else has started recording in the meantime, meaning it’s easy to delete the wrong item if not paying attention.

    - Momentary audio stutter/disruption on Live TV on the main TV connected being watched, when commencing playback through the Aura app or another device DLNA play back or playing live TV. Subsequent play back may or may not generate the same issue, but generally if left for a period before activating playback again.

    | Sat 15 May 2021 17:11:06 #35 |
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    First thing for me to test was the new settings for audio output format. Up to now I've not been able to get Dolby Digital from Aura to TV to Sonos surround system (ie: Beam + a pair of One SL's).
    The Beam can't handle PCM mutichannel so up to now everything's been Stereo PCM 2.0. I had tried the MS12 transcoding (only intended for TV speakers) but it didn't work.
    The new firmware now provides DD 5.1 (but not DD2.0) via MS12 from which the Beam now receives DD 5.1 where appropriate and it works well. To achieve this, the option “S/PDIF” has to be chosen (the one that's suggested for TV speakers only) but I'm not using S/PDIF – only HDMI.
    The option “Home Cinema” only results in Stereo PCM 2.0 for everything – even the Cup Final on Saturday, which the Beam could received in DD 5.1 from both the TV on its own and the Youview box.
    To arrive at this I had to try all four Options, some involving a reboot (luckily BBC1 was in 5.1 all Sat afternoon). The Option: “Custom” would only work if set up exactly the same as Option: “S/PDIF”.
    However it could be that we now have the best of both worlds because when I Googled “DD 2.0 vs Stereo PCM 2.0” the general opinion was that the latter was clearer than Dolby as it wasn't compressed.
    To sum up:
    (i) Dolby Digital 5.1 now works with Sonos Beam + rear speakers (Tommy1976 will be pleased to hear this). This will no doubt apply to other soundbar systems designed for DD 5.1.
    (ii) We're better with Stereo PCM 2.0 than DD 2.0? (Any comments, anyone??)
    (iii) If you go to Settings>Audio & Video>Audio Output Setup>Audio Output Setup>Custom>Dolby Advanced Settings - Whether to use MS12 or not ?? - somewhat misleading as I've had to use MS12 “On” for my Soundbar. By the way the two sound bars I've had have both received the signal from the TV, not direct from the AVR. There's only one input (HDMI) on the soundbar and no output.

    | Sun 16 May 2021 21:45:02 #36 |
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    I know it's a bit late in the day, but my box doesn't appear to have picked up the update; it's always had the beta firmwares without trouble so far.

    | Mon 17 May 2021 5:44:35 #37 |
  8. Barry


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    larkim - 58 mins ago  » 
    I know it's a bit late in the day, but my box doesn't appear to have picked up the update; it's always had the beta firmwares without trouble so far.

    No record of you opting into firmware updates, previous updates have been apps only.

    | Mon 17 May 2021 6:43:54 #38 |
  9. Mars


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    Mars - 2 days ago  » 
    I switched off Red LED in Deep Standby, which is set from 11:30 to 7:30, but this morning at 7:10 the red led was on. Switched the Aura on (it was in deep standby) and checked the setting. Then, I put the box back into deep standby and the red led went off after a minute or two.
    Some improvements seem to have been made for DVB-T2, but I have always found these channels to be robust and have more issues with DVB-T channels where signal quality varies wildly at times (although it is usually 100%). This seems to be quite a common issue and is not solved by a variable attenuator so ignore the snakeoil salesmen.
    Regarding choosing a region after automatic retunes, I still have channels in the 800s.

    Again, this morning the red LED was on while the box was in deep standby at 7:05. I did not notice this happening over the weekend.

    | Mon 17 May 2021 7:27:56 #39 |
  10. Mars


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    I have just reset the Aura and backing up user preferences did not work! I was suspicious when pressing Backup User Preferences did nothing much.

    | Mon 17 May 2021 8:09:29 #40 |

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