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Aura Beta software dated 22.03.21

(73 posts)
  1. Barry


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    Barry - 1 day ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 16 hours ago  » 

    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 

    andyd1302 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Following the last Beta update, the Aura seems to default to "HDMI auto" after the unit has been put into standby, forgetting the previous fixed setting (1080i in my case)

    Can you confirm which standby, active or deep (full) standby.
    Just tried to replicate putting unit into normal (active) standby - no issue, will check form deep in a moment, and also overnight.
    Edit: Long press deep standby, no change still set at 1080i, will leave as that and check tomorrow morning.

    Hi Barry,
    The box was in active standby & I'd just switched the unit on. The TV resolution displayed 1080p/50Hz & on checking the "Audio & Video" it was on "HDMI Auto", but after checking it today after a deep standby it's stayed on the 1080i setting, so hopefully just a one off but will continue to monitor just in case

    As promised left at 1080i for overnight check.
    This morning it has defaulted back to auto, so it looks like it resets overnight, will do one more check to confirm.

    and this morning it has not defaulted back to auto, still set @ 1080i

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 7:33:08 #61 |
  2. Mars


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    Deep standby was set for 11pm-7am but the Aura came out of deep standby at 8am(BST). Set HDMI resolution to 1080i last night but it was back to auto this morning.

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 8:12:51 #62 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Mars - 1 hour ago  » 
    Deep standby was set for 11pm-7am but the Aura came out of deep standby at 8am(BST). Set HDMI resolution to 1080i last night but it was back to auto this morning.

    Issue with clock change ? Is your epg now showing the correct time.

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 9:25:38 #63 |
  4. Mars


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    grahamlthompson - 57 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 1 hour ago  » 
    Deep standby was set for 11pm-7am but the Aura came out of deep standby at 8am(BST). Set HDMI resolution to 1080i last night but it was back to auto this morning.

    Issue with clock change ? Is your epg now showing the correct time.

    Time is correct. I assume that the Aura updates the time when it comes out of deep standby.

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 10:23:55 #64 |
  5. Mars


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    Watching the cricket, casting Now TV to the Aura, it has crashed after about two and a half hours. Resetting the Aura yesterday has not solved this regular crash.

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 10:26:52 #65 |
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    The Aura completely locked up when exiting Amazon Prime last night, and after getting the dreaded black screen I eventually got fed up with experimenting so I switched Aura off.

    Turned the unit on this morning & got the picture in the link. Box frozen with static display & audio for live programme still running in the background, and had to disconnect the unit from mains to reset.

    Aura Freeze

    After switching both connected units on (HDR-1000S Freesat and Aura), and after checking resolution on the Aura first, the Aura's resolution had defaulted back to "Auto", but the difference from last night's issues were other resolutions could now be selected within the 'Audio & Video' Menu.

    So I then set the Aura output to 1080i/50Hz, and the setting was confirmed as changed on the panel.

    Then switched inputs to the connected Freesat HDR-1000S on the same panel and confirmed on screen at it's usual manual setting of 1080i/50Hz).

    Finally, after then selecting the HDMI input for the Aura on the same panel, when in normal use and without standby being initiated, the Aura defaulted back to "Auto" from the previous manual setting of 1080i/50Hz set less than a minute earlier.

    This would seem to indicate as soon as the Aura detects what it thinks is a 'new' signal, it tries to work out what it thinks is the best resolution and ignores the user's last manual input.

    The upshot is, it seems every time the HDMI input is selected on the Aura from the panel's remote control, the resolution then has to be manually reset by the user on every input change if they'd like anything else besides "Auto".

    With this ^ I think it's fairly safe to assume it is not user error, but a change or an inadvertent knock-on from a change within the last Beta update.

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 11:30:02 #66 |
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    Since latest update, I haven't seen any pixaleation, after starting paused recordings or paused time shift. So that is really good I haven't had any sound drops either, except after pausing a live TV chanel for 10+minutes, the video started straight away with sound a second later. But then after about 10 seconds of perfect sound & vision, the sound disappeared for 10 seconds, came back on and off 3 times for about 10 seconds each time and then played faultlesy.

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 14:14:03 #67 |
  8. davidrew


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    The issue with the Resolution resetting to Auto is also the same for me after the unit has been in warm standby as well as deep standby. Does not seem to matter which resolution is chosen always resets.

    Had a 3 second long picture/sound pause in an ITVHD recorded programme. Didn't pixilate this time. Still on wi-fi.

    Recorded the GP Qualifying last night which I started watching about half an hour or so behind the actual broadcast. Took a phone call after about 15mins in so paused it for around 50mins. When I resumed the progress bar indicated the programme length was 2hrs 36mins, actual length was 1hr 34mins which is what it recorded.

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 19:02:14 #68 |
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    Not sure if this is a bug or feature, but I think it is a bug.

    If I pause a live stream and turn off the TV, say to avoid burn in on an OLED, and I eventually turn on the TV, the paused buffer is lost. I don’t get this behaviour on FVP-5000t (the buffer remains intact and the stream remains paused, when I turn the TV back on).

    The Aura is connected to a Marantz SR7011, which is connected to the TV.

    If the screen saver kicks in, with the clock, when the tv is turned back on and the buffer is lost, the screen saver remains and says “paused”.

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 20:22:13 #69 |
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    The Aura seems more stable if you program it to record in advance of programme start, but errors seem to start happening if you decide to start recording mid-way through for watching at a later date or pausing live tv.

    Today's experience was on the Antiques Roadshow on BBC1 HD, where mid-way through the programme I had to initiate record when I was called away.

    The info box was displayed asking whether I'd like to record "This episode only" or "Complete Series".

    "This episode only" was selected.

    The record command was confirmed on screen with the info box "Preparing Recording" then "Start Recording".

    The "Live" broadcast was clear as a bell with no artefacting when the record commands were initiated.

    I then left the programme running in the background on the Aura input on the panel & wanted to resume watching from the moment I'd left the room.

    Despite the Aura having a flawless picture when on 'Live' broadcast, the recorded programme was artefacted at the precise moment I'd used the remote to set the unit to record the programme being watched.

    I captured the (recorded) result in the video below shortly afterwards, where the unit threw a complete wobbler (with total sound dropout for 5 seconds), after which time the unit decided to begin playback right from the beginning of the programme, without prompting.

    Video 1

    A further attempt to playback from the point where the error occured showed the pixellation error, but the sound was maintained & the Aura carried on "Chase Playing" the recording.

    Video 2

    This ^ also happened on another recording from Friday night on BBC4 HD, the difference being a 'signal error' flag was present against this programme.

    The error in the recorded programmes definitely coincided with the moment I'd initiated recording on the box & I hope this info helps in some way..

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 21:41:54 #70 |

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