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Aura Beta software dated 22.03.21

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    Fixdit - 17 hours ago  » 
    Failed to record second episode (12) of Master Chef tonight, not flagged in epg as a recording.had to manually record Not in schedule list, Friday's listing has no information! Next monday's episode (13) is listed. Looks like a BBC error.

    Same for me too. I had the first recording, but not the second. Went back through the guide and watched it via iplayer instead.

    Looks like BBC had a shift around of programs. Eastenders and Master Chef were brought forward from Friday to Thursday night, to allow for Rugby on Friday night.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 15:33:19 #41 |
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    Mars - 5 hours ago  » 
    Casting Sky Cricket on Now TV to the Aura and the Aura has crashed after two and a half hours (earlier than usual as it usually manages 3-4 hours).

    My wife and daughter have both informed me that have had similar when casting to the Aura from Youtube on mobile. The Aura just shuts off and they have to turn it back on again using the remote. I believe these were last weekend, so would have been on the previous version of the Beta. In both cases, they had only been casting for a short time (less than 30 minutes.)

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 15:38:59 #42 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    MattB1 - 8 mins ago  » 

    Fixdit - 17 hours ago  » 
    Failed to record second episode (12) of Master Chef tonight, not flagged in epg as a recording.had to manually record Not in schedule list, Friday's listing has no information! Next monday's episode (13) is listed. Looks like a BBC error.

    Same for me too.

    On an FVP-5000T the second episode was not set to record in the guide on Thursday morning; I had to cancel the series and reschedule to get it to work properly. It did make successful recordings of both programmes.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 15:45:39 #43 |
  4. Mars


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    Mars - 6 hours ago  » 
    Casting Sky Cricket on Now TV to the Aura and the Aura has crashed after two and a half hours (earlier than usual as it usually manages 3-4 hours).

    Managed to cast the rest of the cricket ODI without a crash so almost 6 hours!

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 16:02:05 #44 |
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    andyd1302 - 11 hours ago  » 
    Following the last Beta update, the Aura seems to default to "HDMI auto" after the unit has been put into standby, forgetting the previous fixed setting (1080i in my case)

    Following timer recording after the unit woke up from active standby, "HDMI" setting changed back to "Auto" when box was switched back on & so box defaulted back to 1080p/50 rather than the previously set 1080i.

    Thought I'd imagined it the first time, but it definitely seems to be the case on my machine at least following the last Beta update.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 18:50:59 #45 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    andyd1302 - 7 mins ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 11 hours ago  » 
    Following the last Beta update, the Aura seems to default to "HDMI auto" after the unit has been put into standby, forgetting the previous fixed setting (1080i in my case)

    Following timer recording after the unit woke up from active standby, "HDMI" setting changed back to "Auto" when box was switched back on & so box defaulted back to 1080p/50 rather than the previously set 1080i.
    Thought I'd imagined it the first time, but it definitely seems to be the case on my machine at least following the last Beta update.

    Why would 1080p50 be the default ? 1080p25 would seem to be the obvious one. fixed resolution displays like OLEDS or Qleds deinterlace interlaced to progressive. A full frame is built in frame store and copied near instantly to the display. Only crts use interlaced and it's because the screen phosphors fade so the screen is scanned in two fields.

    In fact much Freeview-HD content is 1080p25 anyway.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 19:03:43 #46 |
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    I recorded channel 4 news and the first 30 or so seconds was corrupted causing an infinite loop, e.g. it played 15-20 seconds and then repeated, over and over again.

    I skipped that section of the recording and it played fine.

    My box is still suffering from poor signal warnings. I’ll power cycle the box and check the aerial cables tomorrow, but I’ve ruled out atmospheric conditions.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 20:13:39 #47 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    ariharry - 18 mins ago  » 
    I recorded channel 4 news and the first 30 or so seconds was corrupted causing an infinite loop, e.g. it played 15-20 seconds and then repeated, over and over again.
    I skipped that section of the recording and it played fine.
    My box is still suffering from poor signal warnings. I’ll power cycle the box and check the aerial cables tomorrow, but I’ve ruled out atmospheric conditions.

    How did you rule out atmospheric conditions ? My Aura is having the same issues this evening.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 20:33:19 #48 |
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    grahamlthompson - 28 mins ago  » 

    ariharry - 18 mins ago  » 
    I recorded channel 4 news and the first 30 or so seconds was corrupted causing an infinite loop, e.g. it played 15-20 seconds and then repeated, over and over again.
    I skipped that section of the recording and it played fine.
    My box is still suffering from poor signal warnings. I’ll power cycle the box and check the aerial cables tomorrow, but I’ve ruled out atmospheric conditions.

    How did you rule out atmospheric conditions ? My Aura is having the same issues this evening.

    Good point. Normally issues last one evening and they rarely, at least in my case, last days.

    So I don’t know for sure, so I’ll continue to monitor.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 21:03:45 #49 |
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    Had two incidences of black screen when returning from an app to watch live TV. Solving the black screen by pressing the F button and setting "live TV" works, but it also causes the front LED to switch to the red colour. Only noticed this happen under this latest beta.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 21:08:00 #50 |

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