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Aura Beta software dated 02.03.21 & 03.03.21

(98 posts)
  1. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    I am seeing a problem where the catch up apps (iplayer, itv hub, all 4) don't start. I just get a black screen. Other apps (prime video/Disney/YouTube) seem to work OK. I can only get the catch up apps working again by restarting the Aura.

    | Fri 12 Mar 2021 5:59:05 #81 |
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    peterukwp - 1 day ago  » 

    davidrew - 56 mins ago  » 

    peterukwp - 1 hour ago  » 

    davidrew - 21 hours ago  » 

    peterukwp - 3 hours ago  » 
    Pixellation really bad on Masterchief HD last night. Soft restart then ok.

    Might seem a bit left field but but of interest is your Aura connected to your network via wi-fi or using a LAN cable to a switch/router?

    My Aura is connected to internet via ethernet home plugs to bt-2wahrx hub.
    HDMI connection to Yamaha rx3080 passthrough then to LG OLED tv.I have a signal splitter to Aura/TV. After watching youtube then press live tv to watch Holby HD pixellation bad again, soft off/on then no pixellation.

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm interested in why a soft on/off would fix the signal? The incoming signal is still the same.
    I have been having pixilation issues, mostly in recordings, but have a good quality signal. I also never had this issue on my previous Humax 5000T which used the same UHF and LAN connections. My LAN is a direct hardwired connection via an edge switch for the TV/AV etc. to a core switch elsewhere in the house which has the router connected to it.
    I found this post very interesting Sound/Vision Dropping. Why should an ethernet connection problem cause broadcast picture and sound issues? There are also other posts highlighting issues with a hardwired LAN connection.
    My theory is that the Android 9 hardwired LAN handling could be a bit flaky and has a knock-on to the Live TV app causing the picture/sound breakup. A soft reset is likely to also reset the LAN so then the issues go away for awhile.
    I would say that a large percentage of Aura users probably use wi-fi so I have now disconnected the hardwired LAN from our Aura and are now running on a 5GHz wi-fi connection to see what happens. After four days no picture/sound issues so far.

    I will try wi-fi and report back.

    Been using wi-fi for a few days now and pixellation seems to have stopped but I still get problems going from Youtube to live tv, flash of live picture then black screen soft reset fixes.

    | Fri 12 Mar 2021 8:24:21 #82 |
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    mhargreaves - 2 hours ago  » 
    I am seeing a problem where the catch up apps (iplayer, itv hub, all 4) don't start. I just get a black screen. Other apps (prime video/Disney/YouTube) seem to work OK. I can only get the catch up apps working again by restarting the Aura.

    Just the same for me.

    | Fri 12 Mar 2021 8:27:59 #83 |
  4. davidrew


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    peterukwp - 48 mins ago  » 

    mhargreaves - 2 hours ago  » 
    I am seeing a problem where the catch up apps (iplayer, itv hub, all 4) don't start. I just get a black screen. Other apps (prime video/Disney/YouTube) seem to work OK. I can only get the catch up apps working again by restarting the Aura.

    Just the same for me.

    I don't use catch-up that often but I have the same issue.

    | Fri 12 Mar 2021 9:17:11 #84 |
  5. brian


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    On the Web Control IF under Cast, I have 21 Renderers listed. Most of these are not suitable to cast to. 18 of these relate to speakers, and speaker groups, even though I only have 6 speakers connected to my network.

    Does anyone else see anything similar, and can these be removed from my cast list?

    | Fri 12 Mar 2021 9:31:50 #85 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    brian - 31 mins ago  » 
    On the Web Control IF under Cast, I have 21 Renderers listed. Most of these are not suitable to cast to. 18 of these relate to speakers, and speaker groups, even though I only have 6 speakers connected to my network.
    Does anyone else see anything similar, and can these be removed from my cast list?

    Brian Currently I have 3.

    3 chromecasts. One is the aura built in one. The other a seperate 4-K Chromecast connected to AVR. Other is a default network media player on my laptop.

    How are the 6 speakers connected ? I have a lot more (Dolby Atmos) they don't appear.

    Guessing If I start up Kodi and or VLC on the laptop it will find more.

    Also guess if I change the default media player to Kodi on the laptop that will appear instead of 5K player.


    1. 3_Devices.jpg (99.2 KB, 0 downloads) 4 years old
    | Fri 12 Mar 2021 10:10:20 #86 |
  7. davidrew


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    peterukwp - 1 hour ago  » 

    peterukwp - 1 day ago  » 

    davidrew - 56 mins ago  » 

    peterukwp - 1 hour ago  » 

    davidrew - 21 hours ago  » 

    peterukwp - 3 hours ago  » 
    Pixellation really bad on Masterchief HD last night. Soft restart then ok.

    Might seem a bit left field but but of interest is your Aura connected to your network via wi-fi or using a LAN cable to a switch/router?

    My Aura is connected to internet via ethernet home plugs to bt-2wahrx hub.
    HDMI connection to Yamaha rx3080 passthrough then to LG OLED tv.I have a signal splitter to Aura/TV. After watching youtube then press live tv to watch Holby HD pixellation bad again, soft off/on then no pixellation.

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm interested in why a soft on/off would fix the signal? The incoming signal is still the same.
    I have been having pixilation issues, mostly in recordings, but have a good quality signal. I also never had this issue on my previous Humax 5000T which used the same UHF and LAN connections. My LAN is a direct hardwired connection via an edge switch for the TV/AV etc. to a core switch elsewhere in the house which has the router connected to it.
    I found this post very interesting Sound/Vision Dropping. Why should an ethernet connection problem cause broadcast picture and sound issues? There are also other posts highlighting issues with a hardwired LAN connection.
    My theory is that the Android 9 hardwired LAN handling could be a bit flaky and has a knock-on to the Live TV app causing the picture/sound breakup. A soft reset is likely to also reset the LAN so then the issues go away for awhile.
    I would say that a large percentage of Aura users probably use wi-fi so I have now disconnected the hardwired LAN from our Aura and are now running on a 5GHz wi-fi connection to see what happens. After four days no picture/sound issues so far.

    I will try wi-fi and report back.

    Been using wi-fi for a few days now and pixellation seems to have stopped but I still get problems going from Youtube to live tv, flash of live picture then black screen soft reset fixes.

    I'm not hanging the bunting out quite yet but all recordings and live viewing since last Saturday have been flawless since I switched to wi-fi and disconnected the hardwired LAN. It's never gone a whole week without a pixilation/pause in at least 1 or 2 recordings since I first had the Aura in November.

    Given your experience it does look as if the hardwired LAN handling within the Android OS could be a factor. I do wonder as everything is now so wi-fi centric if the hardwired LAN interoperability was fully tested?

    | Fri 12 Mar 2021 10:17:31 #87 |
  8. brian


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    mhargreaves - 4 hours ago  » 
    I am seeing a problem where the catch up apps (iplayer, itv hub, all 4) don't start. I just get a black screen. Other apps (prime video/Disney/YouTube) seem to work OK. I can only get the catch up apps working again by restarting the Aura.

    I have just tried, and they are all working okay for me. After selecting them, I do get a black screen, but only for a few seconds before the app starts.

    | Fri 12 Mar 2021 10:19:57 #88 |
  9. brian


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    grahamlthompson - 11 mins ago  » 

    brian - 31 mins ago  » 
    On the Web Control IF under Cast, I have 21 Renderers listed. Most of these are not suitable to cast to. 18 of these relate to speakers, and speaker groups, even though I only have 6 speakers connected to my network.
    Does anyone else see anything similar, and can these be removed from my cast list?

    Brian Currently I have 3.
    3 chromecasts. One is the aura built in one. The other a seperate 4-K Chromecast connected to AVR. Other is a default network media player on my laptop.
    How are the 6 speakers connected ? I have a lot more (Dolby Atmos) they don't appear.
    Guessing If I start up Kodi and or VLC on the laptop it will find more.
    Also guess if I change the default media player to Kodi on the laptop that will appear instead of 5K player.

    Graham, I have a Chromecast connected to a bedroom TV, and a Chromecast Ultra 4K connected to another TV, these are listed as Renderers, together with my aura.

    My 6 speakers are distributed in different rooms, and are connected to my network via WiFi. The speakers all have Chromecast built in, and are all used to listen to music via Airplay, or Chromecast. They don't seem to be able to be used with the aura, so I would like to be able to remove them from my Renderers listed in the Cast option menu.

    | Fri 12 Mar 2021 10:36:03 #89 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    Just tried to use iplayer. Black screen. ITV-Player as well. Switched to 4K firestick. Could this be a Humax server issue ?

    | Fri 12 Mar 2021 21:13:16 #90 |

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