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Aura keeps rebooting

(19 posts)
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    Joined: Jan '22
    Posts: 35


    Well, I've just had my reboot after stopping itvx auto play! Watched 2 episodes. I pressed stop before the third episode started playing. It hung for like a minute maybe then rebooted. So I now join this club!

    It doesn't reboot otherwise. It's relatively stable.

    | Sun 15 Oct 2023 22:17:04 #11 |
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    It is an old problem, but I still think ITVX is as guilty as the Aura

    | Sun 15 Oct 2023 22:22:23 #12 |
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    Yes it was really bad last night trying to watch a recorded program ,when time after time it would reboot sending you back to the start of the program so you had to fast forward to find where you left off.
    I do wonder if you took all the apps off and did a factory reset if would run OK?
    Also disconnecting the internet would that work?
    All in all the most annoying and frustrating Humax box I've ever owned! It could be so good if it worked properly.

    | Fri 20 Oct 2023 10:02:04 #13 |
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    Mine reboots without ITVX having even been used.

    I've factory reset yet again and the box has rebooted mid recording whilst not even being used.

    So, one last factory reset then back to Currys it goes.

    | Fri 20 Oct 2023 15:09:52 #14 |
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    Does a factory reset wipe all the recordings?

    | Wed 3 Apr 2024 13:46:38 #15 |
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    Tigerfan11 - 13 mins ago  » 
    Does a factory reset wipe all the recordings?


    | Wed 3 Apr 2024 13:59:59 #16 |
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    As I have said in another thread. Did a reset but did not connect to internet nor do update. Now everything works as it should all fine with no reboots. Only small downside select EPG and it asks me to connect to internet . But one press of the button and its gone.I use firestick for all apps and catch up.
    No more hassle!

    | Sat 6 Apr 2024 10:22:31 #17 |
  8. DarrenHill


    Joined: Apr '21
    Posts: 32


    My Aura was rebooting sometimes, usually whilst watching recordings.

    What I found helped was going into the list of scheduled recordings and having a clear-out. In my case I had over 300 there, which I pruned down to the currently active ones (about 10-20 or so) and since doing that it hasn't rebooted once.

    It's semi-equivalent to the factory reset (as that clears them too iirc) but is a bit less invasive, although does take a little while longer and is a bit more fiddly to do as it's manual.

    You can access the list in the same screen where you view your scheduled recordings. There are a few different options on the left hand side, and the schedules themselves are the bottom entry in the list.

    | Sun 28 Apr 2024 22:08:20 #18 |
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    DarrenHill - 1 week ago  » 
    My Aura was rebooting sometimes, usually whilst watching recordings.
    What I found helped was going into the list of scheduled recordings and having a clear-out. In my case I had over 300 there, which I pruned down to the currently active ones (about 10-20 or so) and since doing that it hasn't rebooted once.
    It's semi-equivalent to the factory reset (as that clears them too iirc) but is a bit less invasive, although does take a little while longer and is a bit more fiddly to do as it's manual.
    You can access the list in the same screen where you view your scheduled recordings. There are a few different options on the left hand side, and the schedules themselves are the bottom entry in the list.

    Thanks Darren, this seems to have sorted our unscheduled reboot issue. Been a week now and no unwelcome interruptions

    | Mon 6 May 2024 10:46:09 #19 |

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