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Aura Beta Firmware dated 11.05.21

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    Barry - 1 hour ago  » 

    larkim - 58 mins ago  » 
    I know it's a bit late in the day, but my box doesn't appear to have picked up the update; it's always had the beta firmwares without trouble so far.

    No record of you opting into firmware updates, previous updates have been apps only.

    That's odd, I've had every beta firmware so far (I thought) since the betas started to become available. Or did the programme get reset when you flagged the issue with common apps potentially becoming uninstallable due to the non-verified status?

    | Mon 17 May 2021 7:17:23 #41 |
  2. Barry


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    You will have had the app updates check version number as per This Post.

    Previous updates were not firmware, just apps.

    | Mon 17 May 2021 7:20:29 #42 |
  3. Barry


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    Mars - 11 mins ago  » 
    I have just reset the Aura and backing up user preferences did not work! I was suspicious when pressing Backup User Preferences did nothing much.

    Strange, I have done this 3 times since the firmware update (trying to replicate other issues) each time I get the 'Export completed' pop up and on import all settings and schedules have been correct - caveat schedules do take sometime to fully update.

    | Mon 17 May 2021 7:22:57 #43 |
  4. Mars


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    Barry - 8 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 11 mins ago  » 
    I have just reset the Aura and backing up user preferences did not work! I was suspicious when pressing Backup User Preferences did nothing much.

    Strange, I have done this 3 times since the firmware update (trying to replicate other issues) each time I get the 'Export completed' pop up and on import all settings and schedules have been correct - caveat schedules do take sometime to fully update.

    It is working now after the reset. Maybe I missed the messages at the top of the screen and did not give it time to restore the settings.

    | Mon 17 May 2021 7:33:32 #44 |
  5. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    Mars - 3 days ago  » 

    Some improvements seem to have been made for DVB-T2, but I have always found these channels to be robust and have more issues with DVB-T channels where signal quality varies wildly at times (although it is usually 100%). This seems to be quite a common issue and is not solved by a variable attenuator so ignore the snakeoil salesmen.
    Regarding choosing a region after automatic retunes, I still have channels in the 800s.

    Good to see you (Mars) acknowledge there are problems with DVT channels signal quality on the Aura. My box has problems with COM6 ArqB, particularly I notice with Yesterday channel (signal strength 96% quality 62% and fluctuating) but with all in Mux. This must be the Aura's problem as I have a 4000T on the same aerial on passthrough from Aura (and tried other order) and the 4000T signal strength 75% quality is 100%.

    Perhaps you could explain why an attenuator won't work? Does 100% signal overwhelm the signal quality? or does it attenuate both signal and quality?

    I hope a firmware fix makes the SD channels viewable. also the Aura doesn't ask which region I'm in like the old 4000T as I can get both South East and Southern BBC. Otherwise many people will return their Auras and move to other PVRs

    | Mon 17 May 2021 10:47:30 #45 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Channels in the 800's means you have tuned channels from more than one transmitter almost certainly the cause of your problem. You need to identify which is your best transmitter. Identify the UHF frequency it uses for each MUX. Delete all radio and TV channels you have currently. Then Manually tune each MUX in turn Select DVB-T for SD and DVB-T2 for HD. You cannot use more than one transmitter as it screws up the broadcaster accurate recording capability. This of course will not bother a TV that is not a PVR.

    Surprised this did not create a problem with a FV--4000/5000T

    | Mon 17 May 2021 11:11:10 #46 |
  7. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    grahamlthompson - 1 min ago  » 
    Channels in the 800's means you have tuned channels from more than one transmitter almost certainly the cause of your problem. You need to identify which is your best transmitter. Identify the UHF frequency it uses for each MUX. Delete all radio and TV channels you have currently. Then Manually tune each MUX in turn Select DVB-T for SD and DVB-T2 for HD. You cannot use more than one transmitter as it screws up the broadcaster accurate recording capability. This of course will not bother a TV that is not a PVR.
    Surprised this did not create a problem with a FV--4000/5000T

    I'm sorry but I can't accept your answer. The Humax 4000T asks which BBC area you are in after auto tuning. Then it puts the weaker BBC region in the 800s so In my case BBC 1 South. It then doesn't include the other duplicate weaker channels. It doesn't cause a problem for the 4000T so why is it a problem for the Aura? I don't want to 'Use more than one transmitter" but I can't blow up the IOW one. This has always been an issue as many people live within reach of more than one transmitter (my mother has a 4000T in Aylesbury and has to choose the Oxford transmitter over Bedford one). So I can't quite understand why ordinary people will be expected to carry put a complicated manual tune. That won't work as a consumer product.

    I am not the only one with signal strength and quality issues if you look at the signal strength/Software subject string. I do find it a bit annoying how we are told it is 'Our problem'.

    The Humax Aura is at fault for not dealing with this issue like every other Humax box generation before it. And no doubt it will be fixed with a firmware update. But why Humax haven't learnt from their own previous PVRs I can't understand.

    | Mon 17 May 2021 11:34:51 #47 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    Paul Bton - 10 mins ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 1 min ago  » 
    Channels in the 800's means you have tuned channels from more than one transmitter almost certainly the cause of your problem. You need to identify which is your best transmitter. Identify the UHF frequency it uses for each MUX. Delete all radio and TV channels you have currently. Then Manually tune each MUX in turn Select DVB-T for SD and DVB-T2 for HD. You cannot use more than one transmitter as it screws up the broadcaster accurate recording capability. This of course will not bother a TV that is not a PVR.
    Surprised this did not create a problem with a FV--4000/5000T

    I'm sorry but I can't accept your answer. The Humax 4000T asks which BBC area you are in after auto tuning. Then it puts the weaker BBC region in the 800s so In my case BBC 1 South. It then doesn't include the other duplicate weaker channels. It doesn't cause a problem for the 4000T so why is it a problem for the Aura? I don't want to 'Use more than one transmitter" but I can't blow up the IOW one. This has always been an issue as many people live within reach of more than one transmitter (my mother has a 4000T in Aylesbury and has to choose the Oxford transmitter over Bedford one). So I can't quite understand why ordinary people will be expected to carry put a complicated manual tune. That won't work as a consumer product.
    I am not the only one with signal strength and quality issues if you look at the signal strength/Software subject string. I do find it a bit annoying how we are told it is 'Our problem'.
    The Humax Aura is at fault for not dealing with this issue like every other Humax box generation before it. And no doubt it will be fixed with a firmware update. But why Humax haven't learnt from their own previous PVRs I can't understand.

    Manual tuning is not complicated.

    | Mon 17 May 2021 11:45:39 #48 |
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    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 
    You will have had the app updates check version number as per This Post.
    Previous updates were not firmware, just apps.

    Thanks Barry. I'll double check when I get home; from memory I am on fw 9.14 (pretty sure I checked that against the pic at the top of this thread as 9.16 is showing there) which tallies with me having missed out on the 5/5/21 beta and the 11/5/21 beta. I guess I had missed that I'd stopped receiving the betas since 9.14 came out.

    | Mon 17 May 2021 11:50:01 #49 |
  10. Mars


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    darrendz - 1 day ago  » 
    - Momentary audio stutter/disruption on Live TV on the main TV connected being watched, when commencing playback through the Aura app or another device DLNA play back or playing live TV. Subsequent play back may or may not generate the same issue, but generally if left for a period before activating playback again.

    I noticed this when casting Now TV to the Aura and starting a recording on the app.

    | Mon 17 May 2021 12:25:48 #50 |

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