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Deleted All Recordings From Aura

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    Reggles - 49 mins ago  » 
    Thank your reply to my query.
    I am pretty sure now it was my own actions that cause the deletion of those recordings. I believe it occurred as a result of me fast forwarding to the end of one of my latest recordings Friday evening so I could delete it, when the system automatically took me back to the recordings list screen. I must have continued pressing the fast forward function which resulted in me selecting all my previous recordings, apart from a couple right at the end of the list. Without noticing this, I then selected the delete function, thinking I was only going to delete the recording at the top of my list.
    My initial fast forwarding to the end of the first recording on my list, was actually an attempt to get to the bottom of another problem I have been having with my Aura recording programmes on the Sky Mix channel, Freeview channel 11, broadcast after 9-00pm. This a really weird problem, which I am still investigating, but may end up coming back to this forum for some help resolving!

    Your SkyMix problem is a known issue and I too have it, look in this thread for info and lack of any fix so far from Humax.................
    Please tell Humax about the issue, we need to keep pressure on them to act. I have tried but now they are ignoring my e.mails asking for news about the problem and what they are doing about it. They may well suggest you do a factory reset but that has been tried and reported as failed by a few people now.

    | Sun 18 Aug 2024 17:28:53 #11 |
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    Vitamins, grog,

    Many thanks for pointing me to the Sky Mix/Sky Arts problems posts. The same problem is exactly what I have been experiencing, but I was thinking it was down to me doing something wrong. I am pretty new to the Humax Aura. I’m really puzzled as to why it only occurs for me on Sky Mix recordings made after 9-00.

    | Sun 18 Aug 2024 18:29:37 #12 |
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    it's Vitamin D and Trog
    Vitamins and grog are a passtime.

    If you are new to the Aura then welcome to the world of it's eccentricities (politeness) and Humax denial
    The problem with the Com 5 mux is fairly recent with some reporting problems with live freezing, broken recordings, sound problems. And for me although I seem to be alone is the size of the subtitles has increased.
    Don't fiddle about with Aura or its settings but keep looking here to see if there has been a resolution.

    | Sun 18 Aug 2024 20:53:15 #13 |
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    VitaminD & Trog,

    My apologies. I blame autocorrect!
    I will certainly not be fiddling about with my Aura’s settings, and will keep an eye on this thread to see if the problem is subsequently resolved.

    | Sun 18 Aug 2024 21:39:12 #14 |
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    Reggles - 8 mins ago  » 
    VitaminD & Trog,
    My apologies. I blame autocorrect!
    I will certainly not be fiddling about with my Aura’s settings, and will keep an eye on this thread to see if the problem is subsequently resolved.

    If you get time please email Humax and tell them you have the issue, They only seem to get things done when enough people complain. Here is the address...

    | Sun 18 Aug 2024 21:52:01 #15 |

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