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Aura Beta software dated 02.03.21 & 03.03.21

(98 posts)
  1. Barry


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    Check your App notifications as there has been a tweak to software

    Application version now: 1.01.52_210303_612b73b

    Release note:

    • Recording icon issue : Indeed there was a problem in yesterday’s software.
    • WebIF : DLNA / Googlecast Recording seek UI is added (experimental, not available in case of on the fly transcoding)

    A reboot may be necessary for changes to take effect

    Thread title edited to reflect this.

    and a reminder - If you have issues post as much detail as possible about it.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 18:31:59 #21 |
  2. Barry


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    mhargreaves - 12 hours ago  » 
    Since the 2nd March update, I now have no audio when watching something on prime video.
    Edit:some more info- the output from the Aura is going through an hdmi splitter which goes into both my TV and surround system. The audio to the surround is fine, the audio to the TV does not work, but only from the prime video app. Other audio is fine

    From Humax Towers:

    1. Can you check this again once you have the latest version as detailed in my last post.
    2. If no change can you post what MS12 option is set, and which HDMI splitter is being used.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 18:37:35 #22 |
  3. Fixdit


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    Posts: 112


    Record icons all in place now.

    Is this a new feature "Reboot in safe mode" not seen this before.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 21:27:05 #23 |
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    Great to see the addition of new display outputs (1080p24, etc), well done!

    Unfortunately ‘dynamic refresh rate switching’ doesn’t switch to the new modes, for example, picking a Prime Video 1080p24 film switches resolution into 4K23.973.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 21:42:29 #24 |
  5. Mars


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    Posts: 379


    Record icons seem to be visible for almost all scheduled recordings, but I noticed the record icon was missing for Bloodlands, BBC1 Wales HD, Sunday, 9-10pm. I will check again tomorrow.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 22:16:17 #25 |
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    Is there a trick to getting the update to install? For the first beta, this second one yesterday and again today, I seem to have a fight with the box to get it to do anything!

    I go into the Home menu, and on notifications tab it shows "Update Apps - New software is available for some apps". I press Ok, the screen goes black, then few seconds later it shows the Notifications tab on right with "No notifications" and nothing appears to have happened.

    When I eventually got it to work last night with the second beta, it stayed on a screen showing the the applications being downloaded, and then changed to installing, before rebooting with the new versions.

    Tonight, I just can't get it to show that screen and to install the new versions. I've rebooted the Aura 3 times so far, but it just doesn't want to download and install the update.

    Update: After 4th restart, when I selected the "Update Apps" notification it showed the update screen, downloaded the apps and installed then and rebooted. Now running the latest beta, just not sure how!

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 22:37:48 #26 |
  7. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    I've noticed a problem where I start to play one episode from a series but after a brief few seconds it jumps to playing the next episode. I've not quite worked out how it happens yet but it has happened to me several times now. At first I thought I'd clicked on the wrong episode by mistake but it's now done it 3 times so something odd is going on.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 22:50:41 #27 |
  8. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 

    mhargreaves - 12 hours ago  » 
    Since the 2nd March update, I now have no audio when watching something on prime video.
    Edit:some more info- the output from the Aura is going through an hdmi splitter which goes into both my TV and surround system. The audio to the surround is fine, the audio to the TV does not work, but only from the prime video app. Other audio is fine

    From Humax Towers:
    1. Can you check this again once you have the latest version as detailed in my last post.
    2. If no change can you post what MS12 option is set, and which HDMI splitter is being used.

    still have a problem with the audio. Ms 12 transcoding is off. Splitter is

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 23:00:07 #28 |
  9. Mars


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    Mars - 9 hours ago  » 
    Record icons seem to be visible for almost all scheduled recordings, but I noticed the record icon was missing for Bloodlands, BBC1 Wales HD, Sunday, 9-10pm. I will check again tomorrow.

    This morning the record icons are missing on Sunday from:
    Bloodlands, BBC1 Wales HD, 9-10pm,
    McDonald and Dodds, ITV Wales HD,8-10pm,
    The Great, Ch4 HD, 9-10:05pm.

    | Thu 4 Mar 2021 7:54:47 #29 |
  10. Mars


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    Posts: 379


    Another missing record icon:
    The Sweeney, ITV4, 2:35-3:45, weekdays.
    Missing until Wednesday of next week.

    | Thu 4 Mar 2021 8:28:57 #30 |

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