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Aura Beta software dated 22.03.21

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    grahamlthompson - 2 hours ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 7 mins ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 11 hours ago  » 
    Following the last Beta update, the Aura seems to default to "HDMI auto" after the unit has been put into standby, forgetting the previous fixed setting (1080i in my case)

    Following timer recording after the unit woke up from active standby, "HDMI" setting changed back to "Auto" when box was switched back on & so box defaulted back to 1080p/50 rather than the previously set 1080i.
    Thought I'd imagined it the first time, but it definitely seems to be the case on my machine at least following the last Beta update.

    Why would 1080p50 be the default ? 1080p25 would seem to be the obvious one. fixed resolution displays like OLEDS or Qleds deinterlace interlaced to progressive. A full frame is built in frame store and copied near instantly to the display. Only crts use interlaced and it's because the screen phosphors fade so the screen is scanned in two fields.
    In fact much Freeview-HD content is 1080p25 anyway.

    I presume it's do do with my old Panasonic Plasma panel Graham why 1080p/50 would be the default detection setting for "Auto", but it's what shows up on both the panel and in the Aura HDMI menu & following the last Beta update I seem to be having to fight to keep the box from defaulting to the "Auto" setting where it didn't before, so I can only presume something must have changed.

    I'm not fortunate enough to own an OLED or QLED 4k (the Plasma panel maxes out at 1080p/60),and sadly I don't have the finances to invest in buying one as yet, so I'm relying on the plasma for main viewing along with the Aura and an HDR-1000S.

    For SD material, as we've discussed before, the source content looks washed out and fuzzy on the 1080p Aura setting, and there's also some issues when streaming from Plex on SD content (frame drops & out of sync sound) when the box is set to 1080p, which is why the 1080i fixed setting is essential as there's no such issues when selected.

    It seems to me like a quirk on Plex,the Aura or indeed the panel, which doesn't exist when streamed on the HDR-1000S on Media Share on a 1080i setting.

    Bizarre, but there you go...

    Lots of unnecessary off-topic info here ^ so apologies to the wider forum, but even though I'm in a minority I'm probably not alone in having legacy equipment connected to the Aura, despite not using the box to it's full potential.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 21:44:12 #51 |
  2. Barry


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    andyd1302 - 16 hours ago  » 

    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Following the last Beta update, the Aura seems to default to "HDMI auto" after the unit has been put into standby, forgetting the previous fixed setting (1080i in my case)

    Can you confirm which standby, active or deep (full) standby.
    Just tried to replicate putting unit into normal (active) standby - no issue, will check form deep in a moment, and also overnight.
    Edit: Long press deep standby, no change still set at 1080i, will leave as that and check tomorrow morning.

    Hi Barry,
    The box was in active standby & I'd just switched the unit on. The TV resolution displayed 1080p/50Hz & on checking the "Audio & Video" it was on "HDMI Auto", but after checking it today after a deep standby it's stayed on the 1080i setting, so hopefully just a one off but will continue to monitor just in case

    As promised left at 1080i for overnight check.

    This morning it has defaulted back to auto, so it looks like it resets overnight, will do one more check to confirm.

    | Sat 27 Mar 2021 6:22:51 #52 |
  3. davidrew


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    Barry - 3 hours ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 16 hours ago  » 

    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Following the last Beta update, the Aura seems to default to "HDMI auto" after the unit has been put into standby, forgetting the previous fixed setting (1080i in my case)

    Can you confirm which standby, active or deep (full) standby.
    Just tried to replicate putting unit into normal (active) standby - no issue, will check form deep in a moment, and also overnight.
    Edit: Long press deep standby, no change still set at 1080i, will leave as that and check tomorrow morning.

    Hi Barry,
    The box was in active standby & I'd just switched the unit on. The TV resolution displayed 1080p/50Hz & on checking the "Audio & Video" it was on "HDMI Auto", but after checking it today after a deep standby it's stayed on the 1080i setting, so hopefully just a one off but will continue to monitor just in case

    As promised left at 1080i for overnight check.
    This morning it has defaulted back to auto, so it looks like it resets overnight, will do one more check to confirm.

    For a test I set Resolution to 4K2K-50Hz yesterday and this morning it was set back to Auto. I have deep sleep option set from 11pm to 6am.

    | Sat 27 Mar 2021 9:32:31 #53 |
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    Barry - 3 hours ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 16 hours ago  » 

    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Following the last Beta update, the Aura seems to default to "HDMI auto" after the unit has been put into standby, forgetting the previous fixed setting (1080i in my case)

    Can you confirm which standby, active or deep (full) standby.
    Just tried to replicate putting unit into normal (active) standby - no issue, will check form deep in a moment, and also overnight.
    Edit: Long press deep standby, no change still set at 1080i, will leave as that and check tomorrow morning.

    Hi Barry,
    The box was in active standby & I'd just switched the unit on. The TV resolution displayed 1080p/50Hz & on checking the "Audio & Video" it was on "HDMI Auto", but after checking it today after a deep standby it's stayed on the 1080i setting, so hopefully just a one off but will continue to monitor just in case

    As promised left at 1080i for overnight check.
    This morning it has defaulted back to auto, so it looks like it resets overnight, will do one more check to confirm.

    Just checked this morning & the Aura defaulted back to HDMI "Auto" from active standby.

    Also, when trying to manually change resolution on the Aura the box is now stuck at 1080p/50Hz and won't budge.

    Selecting any other available resolution from the "Audio & Video" output menu has no effect & panel still shows 1080p/50Hz, even though 1080i etc. is manually requested from the menu.

    Also checked on my HDMI connected HDR-1000S & both 1080i & 1080p can be set manually & both resolutions displayed with no issue.

    Must be a quirk & a knock-on effect within the last Beta, but thanks to yourself & David for experimenting

    | Sat 27 Mar 2021 9:55:19 #54 |
  5. Mars


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    I have done a reset to see if it fixes my Now TV streaming problems before the cricket and the F1 tomorrow (a bit of a pain especially as Now TV regards the Aura as a new device after a reset). It seems to have fixed the odd behaviour of my favourite list when zapping, see post. Also, I changed the HDMI resolution to 1080i and put the Aura into deep standby, and when I started it again (10 minutes later) the HDMI resolution was still 1080i. I will test again overnight.

    | Sat 27 Mar 2021 14:06:01 #55 |
  6. Mars


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    Mars - 9 mins ago  » 
    I have done a reset to see if it fixes my Now TV streaming problems before the cricket and the F1 tomorrow (a bit of a pain especially as Now TV regards the Aura as a new device after a reset). It seems to have fixed the odd behaviour of my favourite list when zapping, see post. Also, I changed the HDMI resolution to 1080i and put the Aura into deep standby, and when I started it again (10 minutes later) the HDMI resolution was still 1080i. I will test again overnight.

    Then, I put it in normal standby and when I switched it on again HDMI resolution reverted back to Auto!

    | Sat 27 Mar 2021 14:16:33 #56 |
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    ajr37 - 3 days ago  » 
    I understand that wifi is plenty fast enough and I can tweak my network so that the wifi link gets the fixed IP that I want but if there is an Ethernet connection maybe it should report its status correctly (i.e. not need wifi switched on) and be usable for updates when it is showing as connected with a valid IP address (and a valid DNS server address as far as I can see).
    Understand this is not high on the list of functionality that matters to most people (including me) but, unless something else in my network is amiss then others may experience this.

    As I mentioned the ethernet status not being properly reported earlier, I'll reply to this and say that in my experience updates will still be received if the wifi is turned off and the ethernet is 'reported' as not connected. It worked for me more than once.

    | Sat 27 Mar 2021 20:21:56 #57 |
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    Watching some recordings today on the Aura and had some issues when trying to skip forward on the recording. The first program that had an issue was when pressing the right arrow, nothing happened. Pressed the back button, re selected the same recording and it worked as expected. 2nd recording tonight, was about 15 mins in, pressed the right arrow to skip some adverts and the recording started from the beginning again. Right arrow then worked as expected.

    | Sat 27 Mar 2021 21:39:16 #58 |
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    Third incidence of crashed live TV resurrected by the F button / live TV pressing resulting in the front light turning red. Pretty consistent.

    This was after using All4, other incidences after iPlayer or Disney+

    I've only had this under this latest beta firmware.

    | Sat 27 Mar 2021 22:06:28 #59 |
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    Bug seen in Guide with channel sort out seen.

    I have Guide setup to show "Favourite 1" channels. I check the sort order and it is showing as "By my favourites". I change the sort order to "By channel number" and the guide correctly shows sorted by channel number.

    If I go back to Live TV and press Guide again, the sort order defaults back to "By my favourites" again.

    | Sat 27 Mar 2021 22:51:32 #60 |

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