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Aura Beta software dated 02.03.21 & 03.03.21

(98 posts)
  1. Barry


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    Record icons working for me.

    For info:

    1. I deleted and rescheduled all timers after the first update 02/03/21.

    2. On booting unit it takes a while for timers and icon in guide to update, have not timed it but at a guess 10 minutes, and my daily timers and weekly ones have updated to show next Thursdays episodes.

    | Thu 4 Mar 2021 9:03:08 #31 |
  2. Mars


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    Posts: 379


    Barry - 20 mins ago  » 
    Record icons working for me.
    For info:
    1. I deleted and rescheduled all timers after the first update 02/03/21.
    2. On booting unit it takes a while for timers and icon in guide to update, have not timed it but at a guess 10 minutes, and my daily timers and weekly ones have updated to show next Thursdays episodes.

    I set up the Sweeney series recording after the update, but the record icon has vanished until the Wednesday program. The Aura has been recording the cricket since 4am so the guide should have updated!

    | Thu 4 Mar 2021 9:29:49 #32 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Mars - 1 hour ago  » 

    Barry - 20 mins ago  » 
    Record icons working for me.
    For info:
    1. I deleted and rescheduled all timers after the first update 02/03/21.
    2. On booting unit it takes a while for timers and icon in guide to update, have not timed it but at a guess 10 minutes, and my daily timers and weekly ones have updated to show next Thursdays episodes.

    I set up the Sweeney series recording after the update, but the record icon has vanished until the Wednesday program. The Aura has been recording the cricket since 4am so the guide should have updated!

    The BBC have started using a new series CRID when they change the series number. You may need to check the series version in the programme info.

    Similar happened to me recording Bargain Hunt BBC1-HD and Doctors stopped recording due to same.

    | Thu 4 Mar 2021 10:36:09 #33 |
  4. Mars


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    Posts: 379


    grahamlthompson - 57 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 1 hour ago  » 

    Barry - 20 mins ago  » 
    Record icons working for me.
    For info:
    1. I deleted and rescheduled all timers after the first update 02/03/21.
    2. On booting unit it takes a while for timers and icon in guide to update, have not timed it but at a guess 10 minutes, and my daily timers and weekly ones have updated to show next Thursdays episodes.

    I set up the Sweeney series recording after the update, but the record icon has vanished until the Wednesday program. The Aura has been recording the cricket since 4am so the guide should have updated!

    The BBC have started using a new series CRID when they change the series number. You may need to check the series version in the programme info.
    Similar happened to me recording Bargain Hunt BBC1-HD and Doctors stopped recording due to same.

    It is only the record icons that have disappeared (the scheduled recordings are still in the schedule and the app), and one has reappeared.
    An update notification popped up just now, but I do not think that it updated properly.

    | Thu 4 Mar 2021 11:37:54 #34 |
  5. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
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    Mars - 26 mins ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 57 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 1 hour ago  » 

    Barry - 20 mins ago  » 
    Record icons working for me.
    For info:
    1. I deleted and rescheduled all timers after the first update 02/03/21.
    2. On booting unit it takes a while for timers and icon in guide to update, have not timed it but at a guess 10 minutes, and my daily timers and weekly ones have updated to show next Thursdays episodes.

    I set up the Sweeney series recording after the update, but the record icon has vanished until the Wednesday program. The Aura has been recording the cricket since 4am so the guide should have updated!

    The BBC have started using a new series CRID when they change the series number. You may need to check the series version in the programme info.
    Similar happened to me recording Bargain Hunt BBC1-HD and Doctors stopped recording due to same.

    It is only the record icons that have disappeared (the scheduled recordings are still in the schedule and the app), and one has reappeared.
    An update notification popped up just now, but I do not think that it updated properly.


    Humax Towers have sent me some additional info for you only.

    Please check PM's and report findings in this thread thanks.

    | Thu 4 Mar 2021 12:05:41 #35 |
  6. Mars


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    Joined: Jan '16
    Posts: 379


    The update for Freeview Live TV worked after a few attempts and now the missing record icons have reappeared.

    | Thu 4 Mar 2021 12:06:13 #36 |
  7. User has not uploaded an avatar


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    I know you’re not supposed to message here if not working on testing beta firmware. But impressed by the humax support they are offering here. I look forward to the latest firmware being finished and released to the “public”. Please keep up the good work!

    | Thu 4 Mar 2021 12:37:33 #37 |
  8. Mars


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    Posts: 379


    Barry - 36 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 26 mins ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 57 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 1 hour ago  » 

    Barry - 20 mins ago  » 
    Record icons working for me.
    For info:
    1. I deleted and rescheduled all timers after the first update 02/03/21.
    2. On booting unit it takes a while for timers and icon in guide to update, have not timed it but at a guess 10 minutes, and my daily timers and weekly ones have updated to show next Thursdays episodes.

    I set up the Sweeney series recording after the update, but the record icon has vanished until the Wednesday program. The Aura has been recording the cricket since 4am so the guide should have updated!

    The BBC have started using a new series CRID when they change the series number. You may need to check the series version in the programme info.
    Similar happened to me recording Bargain Hunt BBC1-HD and Doctors stopped recording due to same.

    It is only the record icons that have disappeared (the scheduled recordings are still in the schedule and the app), and one has reappeared.
    An update notification popped up just now, but I do not think that it updated properly.

    Humax Towers have sent me some additional info for you only.
    Please check PM's and report findings in this thread thanks.

    All the record icons are now visible and the numbers in the Guide and the Schedule are the same for a couple of recordings that I checked and are 'marked 1'.
    The record icon is missing for Unforgotten on ITV, but this has just been moved from Monday to Tuesday so I think this is unrelated.

    | Thu 4 Mar 2021 12:49:47 #38 |
  9. Barry


    senior admin
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    Posts: 11,074


    Thank you for the update Mars, Humax Towers notified.

    | Thu 4 Mar 2021 12:54:42 #39 |
  10. Mars


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    Posts: 379


    Barry - 35 mins ago  » 
    Thank you for the update Mars, Humax Towers notified.

    Spoke too soon! I am recording the Cricket Highlights on More4 but More4 was not in my favourite channels so was not visible in my Guide. I have added More4 as a favourite channel and it is now in my Guide. The record icon is missing on Friday, 13:10-14:15, but the Guide and Schedule both show "5113302 marked 1". The record icon is also missing on Sunday and Monday, but visible on Saturday.

    | Thu 4 Mar 2021 13:42:05 #40 |

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