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Aura Beta software dated 22.03.21

(73 posts)
  1. Fixdit


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    Failed to record second episode (12) of Master Chef tonight, not flagged in epg as a recording.had to manually record Not in schedule list, Friday's listing has no information! Next monday's episode (13) is listed. Looks like a BBC error.

    | Thu 25 Mar 2021 21:53:57 #31 |
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    Following the last Beta update, the Aura seems to default to "HDMI auto" after the unit has been put into standby, forgetting the previous fixed setting (1080i in my case)

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 6:59:16 #32 |
  3. Barry


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    andyd1302 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Following the last Beta update, the Aura seems to default to "HDMI auto" after the unit has been put into standby, forgetting the previous fixed setting (1080i in my case)

    Can you confirm which standby, active or deep (full) standby.

    Just tried to replicate putting unit into normal (active) standby - no issue, will check form deep in a moment, and also overnight.

    Edit: Long press deep standby, no change still set at 1080i, will leave as that and check tomorrow morning.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 9:41:48 #33 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Mine is in full sby overnight. Output is set to 1080p50. Currently set to wake at 08:00. It has not changed from 1080p50.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 9:51:48 #34 |
  5. Mars


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    Casting Sky Cricket on Now TV to the Aura and the Aura has crashed after two and a half hours (earlier than usual as it usually manages 3-4 hours).

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 10:00:54 #35 |
  6. GordyBoy


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    grahamlthompson - 14 hours ago  » 

    GordyBoy - 6 hours ago  » 
    Not sure if this is an Aura problem or not. Last night at 10pm television and Aura were put into standby using the Aura remote. Remote was left on table next to TV and Aura.
    Went to bed about 12:30am this morning.
    Woke at about 2am this morning; the television, Aura and my FVP 4000t were all on. Only me and the wife in the house, both went to bed in the same room.
    Strange experience.

    Guessing this is a consequence of CEC power control. Hard to tell which item woke up and powered the others. Was the Aura put into long push sby ?
    Which kit has cec control turned on.

    LG TV. FVP 4000t not connected by CEC but was out of standby (blue LED)

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 11:07:40 #36 |
  7. GordyBoy


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    If I remember correctly I got a window up after pressing off button asking if I wanted to turn Aura off - I said yes. Is this deep standby?

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 11:11:06 #37 |
  8. Barry


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    GordyBoy - 11 mins ago  » 
    If I remember correctly I got a window up after pressing off button asking if I wanted to turn Aura off - I said yes. Is this deep standby?

    Yes - Long press of standby button provides that option.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 11:22:36 #38 |
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    Had one recording missed on Wednesday, a series linked House of Games which had been working fine as a series recording (and recorded fine yesterday too). At the moment putting it down as a one off, but will keep an eye out as the only thing that had changed was the new beta.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 11:56:14 #39 |
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    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Following the last Beta update, the Aura seems to default to "HDMI auto" after the unit has been put into standby, forgetting the previous fixed setting (1080i in my case)

    Can you confirm which standby, active or deep (full) standby.
    Just tried to replicate putting unit into normal (active) standby - no issue, will check form deep in a moment, and also overnight.
    Edit: Long press deep standby, no change still set at 1080i, will leave as that and check tomorrow morning.

    Hi Barry,

    The box was in active standby & I'd just switched the unit on. The TV resolution displayed 1080p/50Hz & on checking the "Audio & Video" it was on "HDMI Auto", but after checking it today after a deep standby it's stayed on the 1080i setting, so hopefully just a one off but will continue to monitor just in case

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 13:53:26 #40 |

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